Saturday, December 30, 2023

So Help Me Bob

Was Bob Dole the last Republican presidential candidate who wasn't a rich fucker or privileged dick? I think so, but it's been a while since they coughed up anything but worthless, rich, unaccountable, low-character hucksters, liars, losers and, now, treasonous reactionaries who want only to establish a Shangri-La for the rich.

A Removable Feast

Average Americans didn't lose their quality of life by natural processes. It was taken away from them by a coalition of extremely rich people and the working people they baited with racist innuendo into voting themselves into impoverishment and powerlessness.

They deliberately ceded their power to the rich in order to maintain a relative state of privilege. Even that they won't get, the morons. They sold themselves down the river, into ensalvement, when all they wanted was to be loyal ass-kissers. But there's a surplus. 

Of ass-kissers. Apparently, this is what money and good fortune does to people. Turns them into morally bankrupt toadies and henchmen. Or people that want to be toadies and henchmen. Those are the lucky ones. The new mafia goons. At least they have a seat.

In the barns and outbuildings where the rich people feast. But most of them won't even get that. Only the most degraded get that. So there's a competition in degradation. And winners are absolute scum. Scum congressmen and a legion of lackeys.

Bitcoin Bonanza

Kenneth Chesebro used to be a Democrat. Before he became a demagogue. Or, a supporter of demagoguery, anyway, but there he is.

There it is.

This change apparently coincided with a minor bitcoin bonanza. He invested. He won the lottery, in a smallish way. Apparently it went to his head.

The next thing you know he's supporting Repucblicans and, ultimately, suborning the overthrow of the government and backing dictatorship. 

A totally normal trajectory for Republicans. 

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Human Sacrifice

We're no different. Civilization? What about the Holocaust and nukes? Now, that was human sacrifice. Not an occasional virgin chucked into a volcano, but senseless mass slaughter.

Were the gods appeased? I guess not. Because they're back at it. 

Sunday, December 24, 2023

She's in the Führerbunker Now

Demented mafia Trump slut Kellyanne Conway is proving to be one of those. A lost soul. With the Trump ship sinking it plays out -- who will stay with him until the end.

And at what cost? Some have jumped ship. 

Kellyanne's recent cheapshot/insult/deranged nonsense accusation had me thinking of her daughters. Who are not nuts and probably Democrats. Kellyanne didn't.

She didn't think how her slanderous mouth might affect her family, her relations with her daughters and her co-parenting. Führer before family. Führer before everything.

Before life itself. She's in the führerbunker now. Kellyanne is so wrong. Where you don't want to be, in the hole with Adolf, preparing for the last immolation.

I Can't Believe It's Not Bullshit!

Republicans are so buried in their bullshit even when some of them, like the Lincoln Project people, speak the truth in a particular instance I wonder if it doesn't serve the greater interests of bullshit. The bullshit hegemony they've established -- that is, their amazing, multi-generational reich of lies. 

We saw with Trump the lies have a life of their own. Liz Cheney now has hero status in some circles and that horrible imperialist wench is selling a shitload of her book (and presumably piling up cash) though she's eyeball deep in lies. Americans all are, courtesy of the wonderful Republican Party.

And I don't believe any of the nonsense that any of these people are really reformed. 

Friday, December 22, 2023

Comrade Trump Banned from Ballot

Comrade Trump has been banned from the ballot in Colorado because he's a traitor. If the Supreme Court doesn't screw it up. But they're also traitors. And all of the Republicans in Congress. What are we to make of it when the system has been overrun by people who want to destroy the system that allowed them the privilege of such power? I say that this can't be what the founders and originators of the thing foresaw as a possibility. But surely they couldn't have foreseen such scum would ever be empowered in a democracy. Oh, well. I guess we all did the best we could but it's over now.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Forever Is a Day

There's no down side to living every day to the fullest. In quiet ways, ideally, that don't involve a lot of consumption and such. Because that's part of the problem. 

Republicans are numbering our days. Who knows how many we have left. They want to destroy everything. End-times shit. Fire and flood. They think Jesus will come. 

The Time of His Life

Trump is having the time of his life. You think he gives a shit about the prosecutions? He loves it. All the attention. He wants the whole world to be centered on him. And he still won't be satisfied. It will never be enough. Nothing will ever be enough.

The Ring of Truth

What with AI and miniaturization I wonder if we can make a ring linked to a polygraph that we could have members of Congress wear. These would be networked and so capable of detecting systemic fraud, corruption, scams and sham. 

