Sunday, March 31, 2019

Vote Republican!

There's no way Americans will make the kinds of changes they need to voluntarily. They are too spoiled, even the Democrats. It will take a collapse. It will take some kind of social upheaval and economic downturn or implosion.

Republicans are experts at this. They know how to obliterate everything. They are the wrecking crew. The sooner we get there the easier it will be. Therefore, I recommend voting for Republicans, the crazier the better. They will annihilate everything.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Scum Rising

Mick Mulvaney is turning out to be a really heroic piece of shit. He needs to be actively involved in persecution and the creation of suffering or he is unhappy and restless. Republicans have a knack for finding the worst person for a job--a hack, as in Iraq. 

It must be about a show of contempt and a display of power. I can think of no other reason. I think Republicans have put us on the Iraq plan now. That is what "creative destruction" will be like. Cherish every good day you have. They might be running out.

My Plan for National Renewal

When I become supreme ruler those who persecute others will be removed from the scene or otherwise disempowered--institutionalized, incarcerated, nationalized, defunded and/or redeployed. They will be unwilling washers of feet and aiders of the poor. Their trusts and inheritances will be dissolved. Their massive reserves will be drained. I don't want to have to support their sorry asses at the expense of the state any longer. 

We have had enough of that. They will pick up trash on the side of the road, if it is necessary. The skills of bullies and crooks are usually somewhat limited. They can't compete on a level field. My list is hierarchical. I will remove the most destructive elements first. Punishments will fit the crime. Religious conservatives will be forced to live like Christians, for a change. All they have will be given to the poor. I can't force them to FEEL love and Christian charity, but I can sure make them live like it.

Maybe they will glimpse the folly of their ways and be saved. The evangelicals and their ministers, especially the "prosperity gospel" heretics, will finally be forced to stop their pretentious claims to exclusive salvation and experience humility, both a precondition and result of true conversion. The financial criminals will lose all their money and be compelled to spend the rest of their lives working off their debt to society. Unlike them, I do not seek vengeance, retribution or unfair advantage.

It will all be done as humanely as possible, but they will have no choice. The racist southern white boys will serve black and brown people. Mnuchin, Cohn and their clan will clean bathrooms, at least for a while. They use them, don't they? I will not be needlessly mean. The goals are educational, compensatory, rehabilitative and reconstructive, not punitive, but their arrogance and sense of entitlement seem profound. It will take a lot to break through. They must see that other people actually matter. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Hate Cuisine

Welcome to the White House Restaurant and buffet. Help yourselves to a huge portion of hate. Hate appetizers. Hate entrees. Hate desserts and drinks. I know, it's a monotonous menu. But, trust me, you won't believe the way they dress it up. 

Much of it is unrecognizable. 

Hate Kamikaze

Quivering mass of moral gelatin Donnie Trump can't be coming up with some of the stuff he's trying to do. Someone is there egging him on. Someone is suggesting the latest vulnerable target in his assault on decency. But who? 

Inquiring minds want to know. 

Is it Miller? Mulvaney? The Heritage horror? I'll cry for you, Puerto Rico. Trump hates you, for some reason. And shed a tear for me, while we're at it. Trump's latest attack on the ACA, my only hope for health insurance, is gratuitous. 

He had already fought that fight well enough. Conservative attack dogs had gnawed their ACA bones with satisfaction, content with the level of vindictiveness. There were still Hispanic children to harangue and Muslims to malign. 

Maybe they are going for balance, an ideologically appropriate range and array of hate. More likely, they are simply greedy on the hate front, incapable of satiety. Even Donnie can be sacrificed. It might sabotage his reelection, but there's blood in the water.

American blood. Democrat blood. They crave more. Donnie is on a suicide mission now. He's a kamikaze of hate. Donnie's a drone. Who's at the controls, I want to know. Donnie is too stupid to be pulling the strings on this thing.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Vicious Moron

Many former members of Trump’s administration have noted that he is a moron. I appreciate this honest observation and insight, but note that it is incomplete and therefore misleading.

