Friday, March 31, 2023

Trump Agonistes

Make no mistake, drama queen Trump is going to love being under indictment, being arraigned and then being tried however it plays out. The world is finally conforming to his internal reality. He is at the center of everything again, now undeniably with people coming after him, never mind that he caused it, deserves it, and should have had his plug pulled decades ago. The man's infantile egotism is incomprehensible. 

The Colossus of Rude

With Trump things can only get worse. It's a character thing, which is interesting because conservatives are supposed to be into character, as in virtue, and they love Trump and he's a piece of shit. 

And now we have an indictment. Which I'm not so thrilled about because it doesn't get at Murdoch or Koch or the rich fuckers behind the scenes, the assholes who are destroying us and don't care at all. 

But I guess the Trump drama will be entertaining because he's going to go full tragic opera fat lady cum histrionics wailing his head off and attacking everyone in sight with heavy verbal artillery.

He'll be a colossus of rude.

Mad Englishmen and Their Dogs

I think the English perfected imperialism, colonizing even themselves. They turned their lower classes into willing dupes and enablers of their own screwing and lower status, training them like dogs.

Now we can see the American, purportedly anti-imperial, attitude for what it was -- eliminating the competition. Because America is a huge empire, an extension or replacement of the English. 

With all that follows, dragging the world along for their purported benefit into the fate of being mined. It's for your own good! You can be like us! No one should want to be. Americans were suckers.

Carrying the flag of empire -- the new English empire. 

The traditions of looting and unsustainable living thereby continue. America wants everyone on their model, after hazing and initiation in the rites of plunder. By being plundered first, that is.

And subjugated by wankers . . . 

This is a scam -- multilevel marketing at a colossal scale. And not necessarily doomed to fail but certainly destined to end in a horrible, brutal, inhumane and stratified mess of inequality and exploitation. 

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Lab Leak

I think it originated in a lab. Because it's too far removed from its natural antecedents. Someone had to have been manipulating it.

I'm referring of course to the outbreak of right-wing insanity that has killed so many people and saturated and contaminated the airwaves.

Yes, it's spread through the air. The origins are Koch-funded and related 'libertarian' institutions. Even those have no control over it now.

Franken-president Trump frightened them, initially. But they have so corrupted the government that swamp made him its creature

However indigestible he was.

Converted him. And it goes on worse than ever, an apparently unstoppable contagion. When you encounter a 'think tank' be suspicious.

One with 'freedom' in its name? Be alarmed. These are the tools of the antidemocratic ultra rich. Their stealthy reach is everywhere. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Jesus Trump Superstar

There will be music. Worship services, homage and prayers. The incense of burning cities. The sacrifice of children in schools, the Lord's Supper, Republican style. 

It's the South, Stupid

Don't say we didn't know how our country got destroyed. It got destroyed by the Confederacy. If it looks like treason there's a reason. They were always traitors.
The Confederacy has risen again. The stench is everywhere. They didn't come to govern. They came to destroy. Don't look for the moment. It already happened.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Evil Kraut's Kept Man Killed

Peter Thiel's cabana boy, or whatever he was, has died. Surely this should be looked into. But Thiel's a vicious rich asshole so nothing will happen. Because he might gawker them. Which is way worse than being borked. Borking is about justice and accountability. Being gawkered is about intimidation and revenge. And, fuck me, I wouldn't take a chance on that. American billionaires are as good as gods. 

No McCarthy Moment

There will be no McCarthy moment with the current crop of Republicans. The crazies have reached critical mass. 

Unrepentant, Treasonous, Degraded, Loser MAGA Scum

Pardon that title but I'm trying to capture the true nature of Congressional Republicans by balancing a desire for impact, inclusiveness and descriptive nuance against length, knowing that at some point a string of epithets works against you. The people are themselves so extreme it makes it hard. So degraded. So utterly without standards, conscience or compunction. Possessed of such groveling obsequiousness. Such slavish devotion to corruption. Such bottomless resentment, sniveling sensitivity and shamelessness.

Damn, here I go again. It really is hard. I'm practicing on you. I hope you don't mind. 

The Amazing, Ass-Kissing Scots-Irish

Someday the story will be written. Of the fall of America. The Scots-Irish must get their due, with their incredible perfection of servility and belligerence -- the highest order of ass-kissing and instinctive, reflexive combativeness. Which override any claim to intelligence. They are against it.

