Sunday, February 28, 2021

Fox Abhors a Vacuum

Tucker Carlson is trending evil. When an evil vacuum is created at Fox, as happened when O'Reilly left in disgrace but rich as shit, it gets filled by another degraded fuck who trends downward until he reaches the lowest possible level. Then, at that sublimity of debasement, the evil equilibrium in which Fox normally operates is reestablished and conservative loonies everywhere can again enjoy their nightly infusion of hate. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Crush the Fucker

I don't care if it's good tactics. I don't care if it's impracticable or that it might inflame his followers. I want to see Donald Trump crushed and flattened, moaning on the ground or unconscious and then, after that, incarcerated, humiliated and despised.

He deserves it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

On the Oedipal Origins of Republicanism

Why is it these government-despising Republicans can't stay away from it? From its origins these kinds of "conservative" parties are comprised of people who want a leg-up or want to lock-in one they already have. Fine. But they get exclusive about it. 

They want to exclude us. There's that jealousy. And they want more of a leg-up than they're due. A charming and easy life. See how this ties in with racism? They want your life to be locked into a course of difficulty. Arbitrarily. Theirs to be a free ride.

They want a life as free from care as a child's. The government is that surrogate momma, the grantor and guarantor of privilege. It all comes down to privilege. They want something for nothing. And they want it forever, down through the generations. 

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Friday, February 19, 2021

Cut That Man a Medal

Among those who honor under-the-bus-throwing Ted Cruz has earned an encomium. His wife and girls are all wearing tire tracks . . .

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Out of the Depths He Cries to You, Oh Lord

Donald Trump thinks he's persecuted. He thinks he's persecuted because the whole world doesn't recognize him as its center. He thinks he's God. 

He is the void. People go to Trump to lose consciousness, personhood, their humanity, individuality and responsibility. It sounds trite but he's a disease. 

Trump is the false god and idol of the evangelicals who proves their Christian god was never real. Their god was a racist and deterministic invention.

Their god was always the projection of themselves. 

Puritanism and Addiction to Risk

Why would Trump, having inherited enough to be comfy forever, continue rolling the dice? Because, every time he comes out of it intact, he feels chosen again. Since he can't ever be reassured he's deserving, having the leg-up of the gods, the next best thing is to get his card stamped over and over in the capitalist revival tent. 

But it will never be sufficient. Necessary, maybe, to his psychic survival. Trump, unlike his evangelical followers, gets to be saved repeatedly when he acts recklessly and survives. In that sense he lives many lives. The Trump on the balcony after COVID is this Trump. Look at me. I am (the) chosen (one), by the hands of fate. 

Monday, February 15, 2021

What's My Lie?

Trump's "big lie" about the election has competition. I favor the more subtle ones for recognition. In particular, the disconnect between the drive to control everything and the ruse or delusion that they can, without responsibility. That lie plays out in accusations, like those about "antifa" and the ridiculous assertion that anything on the left compares to the crime cartel on the right.  

Republicans have controlled everything for forty years. Democrats are utterly defeated. Sometimes I think it would be better if Democrats left the field. Gave up entirely. Threw in the towel. Then the country could see what Republicans have in mind for us -- a monstrous "libertarian" dystopia. Then Republicans couldn't blame anyone else. They would anyway, I know. Worth trying, anyway.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Lost in Transition

Passing through four years of Trump takes a toll. I feel like one of the dogs you see that has had a bad encounter with a porcupine. Mr. Biden, pull the quills out, please. Not too fast. And not too slow. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

My Pillow Maniac

I don't begrudge anybody their existence. However, citizenship isn't a right without conditions. That right might not be revocable but some of the rights it confers are, such as the freedom to participate in a way that fundamentally threatens the system that protects those rights. Or, to directly deny the rights of others of similar legal standing. 

Our fellow citizens. Change that. Even non-citizens, when it comes to human rights.

What do we do with the My Pillow dude? He has a right to his opinions and their expression. He doesn't have the right to see those amplified in public. Nobody does. He's so crazy it wouldn't stop him if we ended anonymity on social media though that might not be a bad idea. Regulation. A society has a right to regulate the dissemination of lies. 

I'm not saying that decision is easy to implement. But somebody has to do it.