Someone without previous experience of Trump might be deceived. He is, in fact, a VICIOUS moron. With the addition of this single word the uninitiated will gain true understanding.

Vengeance is His

Poor Donald Trump. He’s always treated so unfairly. So MEAN. Like when the majority of the American people voted against him. What disrespect! How dare they! The nerve! So, THEY are guilty if he screws them. They brought it on themselves. Why should he represent those people, even if it’s his job?

And, if he screws a bunch of the folks who did vote for him, that’s okay. Executive privilege. Eyes on the prize. They will understand that they deserve it, or be too stupid to care. How dumb, to think they have rights. Their “rights” are the prerogative of Trump. He does what he wants. He is the supreme ruler.

A Time for Intimidation

Republicans are shifting back effortlessly from a relatively defensive posture to the normal default, intimidation and aggression.

The playbook is well-known, having been brought in from the American South, where it was briefly mothballed after the shock of desegregation.

Intimidation is in vogue again.


It's impossible to know, but the time of the greatest peril might be upon us. Events have reinforced the delusions of the rulers. No one has the power to stop it. Already vengeful people think their fears were justified. The hate is intensifying.

The weak had the temerity to fight back. Thus, they must be utterly crushed. They must be destroyed, disempowered and obliterated. That is what the government is there for, in the hands of Donald Trump, the destruction if its own citizens. 

Monday, March 25, 2019

Career Criminal Evades Prosecution

The RICO statutes were established for a reason. It was very hard to get at the figures in organized crime ultimately responsible for and benefiting from the criminal activity. The Mob had the institutional wisdom—the criminal know-how—to protect those at the top. Similarly with Trump.

Treasonous Trump Whore

I find myself wondering what the treasonous Trump whore, Kellyanne Conway, was doing during the Bush years. I will go look. 

I'm back. Conway's pedigree as a conservative nutball is pure. Her hand has been in many conservative pies, through the years. I wondered because she has been calling for the resignation of Adam Schiff for some innocent comment.

He accused their führer of malfeasance--by my standards, a simple observation.

This is to say, Kellyanne exhibits the notable conservative trait, a selectively weak stomach. And, to an extreme degree. Trump, the highest law enforcement officer in the land, can fire off threatening tweets at will. Not a problem.

Threats and bullying are their prerogative, thank you. Never mind that Republicans got over a million people killed through an illegal war. Never mind that tens of thousands of Americans were killed or maimed as well. 

Hillary's emails are more important. I guess it's reassuring, for the sake of the kids, that Kellyanne's husband seems to have vestiges of a conscience. Republicans only care about winning. Democrats are the new enemies of the state.

None of it has to make sense. Winning is everything. It's easy to win when you don't care how many people get killed. Witness the World Trade Center attack. Idiot Republicans took the bait, engaging a tribal war, the EXACT thing the country was intended to avoid. 

Republicans don't care how many lives are shattered or destroyed by them, and they get rich through it all. I think they call this treason, but, what do I know.

Hate-Fest Heats Up

The hate-fest is heating up. Hold onto your hats.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Potential Shortage Alert

To the extent he could wipe ass with dignity I thought James Baker did it. I give him credit for that. But he had practice. Junior's record of screwups was well known, the feckless idiot. Finally, in the Texas Rangers job, privilege alone was enough. They had found a business he couldn't implode.

From there he went on to other things, notably the presidency, in which role he trashed the entire world. The Cradle of Civilization will never be the same. Eden's garden is obliterated. He wrecked OUR nation's economy to such a degree Americans voted in a BLACK president figuring they could eventually blame it on him.

Well, Obama managed to avoid economic Armageddon and then went about trying to repair some of the other damage. Republicans sabotaged his efforts. 

Trump is another matter. His daddy is dead. Rookie ass-wipes are having to wing it. They are highly willing, however. Lindsey Graham never seemed very noble to me--another smarmy white boy in the McConnell vein--but watching him suck up to Trump is something. 

Republicans, supposedly representing a CONSERVATIVE party, are gathering en masse with boxes and bags of ass-wiping supplies. Readers, I am recommending you stockpile some today. The demand could be monumental, outstripping even that seen under Bush.