As men of action. Trump toadies and henchmen. Brownshirts, traitors and thugs. War criminals and cowards. How can they be cowards, when they're in the front of every fight? Because they can't face life. They have to override their fears with ignorance, and have a master to reassure them. 

Some posh, rich scum they can bow down to like Trump or the English lords who planted them in Ireland to nail down another bit of turf for the crown. There they became hardened and practiced bigots. The nasty guard dogs of empire. Human, but not. Unimaginably degraded. MAGA men.

In America they became the cannon fodder of the culture wars. The bigots who would never give up. They took it up the ass from the Yankees and never stopped fighting, and cheating, since they couldn't win fairly. Notice none are on the Supreme Court. Too stupid. They farm it out to Catholics. 

Who have their own story of degradation and shame to tell. But that's another chapter.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Hate Tornado

A Mississippi weatherman offered a quick prayer as a community was about to get clobbered by a tornado but I'm confused. Doesn't Jesus make the weather and isn't climate change a hoax? And isn't having the government come to help in any form and at any time the worst thing that can happen? 

As the sainted Ronnie said? So refuse Biden's aid and help.

Lots of thoughts and prayers, like when a school gets shot to pieces. The hate tornado coming out of the southern churches and their beloved MAGA movement is under their control. They can stop it, unlike a storm. Tomorrow. Now. Soon, anyway, by not voting for hate. They can demand justice. 

For everybody. And this side of the afterlife, you stupid shits. 

Support Our Tropes!

Trump is back. And with him the decline of everything. His followers want simplicity. Easy answers and comforting lies. Black and white. 

With them or against. And they are patriots. Being against them is treason. Take that for simplicity. And you know what they used to do to traitors . . . 

Hate and blame, it's a political movement for losers. Fearful people. So we have endless cheapshots, soundbites, stereotypes and clichés.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

The School of Rocket Science

Let's say it is that hard. To keep from spontaneously running a country into the ground, for example. Without provocation or coercion. You just fucking do it from . . . what have you kind of perversion. Carelessness or childhood trauma or an implacable need to stir shit up. Whatever. 

And, wouldn't you know it, the people who want to teach civic virtue have their hearts in all the wrong places. The DeSantis crowd, who can't get over obsessing about other people's behaviors and morality, like good little puritans. Their moral superiority is assumed because it is assured. 

They are going to heaven. 

Their blameless souls have been set right with God, they say. Apparently it is too hard for a lot of Americans to behave themselves and not force their fellow citizens into a fucking feud. Over nothing. Over their fears and the delusions which have apparently taken over their minds. 

Let's Leave It at That

There should be a leftie version of Tucker Carlson's annoying habit of simultaneously suggesting something and denying he's doing it. He puts it out for the lunatic fringe to latch onto while distancing himself. 'Oh, I didn't mean for somebody to go out and shoot him' after saying how much better off the world would be without him and after someone does exactly that. 

Which of course applies to Tucker himself, that the world would be immeasurably better off without him, I'm just saying, so don't go out and shoot him but my God he's a traitor and hates America and lies and is destroying the country and the world would in fact be so much better off without him. I wish somebody would shoot his sorry ass. Sorry, that just slipped out. 

Anyway, the liberal version will of course be lighter, less vicious, and with more in the way of irony and innuendo in keeping with the known and increasing trend of the political parties breaking along educational attainment lines except for the rich fuckers who vote Republican. Tucker spells it all out for them knowing his listeners to be stupid and mostly basically morons.

But we can get by with less. More subtlety. I'm thinking of 'Let's Leave It at That' as the shtick, implying there's more to be said, but let's leave it at that.

Dude Descending a Staircase

I've argued before, Donald should be made a dame. He aspires to royalty -- being declared better by blood -- but he's such a whiner, a princess, and a drama queen or debutante. I say dame. Maybe he envied the beauty contestant candidates he once inappropriately barged in on all the finery and fuss. 

Who knows.

But I think we're owed a staircase, at least. He's running again! Another escalator entry or grand descent is needed! Ideally in a dress. Donald in drag. He's got the do. That should light up the radical web and DeSantisland which is what it's about anyway, right? Attention and money-making and drama.  

Who will present him? Mitch? Donald's the Republican gift to the world. The most inappropriate person possible for the job which he had and aspires to again. An ornament, he is. To waste and privilege. Waste is the surest sign you've made it. Doll him up like a southern belle. Showcase his uselessness.

