Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Johnson Reassures Rich

Mike Johnson has reassured rich people he knows they are his masters by attaching a 'defund the IRS' thank you note to a bill. This evangelical might not own a plantation, yet, but he's a reliable employee. Another degraded stooge who will fight to preserve and enhance the inequality Republicans created. 

The rich must not be taxed. They must have more.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Don't Worry About Those Chest Pains

And have another cheeseburger. And two scoops of ice cream when everyone else has one. Indulge, Herr Donald. My God, how I hope you die, you disgusting, worthless piece of shit. 

Saturday, October 28, 2023


Watch as Republicans try to use the terrible suffering in Israel and Gaza for political advantage, as they have done with every bad thing that happens, many of which they have had a hand in.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

House Elects Traitor Speaker

What did you expect? That the crazies would miraculously stop and be satisfied with a stalemate and a Democrat as president? No way. They want to control everything. And it will be a nightmare. 

Still, apathy abounds. So they will win, to some extent. Like a drunk we'll end up in the ditch. We might die. Or we might reform. But anybody who tells you they know is nuts. Everything is on the line. 

Unregenerate Confederate Leads House

The lines are drawn. Yankees have the White House. Rebels have the House, with an unregenerate Confederate now in charge, and the Supreme Court with Federalist Society hacks and ideologues on top. The Senate is nominally Democratic but not really. 

The Civil War never ended. The South surrendered but never gave up. The rebels didn't even bother to go underground. They wrested back control of their turf with a country too weary to worry enough about it. Black people got screwed for continuing generations.

America had apartheid. Then came desegregation. Southerners were well prepared to combat it, steeped and practiced in lies. Layers and institutions and structures of lies. A society built on a foundation of lies and invested in lies. They are good at it. 

And the South rose again, in a stench of racism, violence and injustice. They champion injustice. They love inequality. As unwise as 'woke' is as messaging there's an understanding there. That the injustice was still in the institutions and structures of the society. 

Those structures are armed. Prepared for war. They say it's defensive. But remember the lies. Always remember the lies. Never believe anything they say. They're on the attack. They always have been but it's worse now. They mean to take over for good.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

It Can Always Get Worse

Until there's nothing left. That's the point of Republicans. They came to destroy and they won't stop until they're standing among the rubble.  

Republicans Opt for Evangelical Confederate Louisiana White Trash Trump Toady

We knew where this was heading. We must have a total traitor as Speaker of the House. A certified MAGA nut and religious extremist. Someone who embodies the worst of all the bad shit. Again we watch, aghast, as Republicans purify themselves and purge their party of any little hint of decency.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Trump con Carne

Trump with meat sauce. He was born as desperate as he was rich. Desperate for love, we have to suppose. I think he was sent to military school to cure him of being an asshole. To teach him there's an authority in the world beyond his whims and desires. A big fucking 'F' grade on that, I would say. 

He failed civility, decency and respect. Maybe comportment, though maybe he could comport. He respects nothing. Maybe power. But that's not respect, it's pandering. It's ambition. And the only expression of real power is to destroy people's lives. Now he's looking down the barrel of accountability. And he was already attacking everybody, the sick fuck. Now he's got to go nuts. 

He was nuts. But now he will have to go berserk, to be true to himself. There must be carnage. We can see it's always what he wanted. It was in his inaugural, if we can call it that. But it was a peek into his sick brain, anyway. And he's been driven to create carnage. There will have to be death.

Only death can capture the horror of the life of Trump. The terrible, unspeakable persecution he's endured. He must have known. That even his parents thought he was a piece of shit. Has anyone ever loved this guy? Of course not. They associated with him out of greed and ambition. Even his kids.

Because Trump is a total, world-class, biblical, Homeric and galactic piece of shit. And a third of the country doesn't love, him they latched onto him because he is the destroyer. He's their tool. He's a tool. Not human, in some way, but we have to pretend he is. For our own sake.

Above all else, however, he must be stopped. Because he will demand human sacrifice now to placate his ego. Death. Bodies. Carnage. Mayhem and destruction.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Counter Me Out

Republicans have no plan beyond destruction. Or, they think, as the Koch crowd has convinced them, that in the absense of regulation and governmental authority all this wonderful shit will happen. Tides will rise. 

I don't think so. As it happens, we've had a preview. In the absense of regulation and authority -- law and order -- banditry occurs. Criminality flourishes. The rich get richer and everyone else gets smashed.

I will not counter this offer. In a card game these are the cheats. You play you lose. And in the absense of authority there's nowhere to turn. You leave. And hope they don't shoot you in the back on the way out. 

Because they don't want you to tell everybody the game is crooked. This is why they wanted to have all the guns. So that we would be utterly defenseless. And we almost are now. Say your prayers, people. 

America's Got Assholes

Republicans are involved in an asshole competition. The biggest asshole wins. 

Goonocracy: How Republicans Hope to Out-Nazi the Third Reich

No sooner have we realized the Nazis are a fair parallel for Republicans than we're confronted with how they differ. The Nazis had true villains in appropriate roles -- an entirely understandable and convincing array of monsters in their positions, for example, and with the strut and mien. 

They worked, and could hardly have been cast better if it had been a movie. But, Jim Jordan? What the fuck? He's a goon. An enforcer. Now, the Nazis did have Ernst Röhm, until they killed him off, but even he seemed less of a suck-up than Jordan. So, I don't know. But I can guess.

Nazis wanted to get shit done. Sure, there would be an ass-load of destruction at first but then a rebirth into a racist utopia of such unbelievably bad taste it still boggles the mind. And the closer you got to Hitler the worse it was. Triumph of the Will is a hell of a movie, if a little wrong-headed. 