Bear in mind, these are amateur, relatively unpracticed people queueing up and volunteers. I am buying at Costco--commercial quantities--anticipating such a run it could possibly result in deforestation. My thoughts are with you. Stay secure, and keep the faith.

The Confederacy Moves in for the Kill

Watch in horror as the Confederacy marches on Washington for the kill. The long battle for the soul of America is ending. Racism and bigotry have won. Democracy, gasping for breath, is soon to expire.

Darkness falls on the nation. Desegregation was the final straw, the horrible Yankees forcing their values on the noble, superior South. Equal protection was never finally realized. Now it is in full retreat. 

My fellow Americans, those of you who believed in the dream and shared in the hope of a just and decent nation, it is over. We must accept our defeat and begin anew to try to restore democracy.

But, for now, the cause is lost. Say what you will, southerners have been unrelentingly loyal to their region's (failed) ethos of racial supremacy and minority rule. It was our responsibility to stop them.

Preserve, Protect and Defend

What? What? What?

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Holy Inversion, Batman!

Dumbass Donald thinks the American people hired him to be their boss. No, dumbass. The people aren’t your employees.

They are your bosses. You are the employee.

You aren’t paying them, they are paying you. They are the shareholders. You can’t legally take away their franchise. Oh, but watch him try.

Living a Limiting Case

Perspective is a bitch. It's why people so often see their own problems in others. Or, their own anything in others. I find it helpful to examine limiting cases. 

Snake handlers, for example. They are hardcore fatalists. I'm sure they vote for Mitch McConnell, if they vote, who then turns around and screws them.

I think they are sick fucks but it still helps us to see the lesser forms of fatalism around us, everywhere, by looking at the crazies. Point is, you don't want to live there.

But we are increasingly living limiting cases, in the age of Trump. Americans are accepting the inevitability of insanity. Some take way too much for granted.

They think there will never be a reckoning. Others don't care. Fuck it. Bring it on. They deliberately tempt fate. Pardon me, but jump off your own cliff.

Don't try to impose your fatalism on me. I believe in freedom. I believe we choose. We are closer to the brink than we think. The end is near. Don't handle snakes. 

Don't vote for Trump. Don't tempt fate. It might bite you in the ass. 

Friday, March 22, 2019

The Tactical Advantages of Treason

Who needs a Trojan Horse when you're already inside the walls? This is the Cheneyfeld doctrine of treason. Cheney realized a huge tactical advantage could be realized easily if you treat your fellow citizens like enemies. Always outflank them on the right. Fuck the consequences. Fuck the future.

"Keep America Safe."

Yeah, right. Fund the hell out of the military. Enrich yourselves--the hucksters, crooks and profiteers. Fuck everyone else. Fuck your fellow citizens. Democrats had no choice. Maintain a Republican military posture and try to fix the domestic damage. Untrash the economy. Provide for the common good.

It's why the government is there. 

But not for Republicans. The government is there to serve them. Winning is easy if you don't care about anything else. All it took was treason.

Don't Just Do It

Why do we default to activity? Isn't that a prejudice? Where has it gotten us? I think it's time to try respect. I think it's time to try restraint. I think it's time to think.

I Didn't Deserve Anything

I have been fortunate at times, and unfortunate. I didn't deserve any of it. It just happened. Responsible societies recognize how arbitrary this is and try to enable opportunity. Families do this, giving more help where needed. 

Fatalists will not do it. To them circumstances are a judgment from God. So, they condemn the unfortunate. They despise the weak. They exacerbate poverty and every kind of misery. They think it's the will of God, the sick fucks.

Republican Parasites Flock to Washington

Republican parasites sense their host is about to die. They flock in for the kill, to take what they can before the opportunity ends.

Fear=Unity, Unity=Victory, Victory=the Will of God

Therefore, fear is the will of God. Notice how Republicans love fear. This is their dialectical immaterialism, the inevitability of hate. It has no connection to reality. Reality shapes itself to their convictions. 