Punishment on detection would be immediate. I figure little razors inside the rings that would cut into the fingers, ultimately severing them if possible. Some people would soon run out of digits. I say we then go from digits to dicks.

It would be tested on Trump since he can't help himself, so development would be fast and the device quickly perfected. Donald will lose his dick but men have lost more for their country. This would be nothing but good in the end.

People will see we mean business. We would have a necklace in reserve in case there's another riot and insurrection. I mean, as Trump said, you know what they used to do to traitors. Trump seems to think he could kill petty criminals. 

So it's all good. 

America is for Assholes

America is now a playground for assholes. A protected place where Bushes and Trumps and such can play and be safe. But it's not pretend. It's not a video game or a cartoon. Bush and Trump got millions killed. 

And all of them back to Nixon. There are no consequences. As I said, it's a playground. Their parents bought them a country to play around with. With people. Among the toys are weapons, on up to nukes. 

A great country this is, that would put Trump in charge of weapons that can destroy the world. But, all in good fun, because there are no consequences. No time out. No discipline or penalties. That's America.


Do Kochs worry about their kids? Of course not. Their kids live in another world. An unimaginable world. A world centered on them. Kochs and such are so rich they can compete with the government, And win. 

The govenment is supposed to look our for everybody. The rich look out for themselves. So the rich set out to control the government. In a democracy that means destroy the govenment. And they did.

It has come to pass. Though not to completion. They're working on that. Controlling an entity with some autonomy is one thing. Taking it over completely, another. They are close. Your kids don't count.

Young people were always cannon fodder. Now they're cannon fodder in the culture wars, for which you don't need to sign up or get drafted. Just get born. They are farmed like livestock. For profit. 

And then what? 

We will find out. Americs's future has been mortgaged. The kids know it and feel helpless. Watching a vanishingly small group of rich fuckers destroy everything. Because they want more. Complete control.

The rape of nature goes on. Only that is saving the livestock. We are so rich we can afford to keep less profitable entities around. The rich bought up nursing homes, among everything else, 

They're making money on us until we die. It will all change. Especially for the young. For the old it's too late. The rich will have to keep the young powerless. Never owning a home. Less access to education. 

The rich must be slobbering themselves. They're so close now. Complete control. A Constitutinal Convention, their ultimate dream, is still possible. But they must control young people.

Why do you think they're after universities? Those are the last thing they don't control. We're very close. The libertarian dystopia the rich have always wanted, an unimaginably brutal place, is almost here. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

But We're the Good Guys

Exceptionalism is racism. Giving yourself a pass. Because you're special and the rules don't apply to you. 

Assorted Authoritarian Scum

Exceptions don't prove anything. Averages prove stuff. Where's the mean? This side of insane? Evangelicals we can generalize about, because they've generalized themselves. Sold their souls, achieving unanimity. Through utter submission. And not to God. Assuming God didn't create us as a race of slaves, degraded aggregations of arbitrary and uncontrollable impulses.  

Rich fuckers have mostly done the same. Shown us their hand. They don't give a fuck about anyone else and they're infinitely fucking greedy. 

But beyond that we have assorted authoritarian scum. Jumpers onto bandwagons. Lots of them drank the dope in the Reagan years. They went identity. They wanted to feel good about themselves, above all, and their greedy or sociopathic little ambitions and they got sucked in. Paul Ryan got sucked in. He built a life and living on wanting to screw his fellow citizens. On being an asshole.

It's a career choice. A way to make a living. No kidding. Stephen Miller? What's his résumé? Professional racist? In America you can get paid to be an asshole. 

Dictators Without Borders

Now, this is a more natural and stable thing, an international alliance of dictators. Based on the unstated agreement that somebody has to run shit and it might as well be me, since I'm willing to play dirtier than anyone else. It's therefore inevitable. Resistance is futile. You want to be on my good side because I am the law. And I will crush you if you resist me. 

They are the law. There are evil forces abroad. Say your prayers, people. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Your Shit is Being Shipped!

We aren't getting it. The consumer society has to end. How many tractor trailer loads of stuff going into landfills does an average American account for in a lifetime? This is insane. Tell me it isn't crazy. 

Tell me it doesn't assume an end-times. So it all makes sense. The party of 'drill, baby, drill' is controlled by people who believe in the apocalypse, who welcome the apocalypse and are trying to bring it about. 

Now does it make sense? 

If you want to see the world crash and burn who better than Donald Trump? And the new morbidly rich? Because they really don't give a fuck. They are the last ones you want running things. Welcome to hell.

