Saturday, October 21, 2023

Goonocracy: How Republicans Hope to Out-Nazi the Third Reich

No sooner have we realized the Nazis are a fair parallel for Republicans than we're confronted with how they differ. The Nazis had true villains in appropriate roles -- an entirely understandable and convincing array of monsters in their positions, for example, and with the strut and mien. 

They worked, and could hardly have been cast better if it had been a movie. But, Jim Jordan? What the fuck? He's a goon. An enforcer. Now, the Nazis did have Ernst Röhm, until they killed him off, but even he seemed less of a suck-up than Jordan. So, I don't know. But I can guess.

Nazis wanted to get shit done. Sure, there would be an ass-load of destruction at first but then a rebirth into a racist utopia of such unbelievably bad taste it still boggles the mind. And the closer you got to Hitler the worse it was. Triumph of the Will is a hell of a movie, if a little wrong-headed. 

But the architecture of the public buildings Hitler had planned once he had conquered the world was so incredibly bad. Positively Trumpian. Not about empowering the masses but about their submission. To shit. Welcome to the cult. Republicans have no such plans. It ends at destruction. 

Thus the goonocracy. Gaetz, Jordan and their kind running things. Awful villains. Tasteless villains. Badly cast. The lowest of the low. Republicans have learned from the mistakes of the past and the overreach of the Nazis. Don't promise anything but destruction. That they can deliver. 

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