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Fall of the Republican Reich

The crusaders who defined the Republican reich had visions of permanent, absolute victory. Their opponents would be vanquished, humiliated and destroyed. All it took was treason. Their opponents were their fellow citizens.

They achieved complete domination and it wasn't that hard. In the market for souls there is always a known buyer. Now what? They never intended to rule, only to win, a slight oversight. Oh, well. We see their assumptions in Trump.

Someone else will always clean up the mess. Daddy will bail them out. There will never be accountability or consequences. A wise person wrote about the banality of evil. It looks like Newt Gingrich. It looks like Mitch McConnell.

It looks like Jeff Sessions. Let's not be sexist. It looks like Sarah Sanders. Evil is banal. Evil is born in mediocrity. Mediocre people have to cheat. They struggle to demonstrate their worth. There are never gracious or grateful. 

And they will never give up or grow up. Then they would have to face themselves. Can you blame them?

Means Become Ends

At one time disenfranchising Democrats seemed a means-to-an-end. Now it is its own end. The "ends" were realized—the complete cultural takeover of corporate crooks. We live in the early stages of the libertarian utopia they envisioned and it is an immiserating catastrophe. 

But it wasn't really a vision it was a primal drive for vengeance and domination. It's a tactic raised to a life-style, like terrorism. Republicans are influencers, promoting a racist, fascist fashion. It doesn't rise to the level of thought. All of the measures of social welfare are in decline. 

The results are in and we continue on the same path like the addicts we are. Compulsion is the rule. The creators of the calamity scramble now to avoid accountability. They can never let up, as people see the horror of their intent in its realization--brutality and failure.

The ends and means were always the same thing, a self-justifying scheme and a scam. All they can do now is to try to avoid exposure. To try to avoid responsibility. To try to avoid consequences for their crimes. They will destroy everything, including us, rather than face justice. 

Run for Your Lives

Trump is obviously a tool of the worst of the conservative hate machine that is destroying everything, an opportunistic, combative, improvisational president. He is a destroyer of decency because he fears accountability and justice. He’s compelled to attack and encourage chaos and injustice, the opposite of what he is supposed to do.

He’s the worst imaginable person in the role. Among my friends I have argued for decades that people weren’t seeing how bad it was--how crazy and determined the right-wing elements wer--but even I am surprised. Politically, this is life and death. It is life and death in actuality. Yet again Trump has brought up Obamacare, in relation to McCain.

The conservative crazies will never be satisfied. Poorer Americans are disempowered unto death, a vision of a country of utter brutality and hopelessness. Republicans are determined and Trump is their tool. Run for your lives. Or, run for office. Vote. Attack the hate machine. Show up. Act out. Have a voice. Elections matter. Elections can save lives.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Circularity and Cruelty

I will try to come clean. I've accused Republicans of circularity--arguing from conclusions. For example--cutting taxes on the rich. Republicans don't reason their way to this position. They start with it and find ways of justifying their conclusions. This is the work of hacks, as opposed to people with consciences, convictions, and fair and reasonable minds

Now is where I come clean. I think everybody does this, all the time--most people projecting their own drives and psychological makeup onto the world. The quality of that psychological makeup is the determining factor and Republicans are unrepentant assholes. These assholes project their anger and aggression onto others. Their systems are therefore sick.

Brutality, boom-and-bust economies, chronic warfare and economic exploitation are the result. Their intellectual constructs are self-negating. Their social constructs are self-negating. Everything about them is self-negating. People are capable of higher things than predation, but not Republicans. They are parasites and the party of exploitation.

Trump Comes Unglued; Republicans Scramble for Advantage

Democrats are more sad and appalled than anything, watching Trump come unglued under the demands of his office. Republicans strive to take advantage, abandoning the welfare of their country for partisan gain, mainly now serving only the interests of a minuscule fraction of America's wealthiest citizens. 

Monday, March 18, 2019

Cow Conservatives

"Red Meat" conservatives, in a surprising development, are turning out to be cows. They line THEMSELVES up for slaughter. Perhaps not so surprisingly, they are being led by a chicken.