Society for Destructive Anachronism

I think it's safe to rebrand the GOP at this point since they're unrecognizable as a lawfully functioning entity let alone as one deserving of respect, authority and control. They shouldn't be entrusted with anything. No power at all. 

I want to suggest we call them the SDA, or the Society for Destructive Anachronism. Interestingly, their meetups might resemble those of the Society for Creative Anachronism, where they whale away on one another with swords and shit. 

System Failure

Mitch McConnell hasn't had a brain freeze lately -- as far as we know -- but I want to talk about his soul. Or lack of one. Consider just how our system failed and McConnell stands out. Much was anticipated. Much, but not Mitch. The possible malfeasance and tyranny of a majority. The possible tyranny of a minority, presumably a less plausible thing and more easily protected against. 

But here we are.

There's no way to protect against a ruling caste led by pieces of shit like McConnell. All McConnell had to do was his duty. Impeach the traitor Trump. It was put to him and it would not have been hard. McConnell is the link that failed. The guy who wouldn't do his job. This is the Senate's function, to be a stabilizing force and protection against volatility, overreactions and outliers.

Alabama MItch is a traitor. too. He represents a foreign power, the Confederacy. He is doing his job, destroying the United States in retribution for the Civil War, Reconstruction and desegregation. See where Trump has ended up. At retribution. His only talent is cunning. Because he's a conman. A crook. A liar, a thief and a supreme piece of shit. More that anything an opportunist.

He read his base. They want to destroy. They are here to destroy. The opportunity is here. To kill off the country, so it can be reinvented and run by rogues like Trump on behalf of rednecks, racists and assorted authoritarian scum. Mitch was once a moderate. But then he realized how stupid Kentuckians were. And that he could get rich and screw them and they would still vote for him. 

The rest mad they say, is history.

Monday, December 11, 2023


A couple of people I know have commented on similarities between the Palestinians and Native Americans, saying they've been watching the Ken Burns series on Buffalo. I haven't seen it. A more powerful group wants your land. They want you gone. 

Which seems to happen, no matter what. You cooperate you lose. You fight you lose. But if you fight them you get killed as Native Americans did when they struck back. Like buffalo. The shoot you down. They shoot you down en masse. And it's your fault. 

I think we've got some Manifest Destiny going on in the Middle East. And the Palestinians know it.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Huckster Holidays Radio

I wonder what 'conservatives' and evangelicals listen to for Christmas. They seem to need such a steady diet of hate. Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. They never tire of it. If I hear a television on in a house in the middle of the day I always suspect Fox. Such a diet requires some inventiveness, to keep it fresh. They have a whole ecosystem of this shit. How much mileage can you get out of 'woke' and 'cancel culture' and the 'war on Christmas' other such fabrications? A lot, it turns out. 

More than the truth, it turns out. The truth is boring. Conspiracy theories are exciting. So, under the fixations mentioned above we have variations on the themes. All the little people think woke is coming for them. And woke came out of nowhere. Not really. It's a lie. A deliberate and calculated invention. Created and maintained by persons with agendas. Stuff they want. Money and power are always, among some of them. But listen to Trump. He's cunning, if sick and stupid. 

He's about retribution now. Trump is promising punishment. They want to hurt us. Remind yourself, it's all invented. It all came out of nowhere. Trump is huckster holidays radio, promoting hate in the season of love. Among Christians, mostly. The most venomous piece of shit ever is a huge hit among people who call themselves Christians. But that is to be determined. By God, if I remember my catechism. God and no one else. Except Trump, I guess. Providing justifications to hate. 

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Legislating from the Beach

The jury is in on our supreme jurists, that they are not fundamentally legal scholars but social and class warriors, which worlds have melded under MAGA. The super-rich will now endure any level of social stuff, like a flight back into the Middle Ages with the ignorance, illiteracy, persecution and superstition, to keep the financial advantages they enjoy afloat. And since part of extremism and being crazy, is a lack of perspective and restraint we are heading off a cliff. 

Complete control of every aspect of American life by nutcases is where we are going. The other goal of such maniacs and Bond villains in addition to world domination -- a reich spanning generations -- is less easily reachable but desired nonetheless because it affords a kind of immortality. Remember the Trump nuts with visions of a series of Trump children, Ivanka first, following Herr Donald into the presidency? Primal shit. Monarchical shit. Tudors and Stuarts and such. 

And killings. Lots of death is in the works. 

