Saturday, December 9, 2023

Legislating from the Beach

The jury is in on our supreme jurists, that they are not fundamentally legal scholars but social and class warriors, which worlds have melded under MAGA. The super-rich will now endure any level of social stuff, like a flight back into the Middle Ages with the ignorance, illiteracy, persecution and superstition, to keep the financial advantages they enjoy afloat. And since part of extremism and being crazy, is a lack of perspective and restraint we are heading off a cliff. 

Complete control of every aspect of American life by nutcases is where we are going. The other goal of such maniacs and Bond villains in addition to world domination -- a reich spanning generations -- is less easily reachable but desired nonetheless because it affords a kind of immortality. Remember the Trump nuts with visions of a series of Trump children, Ivanka first, following Herr Donald into the presidency? Primal shit. Monarchical shit. Tudors and Stuarts and such. 

And killings. Lots of death is in the works. 

Cool kinds of gratuitous death. With this level of wealth and power there is really nowhere to go but down, a recipe for paranoia. Tech goons might envision being lords, and they are in a way and it might get codified and institutionalized under the Roberts Court, but that's precarious with lunatics like Trump running around. The Koch machine has backed Haley, though Trump was probably less of a loose cannon and more manipulable than they expected, first go-round.

We owe it all to the Supreme Court. Ivory Tower types they are not, but Winnebago Republicans, legislating from a context of immeasurable privilege, with the ultimate sinecure. They make the laws, they flout the laws. They aren't even ideologues. All of that, the 'originalist' nonsense, was a smoke screen and a scam and it's being abandoned now. They don't need it anymore. And we are in for it. They are determinedly attacking the last bastions that stand against them.

Such as the home of actual legal scholars and persons with respect for judicial standards -- academia. The Supremes are not rich by Silicon Valley standards. Those people wouldn't be caught dead in a Winnebago. They buy yachts. But our boys (and girl) are happy to serve them, as a bunch of sort-of game wardens, estate managers and lackeys. They are all-in on hierarchy. Big surprise all the ties to Catholicism. In their own way they are working class. Supremely working class.

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