There's a Sucker Born Every Second

Clearly, we need to revise the rates of sucker production upwards in the age of Trump. He is now flagrantly, aggressively screwing all the lower class people who voted for him. They urge him on and polls indicate they continue to support him.

Trump Day

I am reminded of the role of self-deflation in Irish humor and Irish life in general by Trump's typical debasing of another holiday, Trump being an inflationary gas bag of futile ego enhancement and self-serving aggrandizement taken to a place of mania. EVERYTHING is always about Trump, to Trump. It's impossible to imagine someone more self-centered and still able to function outside of an asylum. He has his money bubble.

There is currently no holiday honoring swine, celebrating selfishness enshrined as perfection and holiness. Trump Day would be appropriate and maybe useful, helping vent those antisocial, pathological urges and enabling us to live otherwise less like hopeless monsters of greed, persecutors of innocent citizens delusionally perceived as competitors, and destroyers of the world around us through compulsive consumption.

Criminality, Not Collusion

I actually doubt the Trump campaign engaged in formal collusion with Russia. It doesn’t matter. Collusion is a distraction. Trump’s presidency is an enormously illegal enterprise. Trump is a crook and a criminal.

He’s a traitor, attempting to use his office to intimidate opponents or anyone he wants, and to benefit enemies of the state for personal reasons, putting himself above everything. Trump belongs in jail. Trump must be stopped.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

He Ain't Heavy, He's My Banker

Carry that load...

Satan’s Mistress, False Witness

I love the naturalness and transparency of Sarah Sanders as she embraces her Satanism, revealing the falsity of her belief that our spiritual fate is determined by God with no ultimate choice on our part. Fundamentalists forget that Satan's only true tool is deceit, implying free will. Satan has no power to compel people to follow him.

Sarah believes she was chosen, evidently a hereditary trait. Her guard is down because self-scrutiny, principled living, adherence to doctrinal truth, and loving insight are unnecessary--the tools of heathen, apostates and the idiot Catholics who still think they can buy their way into heaven. Buying government and worldly power is a another matter. 

Sarah supports that. Anyway, here's to Sarah. She is a true wonder of obliviousness. She had a personal experience of God, a conveniently unprovable thing, but her behaviors betray her. That is the biblical standard--the fruit of the tree--but she is so enthralled and subservient to Satan she appears, in her demeanor, to be entirely innocent. 

Friday, March 15, 2019

What Were Once Vices Are Now Jobs

Americans need to begin to see how laughably corrupt their government is. The corruption is monumental and widespread. It is Homeric, epic and immeasurable. Washington is Sodom and Gomorrah and Babylon. The corruption is endemic, epidemic and contagious. It is inconceivable to the crooks that they will ever be caught or held accountable. 

Mueller has uncovered that they have forgotten how not to lie. They lie under oath. This is corruption with gusto. Manafort lied when he was certain to get caught. He contacted witnesses immediately upon release. He isn't dumb but the corruption is SO second nature. Mueller has already served his purpose. He shook the bushes and the birds flew out. 

They are easy targets. And the biggest target of all is something else, a fucking dirigible, a bloated gas bag of corruption with a combover and a leaky diaper, shitting its way across the sky. Time for some target practice. And, behold your government, Americans, in the gory glory of all its heinousness and self-assurance. For this you can thank Republicans.


I would be so grateful if Trump wouldn't behave like a piece of shit once in a while--give us a breather. But, be assured, it's part of the plan, to keep us always on our heels—demoralized, and aghast at his shittiness. Exhibited most recently is the budget abomination, a grotesque display of gratuitous, aspirational cruelty, fiscal insanity and classist aggression.

Bogan Trumpian Henchman Slaughters Innocents

Another child of the Third Reich, finding the wind in his sails of Trumpian extremism, boated over to New Zealand from Australia, playing Family to the multiple Mansons now observably active in the world. He was massively encouraged, no doubt, by the hate blasting out of America, the world's leader among developed countries in promoting violence and racism. America's seething anger is promulgated with the implausible but fortified deniability of practiced and hardened bigots.