Picture him eating a donut and ogling the window at Tiffany's, after a night on the town out grifting. Under all the makeup is this ruthlessness. Nothing but ruthlessness and ambition. Still. Because he knows he hasn't made it. Because he's an ass. Somewhere in his brainstem he knows he's an ass. 

Thursday, March 23, 2023

More to the Point

I say we call non-renewable natural resources irreplaceable. It's more to the point. 

Among the Rights of the Unborn

Wouldn't those include not inheriting a planet that's been pillaged of its resources? 

Send the Murdochs to Russia

If anyone can incapacitate a country it's Rupert Murdoch. I know Russia is different bu he'll find a way. In any case we'll be rid of him. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Peter Pan Principle with Generational Implications

I want to recall for a younger generation a phenomenon they might have missed, the Peter Pan Principle, which combines the Peter Principle and the Peter Pan Syndrome or Puer Aeternus, that of a boy who never grows up. The Peter Principle posited that people get promoted until they arrive at something they suck at. Combining these you get people promoted for their incompetence -- because they're incompetent. So, there's an element of the Theory of the Leisure Class thrown in, where there's value in exhibiting how much damage you can incur -- usually in money wasted -- and carry on. 

Conspicuous consumption taken to the level of conspicuous waste. This can happen in succeeding generations in wealthy societies where certain children are incomprehensibly spoiled and the society can afford to support extraordinary levels of delusion and sustain major damage and get away with it, at least for a while. Trump and Bush come to mind, especially with the spectacle of Trump's arrestedness beginning to take on new meaning and revisiting Bush's play date with destiny, the Iraq War. They were bought a country to play with and they trashed it. Now, where do we go from here?

Bush was the eternal frat boy, Trump a perpetual infant and bawling brat at that. We're in uncharted waters since further regression would imply a return to the womb, but I bring this up so you can keep an eye out, since none of us really knows what that perspective might entail beyond a loss of consciousness in the usual sense. Moreover, evangelicals appear to want not the gestational state but pre-gestational since they desire to be only a soul again, which they suppose preexisted with God in perfection in an incorporeal state so it kind of boggles the mind but warrants watching. And good luck to us all. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

We Are Fucked on All These Fronts

Good faith in government is a huge thing to lose. For so many of the problems we have, like free speech on campus, there's no substitute for a consensus reflecting an intact social contract. With individuals making informed decisions based on shared values. 

Consider the judiciary. There a willingness to even recognize the element of fair play and inclusion is apparently lost to utter politicization, polarization and a drive to win. We can't have justice because Republicans killed the consensus. Thanks, assholes. 


I'm trying to make 'grudge' into an acronym and asking for your help. An acronym reflecting the grudge holders running the county. The Republicans who hate America and run for office or try to get into positions where they can sabotage and kill off the country. Because they hate it.

First and foremost most obviously we have the Confederacy. Confederates hate America because it kicked their asses in a war. This is group A. Secondly we have rich assholes who are stuck in adolescence and want to destroy anyone who tells them they can't be the biggest pigs imaginable forever.

Think on that one. Some of it is well concealed. They are so rich only the government can possibly constrain them. This is force B. Together with the Confederates they comprise the core coalition of nation destroyers. Then there are the lesser groups and opportunists. Lesser saboteurs.

Mitt Romney, for example. I know he doesn't look the vandal but he's a Mormon. Mormons have a more legitimate gripe than most, the government having at best not protected them from persecution, at worst abetting it. America was home to many groups of religious weirdos.

Mormons should have been tolerated as well. But it's time for them to grow the fuck up and vote like responsible citizens and not persecute other groups who are not only less weird than them but also don't choose it, like gay people. Then there are hangers on and the inexplicables.

Like Catholics. Apparently it's a blind love of authority in their case and a desire to be prototypically and stereotypically patriotic Americans. They're still fighting the accusations circled against Kennedy over his Catholicism and channeling lunatics like Pat Buchanan and Bill Buckley. 

Lastly I guess I'll mention losers generally. Theirs is a personal grudge. They came out of the woodwork with Trump, the king of the losers. Losers will always be with us but their numbers can be lessened. By Democrats because Democrats want to take care of people. An irony, I believe. 

Making America Groan Again

We're being forced to watch Trump take a shit again. He's arrested the other side of toilet training, mistakes pooping for productivity and wants everyone to admire him for it. But it's just shit. And the MAGA folk line up to wipe his ass and marvel over his turds.