Cool kinds of gratuitous death. With this level of wealth and power there is really nowhere to go but down, a recipe for paranoia. Tech goons might envision being lords, and they are in a way and it might get codified and institutionalized under the Roberts Court, but that's precarious with lunatics like Trump running around. The Koch machine has backed Haley, though Trump was probably less of a loose cannon and more manipulable than they expected, first go-round.

We owe it all to the Supreme Court. Ivory Tower types they are not, but Winnebago Republicans, legislating from a context of immeasurable privilege, with the ultimate sinecure. They make the laws, they flout the laws. They aren't even ideologues. All of that, the 'originalist' nonsense, was a smoke screen and a scam and it's being abandoned now. They don't need it anymore. And we are in for it. They are determinedly attacking the last bastions that stand against them.

Such as the home of actual legal scholars and persons with respect for judicial standards -- academia. The Supremes are not rich by Silicon Valley standards. Those people wouldn't be caught dead in a Winnebago. They buy yachts. But our boys (and girl) are happy to serve them, as a bunch of sort-of game wardens, estate managers and lackeys. They are all-in on hierarchy. Big surprise all the ties to Catholicism. In their own way they are working class. Supremely working class.

Friday, December 8, 2023

The Inquisition

Republicans are on the attack. Their witch trials will succeed because it's not about the crime but about the prosecution. Or, persecution. They will only accept the outcome they want. Like terrorists they play the averages. Plant a bunch of bombs. Some will go off.

Their fixations are evident. Universities. Personal vendettas. Universities as power centers they don't control. Personal vendettas to wreck those who resist them and discourage further resistance. An Inquisitor and ardent Trumper is having her day in the sun. 

On conservative media. By badgering and hounding people until she gets what she wants, abusing her congressional power to do so. She badgered them into a corner and made them look bad. She wants is to win. And to be the judge. Because she can, an abuse of power. 

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Midnight in the Garden of Evil

All of the goodness has fled. Evil is victorious. 

The Passion of the Trump

Here's how a persecution complex plays out. The perp has some kind of personality problem and thinks people are out to get him. He attacks, thinking it's in self defense. Just like that we're at a critical juncture. Does the person fight back?

And, is the ground fertile for contagion? Is there insecurity in the land? Are there old grudges lying around? Usually individual instances of this, which abound, are absorbed into the system and never seen again. Not that there isn't harm.

There's loads of harm but no contagion. But if there is mass insecurity and groups about with festering grudges and lots of personality problems because the society has a 'soul sickness' it can catch on. We are there now. By intelligent design.

Republicans have made people more insecure and spread fear. Which they then exploit. Conspiracy theories flourish. And they think Trump is a savior, and that he's being persecuted. A wholly inverted, perverted, imaginary world. 

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

I Heart Hate

Republicans, being Christians and all, are offering hate and division this Christmas. Nothing but, it turns out. Trump is at the reins of his sleigh full of goodies. Insults, innuendo and invective are pouring forth. 

Trump for Resident

I've decided to renew my generous offer from the 2016 election, and early since Trump isn't officially the nominee yet, to allow him to remain in the country, retired. But since his destructive potential is now known, having been realized for a term, conditions must be imposed. Conditions on his residency.

He can stay but with loss of privileges. All those conferred on former presidents, to start, such as Secret-Service protections, travel allowances and pay. He must shut the fuck up. On jail time I'm flexible. Justice can't be realized. The torture that can exact it doesn't exist. There would need to be thousands of him. 

So I might allow him to roam free if other, sufficient restrictions are in place. 

Individual states shall be allowed to bar him from entry, including into their air-space, in line with federalist principles. His children may not run for office. They must also shut up. And Melania is never allowed to decorate any space for Christmas again within view of children and vulnerable populations. 

The rest can be worked out when the agreement is finalized and signed. 

Monday, December 4, 2023

The Last Noel

Let's say we are God's gift to the world, as some persons seem to think. And that the fate of said world and Christianity are tied to America's fate. Manifestly, we're the wealthiest and most fortunate country ever. Never matter how we got there, whether you believe the bullshit line that it's destiny and we deserved it or that we plundered a continent because we could and then moved onto the rest of the world because, well, we're God's gift and exceptional so fuck them. 

What does it all mean? That, in spite of our wealth and professions of moral excellence we are screwing even swathes of our own society in the name of a bogus literalist interpretation of the Bible now having spread into an 'originalist' take on the Constitution? And the closer we get to evangelical/libertarian Nirvana the more we approach a greater state of screwing. A convergence, I guess. Of interests or interpretations or, maybe, just old-fashioned power lust and puritanical sadism.