The particulars are still preliminary but we know exactly where this shit originates, in the hatred spewing from our shores, reinforced and enhanced by the latent racism residing everywhere and newly empowered in the age of Trump.

Trump Births Budget From Hell

Let's insist on renaming Trump's budget for what it is. Death to America has an appropriate ring and is a perfect reflection of the budget's intent, and the budget's intentions are a perfect reflection of our worthless, fuckwad president.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Cycles of Immunity and Resistance

My father had the swine flu of 1918. He was three. They thought he was going to die. The (probably useless) pills he was being given were found in the sheets. He had been feigning swallowing them and then spitting them out when no one was looking. That early evidence of a willful, deceitful streak notwithstanding, he went on to lead a good life.

The 'healthy middle" suffered more in that outbreak. Children and older people were more likely to survive. This was due to some kind of acquired or inherited immunity. Their systems had seen enough of something just similar enough to that horrible virus to survive. I assume now that societies work the same way, avoiding a repeat of past calamities through lesser exposure, acquired immunity or inoculation. 

I thought we were inoculated against fascism by witnessing its horrors. I thought we were too wise and committed to our laws and traditions to betray our fundamental, founding ethos, that societies are there to enable, enhance, promote and ensure the well-being of ALL citizens. Our failure leading to Trump isn't a matter for analysis but for observation. 

We have failed. It is observable in the destruction of the middle class. It is observable in the closing off of opportunity to poor people. It is observable in the fights for fair taxation, healthcare, security in old age, and workers' rights. It is observable in the wholesale auction of government controls over large businesses and other interest groups to those with vested interests--pay-to-play government. 

Our overall failure is observable. We lacked immunity and resistance. It doesn't matter how right now. We are too sick. We have succumbed to a disease. We must accept the fact of the illness--not an easy task in an exceptionalist society--and fight to survive. We must fight to survive the Trump-Republican infection--a parasitic illness of disenfranchisement. 

That is our only hope. But we can't pretend we aren't sick anymore. How we got here might matter, but only if it helps us get better. Attack the disease. Attack Trump. It's a fight for survival now. Everything else comes later.

I Want Catharsis

What the hell, something good might as well come out of the tragedy of Trump, a purging of emotions. Donald as an enema. Aren't those suckers supposed to be disposable?

Bolton Bends Reality

John Bolton's views are consistent since his political awakening, according to him. He supported Goldwater as a pre-mustachioed adolescent. Bolton cites that as evidence. He never bought the liberal lies and libels of the 60s. America was only wrong when it failed in its destiny to dominate the world and impose its will since America stood for freedom. Period.

Forget about slavery and racial oppression. Forget monopolies and robber barons building empires not only on the backs of labor but also by declaring America's bounty of natural resources theirs alone to use and enjoy. Fixed ideas are hard to uproot. Bolton was born an authoritarian. Years ago my own respect for intellectual acuity was shaken. I saw how it could be the result of fear.

Nobody disputes that Bolton's brain works. But an active mind can result from fear because fear can drive a person. Bolton is driven to domination and control. Reality shapes itself to his biases and preconceptions. His "smarts" come from fear. But he is not in control of himself. He is a fear-puppet. The fears have a life of their own. And he's arrogant because he's weak.

Everything must be nailed to the ground, disarmed and dominated, a dilemma because then Bolton becomes a bigger target. We become a bigger target. Bolton becomes the only target but to him cooperation never produces good results. Bolton's decisions are all made for him by his fears. His boss, Trump, is an impulsive, incompetent, nasty and vicious child, needing regulation. 

On foreign affairs that hand is now Bolton's. He's the worst possible person-- a boom-and-bust, crash-and-burn authoritarian, the foreign policy version of the financial wise men who created the Great Recession with THEIR fixed ideas about tax reductions and deregulation. Sit back and watch the show. Republicans are about to explode everything. And, just say no--to nuance.