Monday, March 20, 2023

The Death of Decency

Decency didn't go down in a plane crash. We can't date it that way. Still, we watched it happen. Newt Gingrich and others emerged from the rubble of destruction with smiles on their faces and matches in their hands, proud of what they had done. Not so proud they would admit its true nature, that it amounted to a coup if they even understood that, but they were working on instinct. Some deeper, surreptitious drive. 

Maybe conservatives see Newt like Chuck Yeager walking away from the wreckage of his crashed plane, a noble failure in governance. But Newt flew it into the gound deliberately. Honest dealers don't engage in vandalism and sabotage. And Newt is no Chuck Yeager. Not in any respect. Or a Sam Shepard, even, able to act the part. He's a piece of shit, romanticizing himself as something he isn't. A decent human being. 

Newt lives in a fantasy world in which he's a hero. He's only a destroyer. And tearing stuff down is the easiest thing to do. Furthermore, his ways were contagious. Low character individuals were drawn to the movement. Drawn to the destruction, which feels like power to them. They like the feeling. They like it, as weak people are wont to. It goes on now, many years later. And decency is dead. RIP, decency. 

Rationalizing Minority Rule

I follow a few avowedly conservative sites so you don't have to and can report that conservatism is either about minority rule or justifying minority rule. Minority rule is not an unreasonable idea. Responsible conservatives would argue for it openly. I recall reading a book by a Catholic priest in which he said the point, in both individuals and the society, is to have the higher things rule the lower. If it takes minority rule to accomplish this I might be for it. 

Then there are the surreptitious social warriors who don't support minority rule openly but lie about it. That it's not what it appears to be or it's necessary in the circumstances or we won fuck you the standards don't apply. You have to ask why we end up with the liars. Always the liars. Even Orbán and his like are liars and they're pretty frank about it. Because in these cases it's not about minority rule as a means to responsible governance but authoritarianism.

Suppression, bigotry and exploitation. In the States of course the Constitution appears to be against it, even an accountable version. But, of couse, their response to this is fuck that. A power grab. They dress it up all nice in the sites I read since they're not for owning their racist and fascist roots but it all comes down to domination. Non-representative government, which isn't precluded by minority rule in my opinion. But it requires submission. Deference.

Maybe delegation. People can recognize their weaknesses in such a way that they choose to hand over operations to some duly constituted authority that is bound by higher standards. What's truly bizarre, of course, and perverse to boot, is that conservatives seem to end up consistently supporting lower standards or obliterating them aldtogether in a mass of lies and confusion. A reign of unintelligibility so they can plunder with impunity. Or delegate the plunder.

Thereby living well without having to do the dirty work. As in the USA where an enforcer class is emerging of thugs, brutes and bouncers. And citizens are lining up for this so it makes minority rule seem to have a circularity problem. That it's inherently unstable and destructive. Maybe as all forms of government. We might have to wait for a new regime or dominant species or planet to solve that one. The evidence is we aren't even in the ballpark. 

That we'll destroy ourselves completely needlessly, led by people calling themselves conservatives who haven't seen the daylight of truth for decades. 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

The Employer Strikes Back

Other tycoons felt envy for Musk when he ravaged Twitter's workforce. We're told this -- a certain tolerance for ruthlessness -- is the price we pay for efficiency. But whatever good comes of it accrues to the already rich, before we even get into how some costs are socialized. 

The environmental damage and the depletion of natural resources, for example. Cheap shit is what we get. But 'cheap' is relative, and decades of irresponsible living are catching us up. And the cheap shit has crossed the line into a diseconomy, the buying of stuff out of habit or compulsion. 

Consumerism that isn't making us happy. It's making us miserable.

We got scammed. And a scammer king became president -- not the first, but a more flagrant one. It goes on because the dupes -- a crook's 'marks,' as they're called -- are invested in denial. Wouldn't you be, after decades as suckers? And the rich aren't satisfied. Still. And they never will be. 

Hence his fellow technocrats envy Musk his private heaven of unchecked power.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Chicago Schooled

I wrote a paper in graduate school in economics years ago claiming, essentially, Milton Friedman was a dualist -- that he viewed the world in relation to his 'theory' and not the other way around. This is an analog to Calvinism in that it doesn't want to see the purity of a higher, immaterial realm sullied by reality. And Friedman claimed to be an empiricist. 