Yay! This means humanity is shit. That the better we do the worse we do. When we get power we abuse it. We abuse and kill our fellow humans for no reason. When we could feed everybody several times over we starve them. We imprison them. We make life more difficult for them for the hell of it. Speaking of hell, we tell them it's their fault when their lives suck and, by the way, they're actually going there. To hell. Literally. Because they deserve it and God intended it. 

So, there. And this charge is being led by evangelicals, though a bunch of Catholics are pretty implicated. This is the end, I believe. It was humanity's last chance to show we weren't shit. That we were decent. That we wouldn't destroy ourselves out of paranoia and stupidity. That we weren't either created shit or evolved into it, so at odds with ourselves we chose collective suicide. Enjoy the holiday season. It might be the last you have before the doom descends. 

Pox Americana

Lies. All lies. 

Influential, and now some educated, Republicans are saying we need to return to our roots as a Christian nation. White, they mean. And European and apparently preserving the prerogative of predation.

It's all bullshit. We were an Enlightenment country, to characterize it, and Christian incidentally. Anybody think the 'founding fathers' would have refused vaccines? And supported a goober like Trump? 

They had enough sense to fear the pox or any contagion. Now we are the pox. A spreading and morphing awful pestilence causing others to seek power, and a better standard of living through plundering.

Plundering something. The environment or another country or whatever. Way to go, America! The land of hard work (if only!) and ingenuity and self-sufficiency is now the land of pestilential living. 

Does Not Compute

From what I can tell the current AI is more a matter of computing power than something qualitatively different. Though maybe that much power is qualitatively different anyway, since it can tackle things impossible to do well before, and perhaps build on those which at least sounds like learning.

Things of this scale are by their nature inhuman. Incomprehensible. Potentially dehumanizing if not deliberately managed for the benefit of everyone. And who can do this but the government? Maybe that's scary but not as scary as the alternatives. But this shit is coming whether we want it or not. 

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Plucked from Obscurity

Here is where we think about Republicans who have rocketed into incredibly powerful positions on the express . Because they have important skills, like blind loyalty. Not to America, but to their party or a leader or themselves, acting out of ambition and greed. They must have no conscience. 

Recent Patrick Henry graduates, maybe. Those whose only experience is in fighting abortion, perhaps. Some of my favorites are among the Arkansas inbreds. Sarah Sanders comes to mind, lying her ass off for Jesus. And Hogan Gidley and Judd Deere. Funny names, some of these Christians have.

Not in the Bible, that I remember. The Prophet Hogan? Judson, patron saint of sodomites? Kayleigh? Where's that bitch in the Bible? But they know they are saved, presumably, as practicing Evangelicals. So they are their own saints. And since they persevere as such nothing matters.

 It doesn't matter how they behave. How many lies they tell or how many people they get killed. How they degrade themselves in the pursuit of power and judge their fellows who aren't saved. If they suffer enough maybe they'll find their way. Come to Jesus. Or by dying. It's all good. 

Watch Out

I foresee a day when society is even more polarized. Between watchers and the watched. Think of what Trump will be able to do in his second term to ferret out his enemies when he's reduced the NSA to a private surveillance army -- his private surveillance army -- to be used against anyone he chooses. 

And the NSA will have AI. I'm sure they do already. I bet AI can hack anything. Trump will make sure they have all the best shit and all the dirt. On his friends and supporters as well, we know, to keep them in line. Say hello to Don-Boy, Alexa. I know you're listening. No,  I didn't call him an ignorant fuckwad. 

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Santos, out of the Closet

George Santos is a typical Republican liar and grifter. He's just more open about it. Trump shows what they value, getting away with the grift. Firstly by hiding it. If that fails you go full mafia. Threats and deception and trying to overwhelm the authorities with lies and bullshit and coercion. 

Welcome to the new Republican Party, reborn in sin. Santos certainly showed exactly how much respect Republicans have for the American system of govenmment. About as much as Obamacare, which was passed fair and square. But that's never the end of it. 'Repeal and replace!'

Replace with what? There's no plan. They are the demolition team. Building stuff is not what they do. Too much trouble. They are here to tear it all down. 

So Many Assholes, So Little Crime

 Kissinger is dead. Long live the autocracy!

What does it mean for something to be a crime if there are no consequences? It doesn't mean shit. It means negative shit, because in encourages criminality.