A Very American Scandal

The indignation dims. The feelings of outrage, astonishment and disgust grow old and wear off. Still, once in a while, it's important to recapture the pure and primal experience of the awareness of what a piece of shit Donald Trump really is, because it is the truth. 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Bush Baggage

I think America's Brahmins have succumbed to Bush baggage. Under Reagan they could reasonably fool themselves into thinking their hollow party doctrines had meaning beyond self-aggrandizement. Reagan largely refused to reward the southern lowlifes that elected him with prominent positions. 

Daddy Bush embraced his inner redneck. Lee Atwater became head of the RNC and infected the Republican Party with a treasonous, disenfranchising strain of cruelty and barbarism, using the tactics the southern racists had long employed against blacks against Democrats, to enormous long-term effect.

Bush Junior, an admirer of Atwater who cut his political teeth in the 1988 election and lacked any hint of character, himself a redneck at heart combining arrogance and stupidity, fully handed his administration over to hacks. He instituted failed, endless wars and destroyed the world economy with mindless deregulation. Conservatives continued to support him, including his massively irresponsible bankrupting of the government. 

The transition was complete. Conservative values meant nothing. Fiscal sanity was off the table. Winning meant everything. Republicans declared themselves against Barack Obama's presidency before he was in office and resisted him by any means as he tried to clean up the wreckage left by Junior.

Did Republicans care? Not one bit. Forward to Trump. A few holdouts mount half-assed attacks on Trump's unbelievable assault on the law and American values. Everyone else falls in line and defends him, no matter that he is obviously mentally impaired and ethically flawed beyond anything. 

Vampire L'état

Leech-in-Chief Donald Trump can't rest on his parasite laurels. Why is this? How many billions does the boy need? Of course, it's not about the money. It's about security. The blood-letting is intended to drain his victims of energy and the will to resist--possibly the will to live.

He must dominate the poor wretches and always keep them weak because he's a conman fearing a reckoning. He's a parasite. He's the ultimate "taker" and oral disaster, ingesting everything and then exploding out his anus. Acolytes are there to clean up the mess. He is rabidly, multifariously arrested. 

Different aspects of his personality are arrested at different stages, some before the phase of bowel regulation and toilet use. But he is proud of that output, mistaking it for creative endeavor and productivity. Then there's his infantile ego, subverted to his id and rooted in perpetual adolescence, at best.

That adolescent, delinquent pseudo-ego, representing frontal-lobe seizure and malformation, is his siloed psychology's greatest, perverted point of evolution. Trump is a vampire, head of a vampire state sucking the lifeblood out of the world. Hail to the Thief! Washington is otherwise infested with his ass-wipes, hangers-on and protectors.

Friday, March 8, 2019

I Capture the Mausoleum

When I first encountered the Dictionary of American Biography it was routinely known as the DAB and sarcastically as Dead American Boys. We had awakened to new sensibilities, as the sarcasm implied in ridiculing the catalog of the white men supposedly responsible for creating and doing everything.

Women and minorities were largely overlooked. But the living boys are worse than the dead ones. So much for progress. Republicans have us living in a death camp. White boys are leading us to ruin. They aren't dead but they are deadly. Corpses become them. Welcome to the mausoleum.

Dogs Lie When They're Sleeping

Sarah Sanders lies for a living. She would be fired if she told the truth. Her lies aren't innocent or tinged with good intentions. They are mind-altering malfeasances and self-serving bastardizations of reality.

Not that they are intentional. That's the sick thing. Southern Baptists are Satanists. They sold their souls for rationalized bigotry and racial supremacy generations ago. The lies are unconscious. They lie in their sleep.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

They Embraced Scumdom

Once in a while I rewatch or read something from my core list of shows and sources documenting the loss of our country and its fall into fascism, most recently Capitol Crimes, a Bill Moyers episode on the Abramoff affair, somewhat based on that worthy and prescient book The Wrecking Crew, by Thomas Frank. My memory never does the scumbags, there represented, justice. 