Pshaw! In reality he was an arrogant prick who looked down on the lesser beings who were denied access to his Shangri La of economic perfection and bliss by their ignorance and lack of intelligence. I was the real empiricist, observing that Friedman was a smug asshole and going from there, though it worked out for me theoretically, I think. 

Anyway, we have many more data points now, meaning right wing assholes and spurious academics clinging to their precious ideas that reside in a place of utter perfection like those Calvinist souls that preexisted in purity with God and long for nothing but to return there. Which is to say, to die. Have at it! 

I mean, people die and shit and rot in the ground and look like a cow on the inside and stuff. Yuck! Milton no doubt ascended to somewhere to rub elbows with other higher beings. The thing is, this all begins with contempt. Contempt and insecurity and suspicions of superiority that can never be verified relating to access to those higher realms of thought. 

Access to perfection.

But you see the problem here. They are stuck in that fucking body with the rest of us waiting for Cheryl Tiegs to realize she is in love with them. Does this sound familiar? Notice this leads to chronic dissatisfaction with life and impatience with all the dolts they are forced to live with, non-Nobel Prize winners and other riffraff. Irrational economic actors.

Oh, fucking double-yuck!

Unattractive people. And, when I ask if it sounds familiar, does Musk come to mind? Or another of these life-loathing technocrats who rule the world? And they have joined forces with -- wait, guess who -- envangelical Christians! Retrograde Calvinists. Beautiful! Wonderful! What a great thing, to have people in charge who absolutely loathe life. 

Great idea! Who came up with this? Shouldn't they get a Nobel Prize or something? So, you see, they are left to cling to unverifiable hypotheses. Their theories reside right in there in the same compartment with that belief in their superiority and Cheryl Tiegs needing to come to her senses. Hope on, delusional boys. But leave us the hell out of it!

Friday, March 17, 2023

Live and Let Lie

I think we've gone on long enough hoping the Republican lie factory would be self-limiting or collapse under the weight of its own bullshit. It must be destroyed. But the cunning fuckers have added safeguards along the way, like loading up the Supreme Court with conservative flunkies and political hacks, and misconstruing all kinds of laws and conventions. 

Spin, I think it's called. First on the list of targets of course is Fox News. How can we take their asses out? Democracy or Fox, that is the question. It appears we can't have both. 

My Life in a Jar

Capital is human preserves. 

Your life in a jar. In a pantry. This is not all bad, depending on who has access to the pantry. Rightfully, of course, it should be those who created the value. The surplus. With an element of need in the mix. But not a Mnuchin or another financial manipulator.

We know how that goes, has gone, after decades of Republican chicanery, subverting democracy for the benefit of the haves. Resources, that ill-used endowment, comprise another side of capital. On which we all have a claim. Guarantees of that aren't a gift.

They are a right. That we should assert. But the pantry overflows and is out of our control. An everything has a shelf life. If it's not a rock. Even rocks, if you go out far enough. Too far out to feed your children, for sure. The time to assert those rights is now.

Because everyone has the right to a share. An unprejudiced shot at a decent life. Against the interests of the world's Mnuchins and money launderers, ravagers and pricks, perhaps, but fuck them. The prevailing levels of inequity are unacceptable and inhumane. 

Thursday, March 16, 2023

The Asshole Industrial Complex

One begins an exploration of the Asshole Industrial Complex with examples. Jim Jordan comes to mind for me. It might be someone else for you but it can't be any old asshole. It has to be someone who is a product of the asshole production system and who serves it. Ron DeSantis's assholedom, as superb as it is, is privately held and controlled by him which makes it less degrading. A submissive asshole is more of an asshole. You can see how I came to rest on Jordan. He's so good at it.

He grovels and looks down at you at the same time, though it doesn't produce the effect he wants, engagement at his level. Only irritation or pity. That is, as long as one doesn't lose their shit and go there, which can be hard not to do. Assholes normally induce contempt. And sadness at the loss of a soul. Those without the predisposition can act the asshole but it's not recommended. Because it infests those who are susceptible and erodes their humanity. Jordan's has been reduced to a residue. 

Really nothing left. You wonder if the wrestling is related in his case. An honorable sport in honorable hands but you can see how a certain kind of person with a craving for degradation might be drawn to it. Just add mud. Which he basically has. Anyway, Trump of course brought assholes out of the woodwork and closet. We face an epidemic and it's an end-stage thing, being parasitic. It can't go on. Like the massive inequality and structural injustice we face it's hard to reverse. 