But the architecture of the public buildings Hitler had planned once he had conquered the world was so incredibly bad. Positively Trumpian. Not about empowering the masses but about their submission. To shit. Welcome to the cult. Republicans have no such plans. It ends at destruction. 

Thus the goonocracy. Gaetz, Jordan and their kind running things. Awful villains. Tasteless villains. Badly cast. The lowest of the low. Republicans have learned from the mistakes of the past and the overreach of the Nazis. Don't promise anything but destruction. That they can deliver. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Liberalism as Realism

For the last time (as a figure of speech) conservatism has shown itself to be racist, non-adaptive, and a cesspool of Freudian psychological dysfunction. The conservative outlook is built on pessimism and fear. On a cynical assessment of human nature -- projection, and a self-fulfilling expectation. 

And, all the while, a conviction that some people are better than others. That 'some people' meaning them. Not so much a conviction but a suspicion. What they want when they grow up. To be übermensch. Or lackeys and enforcers for them. One does what one can. Republicans have no plan beyond destruction. 

They are the handmaidens of destruction, speeding up the collapse and fall into injustice. Because they think the reverse of the 'fall of man' is in there. In the rubble we will see Jesus. On high. A conundrum, but religion is full of conundrums. Liberalism is constructive and adaptive. It accepts change.

And change happens, and is inevitable and is potentially good, so liberalism is realism. Conservatism is fear. Conservatism is anger and resentment. Conservatism is jealousy and hate. Resisting change is a loser's game and impossible anyway. So, get with the program. Vote for Democrats.

Because Republicans will make losers of all of us. 

Be Your Worst Self

And we'll reward you for it. This is the Republican program. A call to harm. 

Goon Aspires to Speakership

Jim Jordan wants to be speaker. I have never paid attention to him. Too painful. What a scumbag. But I looked him up. He's never done anything but had a government job, if you can call what he does having a job. And he's worth $30M, or so they say. I say that warrants looking at. 

McCarthy was a more presentable goon, if a spineless blob and political whore. He presented okay. But the Republican representatives are all whores. And Mitch senior master, den-mother, pimp and panderer. Jordan is a whole different ball of shit. A true degenerate and Trump toady.

We're reduced to this turd fest. They're all turds. Some stink worse than others and hold together a little better. Maybe more fiber in the propaganda diet. But what pieces of shit they are. 

Friday, October 13, 2023

Bombs Not Food

If Republicans would be honest about what they stand for it would make for some great slogans. Slogans with bite. Like 'fuck y'all' on behalf of the new Confederacy. And 'know your place' to placate the Plutocrats. 

Orange is the New Republican

You have to be a criminal now to be an effective Republican operative or politician. They've weeded out all the decent people. And assholes are running everything.  

The Power of Negative Thinking

I've concluded negative thinking is more powerful than positive thinking or optimism. Based on my observations. Negative thinkers are nuts. They're projectors, mistaking how they are for how other people are and how the world is. Corrupt, suspicious, aggressive, greedy, self-serving and mean. 

That's not reality but, instead, a compelling belief. Compelling because of fear. They think they're in a struggle for survival but human success is built on cooperation. But then cooperation gives people the leisure to be nuts. Its success enables destructive tendencies because the elemental needs are met. 

And the necessity of working and struggling to have the wherewithal to exist at all keeps a lot of people sane. Or at least occupied. Too occupied to stir up trouble. Crazy people with time on their hands is a problem. Rich crazy people with time on their hands is a catastrophe. And we're there now. 

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Still Selfish After All These Years

Do the rich really want more money? I suppose so, not that they know what to do with it. How many yachts does it take to make some mojo? No, they want control. Because they know it's a scam. They're part of a scam. There are many okay ways to make money, but not taxing it is a scam no matter what.

Frank, My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn

People say the road to hell is paved with adverbs. But I really like them.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Better Shoot than be Shot . . .

Haiti. Kenya. The U.S.A. 

All dominated by thugs who believe in preemption, because they assume life is competitive, brutal and mean, and that only losers and suckers think otherwise. America is keeping great company these days. And the MAGAites are working to make it worse.

Set the Freedom Caucus Free!

They won't do their jobs. Set them free from the responsibility. And the other nuts who voted not to impeach Trump. Expel them from Congress. 

Get Rid of Gaetz

Isn't there a provision for Congressional expulsion? And isn't it made for Matt Gaetz?

Monday, October 2, 2023

Thirty Pieces of Silver and an Abortion?

Jesus knew he would be betrayed. There was no move to prevent it. And there was no apostle posse to capture and punish Judas. He was his own punishment. Judas and his conscience, working it out. So it must be with abortion and women's health. 

Abortion should be limited by supporting women in every way. With ready access to birth control paid for by insurance, for example, excellent health care generally and the expectation of broad social support should they have and keep their child. 

And, yes, abortion must be illegal after an agreed-upon point, but an individual choice until then. There is a middle ground, but you'd never know it. And there are bigger issues when culture warriors aren't running everything, as they are now. 

Because they're cynically using abortion to divide people and advance a broad, anti-democratic agenda. An agenda that's against a responsible, inclusive, humane society at every level, and run by a cadre of still selfish already rich people. 

What do they care about abortion. 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

The Soul of an Incel

Now we have a new book on Musk. But I can tell you the truth of him more succinctly. No matter how much money he has he will always be an incel. His character formation got stuck at incel. He can't escape because all his relationships are compromised by money. Defined and determined by money. 

Probably due to money. He's still trying to prove something and he can't. He knows he was lucky. He feels like a fraud. He is a fraud. And no amount of cash and attention and praise will get him out of this. Too late. But why in the world do we revere such people and let them run our lives? That's our problem.