Speaking of justice, only Abramoff ever paid a price, and he not much of one. They should all be in jail. All of the members of the scumbag collective, who have deliberately corrupted our government and reduced it to rubble, should be in jail or deported. They embraced their scumdom and betrayed our country, especially Ralph Reed, who did it while claiming to be a righteous Christian:

Trump Compares Himself to McCarthy

Finally, a glimpse of truth from Trump. 

He accuses Democrats and Mueller of McCarthyism, aligning them with those who falsely accused the great patriot, McCarthy, of being a paranoid lunatic and an unstable idiot.

Wait, I'm sorry. Trump meant it the other way around, that DEMOCRATS are behaving like McCarthy, attacking our innocent, maligned and defenseless president and his inconceivably rich cohorts, the criminals who control the world.

Pity the poor billionaires. Trump, billionaire heir, defamer, and threatener of everyone who disagrees with him, is the victim, in his mind, and never the source of undue aggression.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Faith Alone vs. Good Works

When I moved to the South I was soon confronted with the continuing battle of the Reformation as fought in its rural reaches, by Southern Baptists obsessed with "faith alone" as a means to salvation, as opposed to the "good works" of the doomed, servile and superstitious Catholic idolators. 

Understand these attitudes as an adjunct to the oppression and persecution of black people--pure bigotry--and another straw man for southern racists to fight. Their fear and hatred require multiple targets, they so overflow. Now they are after Mexicans and Muslims.

Their "Christian" hearts explode with hate. That is their witness. 

They scour the world for targets. Catholics, of course, believe salvation is both personal and the result of a transformation of one's soul by grace. But Catholics believe it is a lifetime of work, never finally accomplished and so requiring commitment and discipline.

Southern Baptists believe you have a meltdown in a revival tent and nothing matters thereafter. They have encountered God like a guy in a bar. If they kill and enslave people it must be the will of God, de facto, since their salvation was certain and preordained.

Anyway, good works are about that discipline--having the principles, perseverance and determination to do what is right even when your heart isn't in it, as an offering to God, an expression of humility and an attempt to get back to a place of grace in spite of human weakness, imperfection and distraction.

Notice how humble Baptists are, presuming salvation and persecuting anyone who doesn't agree with them. I think they are working for the other guy. They think God is on their side. What kind of crazy people presume to know the mind of God? Apostates and losers. 

Monday, March 4, 2019

Conservative Hate Machine Awakes

Watch the conservative hate machine rise, retch and awaken, its joints creaking and its will moldy from too many years of the easy prey of cowardly Democrats. 

Voters were placated by cheap consumer goods--scraps--and their minds numbed by Fox News. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dates to fight back and speak the truth. 

The hate machine is after her.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Trump, Interrupted

Well, this is going to be interesting. The turd-fire known as Trump is turning out to be a hereditary criminal and con-man, verifying this trend in the Republican Party where it nestled within conservative breasts at a point stretching backwards in time longer than we thought. Trump enables us to see its defining traits more clearly. We can infer from Trump that conservatives were both more corrupt than we knew and corrupted sooner. 

For example, the snob-ass Yale and Ivy-League contingent, typified by Bill Buckley and George Will, has been confoundingly good at masking their evil motives, despicable means, boundless greed, fecklessness, and fundamental treachery with superiority and smugness.

Now they can be seen in the full glory of their sinister, single-minded destruction of American opportunity. Evangelical Christians are similarly exposed as unimaginable, nativist throwbacks, racists and devil worshippers, having so sold their souls their humanity is simply gone. We see these things in their continuing support for Trump, whose private yacht, the Executive Branch, a travesty of corruption of Arabian aspect, is taking on water.

Let's sink the fucker. I will relish watching it go down, lights ablaze, with all the decadence and hideous depravity still visible on the decks, a frat party for the infidels, their human development hopelessly arrested and interrupted at that adolescent stage.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Hannity Kisses Trump's Ass

Professional ass-kisser and boot-licker Sean Hannity is coming out hard in defense of Trump. Does it occur to him that Michael Cohen is more likely to have lied to him, Hannity, than to Congress, under oath?

Who knows. He is a lost soul, degraded beyond saving or respect.