The cure is humanity. Decency. Assholes will always be with us. But it's insane to empower them. As an official complex its reversal, however, requires collective action. Simple humanity as a political, social and economic force. The education and enlightenment among those who resist assholedom occurs at an individual level, creating an understanding of the immense power assholes have when aggregated. The asshole agenda can only be thwarted through organized resistance.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Frankly, They Don't Give a Damn

All this analysis and criticism of Republicans and their undemocratic ways is a huge waste. Because they don't give a shit. We're only preaching to the choir. 

Conservative Kakistocracy

I was a kid who couldn't understand how the Catholic Church threw out beauty for horrible ritual and nuns in polyester pants suits -- undoubtedly an odd kid. Through Catholicism I had felt tied to a huge history. I thought I had roots. 

My mother's father was nearly 80 when I was born. I remember thinking, not saying it was right, that the three generation thing was kind of a fundamental unit through which culture got passed down. I haven't changed my mind.

Seeing grandparents with their grandkids reinforced it. And, I thought -- this was still as a kid -- that the three-generation thing spanned 100 years. Which meant, there were 20 of those between us and the Romans and Christ. 

In other words, nothing. 

And the Church threw it out for insipid guitar music and kumbaya bullshit. I was appalled. I was always instinctively conservative. A preservationist. But I was sensitive, to a degree, if I may say it. I parted ways with conservatism. 

Because they were the destroyers. And this was early, meaning Nixon days. I wasn't an identified lefty then. More politically uninvested and homeless. But, for all intents, left. Because I was a preservationist and had faith in humanity.

Not on evidence but as a shot in the dark. Because I believe that how we view things is not at root analytical but aspirational. Creative, in the matter of outcomes. So as it goes -- my political homelessness -- it has been a rough ride. 

I'm a committed liberal now. They are the preservationists, favoring optimism, decency, the common good and continuity. I think conservatism is flawed, by its nature. They stress character, not behaviors. Which is racist and arrogant.

More than that, it's racism. 

Behaviors define people. Our judgments of character have to depend on behaviors. So, there. Conservatism is a scam. It's derivative, defensive, and tied to feeling superior. And inferior people need to feel superior.

Better people have better things to do. They don't need to keep other people down, or make bogus hierarchical distinctions. They simply live, and feel more secure when others are secure. The USA is the example. Of how to do it wrong. 

American 'conservatives' are run by their lowest character faction. The worst among them. And those persons are driven to run everything. Which gets us to kakistocracy. Rule of the worst. And not as a malfunction or misfire. 

It's in the nature of conservatism. 

The Rednecks are Coming! The Rednecks are Coming!

After a good run the United States has been ruined by rednecks. The redneck values of anti-intellectualism, violence, racism, reflexive deference to martial authority and a need to always be at war or, barring a war, having a huge feud to entertain oneself, now define America. The country is awash in guns, overt racism is fine, and the 'rule of law' and equality before it are toast.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Hairy Plotter Returns

Trump is back. And more full of shit than ever. And, more bullshit requires, well, more bullshit. In a cycle that will reach a climax in destruction if it goes on. 

When America Was Great

I want to know when the MAGA crowd think America was great. You know, a target date. A benchmark or something we can shoot for.

But that raises policy questions. Who stood for what and who did what and who fucked up what and accountability and causality and all. 

I know better. They won't go there. They can't go there. Because accountability or even an interest in accountability is something they can't have. 

Because Republicans have a lot to answer for. They must make sure that never happens. There's blood on their hands. And shit everywhere.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Still Life With Lies

What have we learned about Fox News? Nothing, really. Tucker trashing Trump doesn't tell us anything we didn't already know, that they're criminals. That they prey on people. It's the only way they know how to live. We come back to the SCOTUS and libertarian influence. 

We can do nothing. For decades the rich have asserted their right to be free to enslave the rest of us and treat us as a resource, to be  used and abused as they will. Fuck the country. There is no country. Or they are it. And equal protection is a memory, if it ever existed.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

The Poisoned Well

I watch Bishop Barron's sermons on YouTube. He's really good. His understanding is true. But Catholic leaders like him lead the faithful to water and watch them drink, then take no responsibility when they fall over morally dead. The Church has such a long history of this. And it's failing again in the age of Trump. 

