Sunday, February 27, 2022

Wee Tucker

Wee Tucker Carlson has been pronounced dead by soul authorities. This means the bodily form showing up for work at Fox to create more corpses, of the undead variety or otherwise, is a zombie. Immediately the question arises, if someone were to shoot Tucker in the head, would this be murder? I say obviously not, since he is already dead in the ways that make someone human.

Let me be clear. I am only asking the question. This is entirely hypothetical and a matter of conjecture. But I think it follows, as it would as well for Donald Trump, notably. Among some parties this is called the Magnussen Solution when a patriotic, pro-civilization and anti-crime figure removes a deadly menace from circulation. Is this not a good thing? Entirely hypothetically, I mean?

I am only asking the question. But if someone, day in and out, is getting lots of people killed (and getting rewarded while doing it) because they have hacked the system and pose a threat to everyone and they are already certified soul-dead by mental health and religious authorities is it not only permissible but a moral imperative to remove them from the population? Hypothetically? 

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Putin Invades Ukraine in Triumph for Trump

Amazing. But this too, it appears, is all about Donald and the mythical stolen election.

Draft Dodger Expresses Admiration for Invasion

Draft-dodger, career criminal and incompetent buffoon Donald Trump is expressing admiration for Vladimir Putin's 'genius' move of spontaneously invading Ukraine, apparently thinking it is like a corporate takeover and ignoring that people are getting killed. But he was raised by his psycho father to be a killer so I guess it makes sense. 

Russians and Republicans Advance

Just as they did after 9/11 Republicans are using a deadly tragedy to advance their party's interests. There's no connection between international terrorism and tax cuts for the rich but that didn't stop them. The difference is they aren't in power now so they're using their friend and Trump homie Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine to try to undermine Biden's presidency in another sterling show of character.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

The Starr Report Retort

There they go again. Donald Trump whinging on about witches. Witch hunts, I guess. But he doesn't know what a real witch hunt looks like. Bill Clinton knows. 

I throw the Starr (witch hunt) investigation in their faces, created out of thin air by private, Mellon, money and unconnected to anything but a desire to get Clinton.

To kill Bill.  

Scheming Former President Advances Personal Interests

Donald Trump, whose only legislative achievement as president was a huge tax cut for the rich, is supporting oligarchy abroad as well by backing Vladimir Putin, whose side he has taken against the interests of average Russian citizens. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Inventing Inventing Anna

Listen to the black people on this one. I don't know shit about Shonda Rhimes--I don't watch network TV--but the way this show shakes out it's a mighty black take. Anna might have been a lying sack of shit and a conwoman but black people know the whole country and its economic system are built on lies. 

Whatever else she is or isn't, by rich-ass white standards Anna is an amateur. America is the biggest con and scam and Ponzi scheme and whatever else you want to throw in the world has ever seen. It's imbedded in the system. It is the system. White people play at one casino and everyone else at another one.

Especially the rich. We play at the loser casino. They play at the can't-lose. 

Behold Bush and Trump, lottery winners out of the gate. Incorrigibly worthless, useless, unintelligent and clueless people. Highly destructive in fact. Electing them president is a galactic self-own. Inventing Anna has a corrective black attitude. The black people portrayed in it are the ones to listen to. 

Granting, I only watched it because of Julia Garner. She is riveting. Her Anna isn't only inscrutable she spreads bullshit around like . . . well, like American 'conservatives' or financial whizzes or Republicans. By the time they get done you doubt what's in front of your eyes and with good reason. 

Nothing makes any fucking sense. Money rains down here. But not there. Not only do I not deny there are gifted, workaholic and highly intelligent people making oodles in competitive environments, in NYC, for example, I know it's true. But many have the skills of poker players and contribute nothing. 

They contribute nothing. They inhabit a system that has evolved, prejudicially, for their (inconceivably outsized) remuneration and nothing else. Nothing else. Fucking nothing. The top layer of American society is a country club. We pay the bills and tend the greens and screen shit out of the pool.

Inventing Anna is about intelligibility. And America is unintelligible. That explains a lot. That explains everything. Why nothing can be explained. Because NONE OF IT MAKES ANY FUCKING SENSE. And trying to make sense out of it will make you crazy. 

