Saturday, February 18, 2017

Salivating Pirate Ryan

Democrats are worried about undue influence because Donald Trump only rubs elbows with rich people. I'm here to tell them to stop worrying. Stop worrying because you've already lost that one.

Allowing for occasional grandstanding to appease certain deranged religious and socially apocalyptic factions Donald has indicated with every appointment and edict that his is a rich person's show.

The only question is what he will do when different cliques of opportunists have competing interests but they are going to make and ass-load of money on our backs somehow as they always have done. 

It has only not been that way in a few glorious instances in history and we happened to witness one of them and understandably thought it was normal and got quaintly attached to having decent lives.

But the middle class is toast as is health care and Social Security and any hope of a sane distribution of income and pleasant retirement if the henchmen and their salivating pirate leader, Ryan, have their way.

Forget about a fair shake. Forget about conflicts of interest. Forget about anything other than increasing inequity and economic barbarism. Forget about it or it will only feel more terrible as it occurs.

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