About 60% of white Catholics voted for that piece of shit, an incredible moral failing. 

Inhuman Stain

Are people nothing more than animals with big brains? Yes and no, I think, because the big brains make them something different. And not only potentially but irreducibly because the power the big brains confers entails responsibilities. Inescapable responsibilities. 

Consider Donald Trump. He could be called subhuman because he treats other people as prey. They have no rights or value to him apart from his own interests. Donald 'kills' for no reason and at times against his interests out of a compulsion to disempower other people. 

Perhaps even that is wrong. Disempowering people makes sense in a sick, paranoid way. Donald simply enjoys putting other people down and hurting them. You see the problem here. 'Enjoy' begs a question, referencing a kind of 'normal' humanity that doesn't apply. 

Here we've discovered something, why it's so hard to combat people like Trump. Relatability. For 'normal' people there's nothing there, so we get to the legitimate and fair accusations of the MSM, for example, normalizing Trump and his followers. It's exactly what they do.

Anyway, so Trump is not really subhuman since he is a person whose animal nature overrules everything human in him putting him in a separate category of being lower than a beast. He enables us to see the human dilemma, that we must be 'lower' or 'higher' than animals.

We can't avoid the responsibilities of our humanity. So anyone who 'goes there' should be treated appropriately as a criminal. But understood as a monster. A pariah, since the frame of understanding that resists normalization is mythological. Regular reportorial sources can't do this, really. 

So they fail and are worse than worthless. Now, is rehabilitation possible? Can such people be fixed? In Trump's case I think not but we have an antisocial epidemic of these losers and we have to hope that some of them can be saved and the contagion contained.

Or even reversed. Because they are passing as normal and they aren't normal at all. They are monsters.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Rectal Feeding and Republicans

For too long we've discounted the Republican interest in anuses as another quirk. When not occupied with conspiracy theories their minds seem to come to rest on sodomy and what other people do in bathrooms. They get worried and upset. It must mean something. 

It does, folks. 

Remember how uncomfortable in their skins they are, because God is perfection and they once existed without the corruptiion of corporeality in union with God. They long for that again. And what reminds us more of our humanity and mortality than taking a shit?

And sex. They're obsessed with it too but in an unhealthy way. Let's face it. They hate life. And the anal fixation relates to their inability to be decent people and good citizens because someone must always be taking it up the ass, a focus on dominance and submission. 

They think that struggle is inevitable since life is a shithole. They want to be on top. So they're incapable of being good citizens. Which we can see in how they destroyed the American social contract. They love injustice. It's God's way. Because God is a dick.

For sticking us in the cesspool of creation in the first place. In our next episode we'll examine how the Republican focus on shit and fascination with defecation plays out in the creation of dystopia and desire for Armageddon, a closely related thing.

Time on the Cross

Republicans are nailing themselves to the cross out of identification with Jesus. But Jesus didn't indulge in hate and persecution, I don't think. Love your enemies and all. It must be a ploy, like rising tide. Poor, persecuted Republicans.

Take Donald Trump, George Bush and the rest. Born too big to fail. But they tried. Wanting to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, no doubt. But all they had to do is give the familial wealth to the poor. They're giving it to the poor, alright. 

Screwing them as best they can. They represent rich people and rednecks and they're so scared. The autocrats and their muscle. Maybe they know something we don't. That they won't be satisfied until they ruin everything for everybody. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Libertarian Lab Leak

Could the virulent stupidity of MAGA have arisen in the wild, as a mutation, or only in a perverted laboratory of satanic invention? The answer is easy because the facilities operated openly though they were rebranded, often with 'freedom' or 'heritage' or some bullshit patriotic allusion attached. 

This is not to say MAGA wasn't a quickly mutating strain. No question it was, under the pressure of a racist backlash against a black Democratic president. For one thing, it assured the status of Democrats as a subspecies -- an underclass. Open season on them. They would undergo fuller disenfranchisement.

The rules were out the window. Defenestrated. From breaking conventions and abandoning decency and fair play Republicans progressed to illegality with abandon, manipulating the courts and strong-arming the government generally, rendering it impotent to enforce it's own laws. Equal protection ended.

And there we are now, moving along with a government controlled by traitors determined to reinvent it on libertarian lines, with some citizens vastly over-empowered and others fucked out of the box. Until we get the money out of govenment it will go on this way. Because a govenment for sale is not free.