Monday, February 14, 2022

Life is for Lying

Life is for living, Anna Delvey or whoever she was says somewhere in the middle of this huge program about her, but her life was for lying. And other people were mostly nothing to her. Means to ends. 

I remember seeing clips of Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump being questioned as part of some investigation in small rooms and wondered how anybody could not see what pieces of shit they were. 

Moneyed pieces of shit. And that's what matters, as people are pointing out about Delvey or whatever her name is. She complains about men failing up. But, if she were regarded fairly, as a man would be? 

We'd say she was a piece of shit. And she said she wasn't respected because she was young. But she was plenty old enough to understand what she was doing. No juvenile detention for her. Grown-ass jail.

What a piece of garbage.

Death to Those Who Disrespect Trump

We can see it clearly now. In the next Trump administration disrespect will be punished with death. Donald as much as said so in commenting on Hillary Clinton and her (made up) supposed attempts to hack Trump's campaign. A hack would have been, apart from inconsequential, little more than a minor slight in the (criminal) world of Trump. 

Maybe he's pissed because they didn't go nuts to try to defeat him, assuming he would sink himself, and THAT was the slight. The attack was so meager. It was so half-hearted. It was so lame and pathetic, especially considering it didn't happen. Nothing is more lame than that. In any case, next time around there will be no mercy. Even if the crime was made up. 

Royal Ass-Powderer Seeks Redemption (and Employment)

Mike Pence is looking for a job. He claims to be redeemed but there's a new lord in town, one Pence already abandoned the passé Christ for, and Pence has hurt His feelings. Trump will not be trifled with. Jesus can put up with whatever He wants. But not Trump. 

Sunday, February 13, 2022

There's a Trucker Born Every Minute

Trump suckers are some of the worst. What's really terrible is sucker truckers. They'll block your roads and bridges for no reason. The Canadian truckers were respectful and restrained by American standards. The American ones will be armed with assault weapons and wear body armor. And there are more of every kind of idiot in America.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Trump Pronouns Must Be Capitalized!

In a new missive from Mar-a-Lago Trump has announced that all Pronouns referring to Him must be Capitalized. Those who do not accede will be punished by Death when He repairs to His rightful place as Lord and Master of the Universe. 

All are advised to err on the side of Caution in Capitalization because the Penalty is so severe and Herr Donald notoriously Fickle, Impatient and Unforgiving. I'm Capitalizing all modifiers, epithets and adjectives I apply to Trump trying not to get killed. 

And, throwing in some other stuff for effect. It is hard. One mistake and firing squad it is. Probably best not to write anything. No word yet on whether it applies to Ivanka and what's-his-ass Her incompetent husband. Remember, one mistake! 

Herr Donald will not be trifled with. Only he will reign supreme! Oh, no . . .

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Don't Fear the Reefer

I haven't craved a weed high in a long time but the stupendous insanity of Trumpist America makes me wonder if it might not help . . .

Shadows of Meaning

A post-truth world is a bad enough thing. A world without meaning is madness.  

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Enigma Variations

Think about how nice it can be not to have a conscience. No looking back or regrets. So, no guilt. No concerns about integrity or consistency. Instant forgetting. Making stuff up. Alternative facts.

If you understand that you understand Republicanism and how terrifying it is. 

Sunday, February 6, 2022

The Workingman's Undead

I can see how working people support Republicans based on what they say they believe in. I can't see how they can continue to support them when it's all so obviously a lie. 

Republicans are really good at lying, though. They are vampires, secretive and cunning and deadly, and the zombie doctrines they create are incredibly hard to kill. 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

A Posteriori

Republicans have a new standard of truth. Not from the horse's mouth but from Trump's ass. 

The Branch Floridians

Scanning the scene I used to see something recognizably political but now I see a cult. A good, old-fashioned, American apocalyptic cult. In this case not one predicting and expecting the end times and judgment day but a movement to bring it about. They accept a need for improvisation. Trump or DeSantis? Who cares as long as they get to see Jesus. Are they saved or damned?

Even on this all-important question it doesn't matter. They are that fatalistic. Because, whatever happens, it is God's will by definition, de facto and a priori. They are happy to play whatever role as long as the world ends. That means Jesus returns as he said he would and they are impatient to see him. Whatever the terms. They despise creation that much. They hate it. They think the flesh is a mess.