Friday, October 26, 2018

Assholes to Ashes

My only real hope now is that we can be reborn out of the ashes of our past selves. We have already failed and imploded and don't know it yet. As surely as our "leaders" are walking corpses and avatars of the undead America is a machine without a living soul, soon so inhuman the vultures won't even need our bodies for sustenance.

Ashes we are, desiccated beyond the point of reconstitution and rebirth. Our Camelot is brought down not in high drama and a battle with identifiable evil fighting good but in bathos, petty bullshit and meaninglessness compounding itself and growing exponentially into its own doom in a petri dish expanded to the ends of the earth. 

Assholes have brought us there, the court jesters of the apocalypse wreaking revenge for years of humiliation inflicted on themselves by themselves because of authority issues or whatever imaginary nonsense compels them, a sick internal reality now exploding into a compulsion to crush normal people and their standards of decency.

We never cared about them in the first place and they can't see it. They are still punks and pretenders. They aren't winners but louts who have made losers of us all--more so of us because they had less to lose in the first place being idiots and imposters. They are now the lords of dust and ashes, a world in ruins bereft of hope and salvation.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Only the Good Die at All

Evangelicals have it figured out. You have a conversion experience with some charlatan who appears to have advanced degrees in hucksterism and bullshit and you are guaranteed salvation thereafter no matter how you behave. You might as well be wicked.

The fools who think good works get them into heaven are all going to hell. Wickedness, combined with worldly success, comprise a higher state since you know those folks haven't fallen for the heresy. God has obviously chosen them. They are among the elect. 

Earthly success is evidence of election. The heretical do-gooders, however--SJWs, as they are now contemptuously known--all die and are damned to hell. You get eternal life on top of a nice, sinful, easy ride. Self-righteousness becomes you. You get to have it all.

The City of God

In case you were wondering what the "city on a hill" envisioned by the Puritans looks like when realized at a national scale just look around you. The evangelical version is a city of lies. The evangelical version has killed over a million people in the Middle East. The evangelical version takes away the means of life from powerless and vulnerable people while further enriching the wealthiest and increases military spending whenever possible. The evangelical version closes borders to people fleeing societies destroyed by our manipulations and demand for drugs. 

The evangelical version of the city on a hill is a city of death. It extinguishes light and lives in the shadows of greed, violence and fear. They hunt the truth like prey and kill it. If there is a God in heaven they have condemned themselves by their actions. 

I will witness to that. 

Monday, October 22, 2018

He Stoops to Conquer

Our boy Donald plays every seedy card he can to enhance his primal power. No doubt, together with the carrier of the nuclear "football," someone follows him around to fumigate and decontaminate each space he has occupied as he vacates it.

The toxic atmosphere is reduced to the point of survivability but the poison still has an effect. They fall like flies, every hint and reminder of decency fleeing in moral panic. The shells of men are left standing like the discarded husks of morphing insects.

Bodies are enlisted as souls are compromised. Ghouls and zombies stalk the halls of a “white” house. Evil can never really be “incarnated” because the inherent innocence of creation resists its full incorporation, hence the “casting out” of demons.

Cast out the demon Donald. Remove him from your life, for the survival of your soul. Evil is always in the world, whatever its appearance of dormancy. When conditions are right it grows and spreads, fungus-like. Refuse this evil its preferred conditions of fear.

Refuse to be its host. Keep the faith. Your body might not survive the demon’s onslaught but the soul can. I know, it isn’t fair. Nobody did anything to deserve this but it is a reality—the reality of the soul-sucking purity and intensity of the evil of Donald Trump.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Terrifying Stuff

The latest trend in Republican lies and distortions is to accuse protestors and resisters against their reign of terror of aggressive and violent "mob" behavior, further objectifiying their invented enemies who have been baited and goaded into action. Objectification of this sort is an important step in justifying their own violent desires. 

How far will it go? Who knows, because it is already further along than we ever thought possible. It is uncharted ground. Death, after all--the killing of their political enemies--is only the ultimate in disenfranchisement. They are convincing themselves that any measures are fair in maintaining their power and crushing their opponents. 

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Suspend Everything

Olivia Nuzzi's interesting White House encounter proves our worst suspicions true, that the highest levels of authority in the land are populated with people so degraded, self-centered and disgraced they don't deserve to be treated and understood as legitimate occupiers of their positions. Therefore, every day we go about our lives as though these baboons and goons are in any way normal and deserving officials and functionaries in a democracy we only solidify their hold on it. 

We become more implicated. 

They become more entrenched. No one should observe a holiday or participate in any national tradition not necessary to their livelihood as long as this goes on. Cancel Halloween, for example. Cancel every holiday except Christmas. I will let that one pass, though it should be a day of prayer for the salvation of our country and reflection on what we once were and where we went wrong. Everyone should sit during national anthems at ball games. No one should recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Pledge allegiance to what? Our constitutional democracy and republic no longer exist. This is an emergency. Our crisis is upon us. We should have constant, daily reminders that this is not acceptable. We should be in mourning. Black armbands are appropriate if full funeral attire is not possible. Representatives who kowtow to Trump should be anathematized in every possible way, greeted with scorn and consternation in public. And we should always be immediately recognizable as resisters. 

We must take a stand.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Living in the CSA

Well, my Yankee friends, for decades I preached to you that there was something rotten in the land of cotton and now you demand explanations for the lie-fests hosted by Sarah Sanders. Remember when I told you that the Civil War never ended in the South? 

Remember when I told you that lying wasn't an activity there involving discrete occurrences and moral lapses that were later repented but a state of being necessary for psychological survival? "Compartmentalization" doesn't capture this because it is the defining trait of their psyches and it fails to produce an “integrated,” functioning result in a Freudian sense by ending an untenable schism and conflict or at least making it livable.

Rather, every defense mechanism has failed and unconscious drives are running the show, not merely "informing" daily life but compelling these organisms on to the murderous flameout demanded by the dark matter they have projected onto minorities and other false vessels for their fears--the fear of justice for their own inhuman corruption. 

Notice how incapable they are of acknowledging uncertainty over the matter of their own salvation. They MUST believe they are pure, chosen and on the side of God. 

It is an inversion in which the larger qualities of conscience and humanity are defeated and ruled by a demented, personal, rogue, Satanic government of lies seething with the seeds of its own destruction. The criminally insane have taken over the asylum. We have been hijacked by terrorists and defeated by a mob now looting our corpses. 

They have no plan. There is no future, goal or intelligible end-game. They are the damned, having forfeited their humanity to the need for certainty. 

The Confederates are addicted to untruth. It is a compulsion and an internalized civil war fated to end in explosive disintegration and self-annihilation. It is punitive, persecutory, beyond cynical and utterly degraded. Sarah and her southern compatriots are unaware of the drives that animate them. The apparent calm is a sign of their thralldom. 

Now, Trump may be the most incredible liar ever but it is a personal attribute. He isn't part of a social movement or an example of mass psychosis or hysteria. He's an outlier elected opportunistically by greedy people, idiots and religious fanatics. Sarah, by contrast, is an icon and cultural phenomenon, their Greek goddess and patroness of lies. And there will never be an accounting. There will never be justice. Not within that context.

I’m here to tell you that the Confederacy has won the Civil War. They never stopped fighting and now they have won, racism having been subsumed to class hatred and classism having routed democracy, equal protection, inalienable rights and the rule of law. Understand Sarah as speaking for the CSA. Understand Sarah as a clarion of the army of the apocalypse. 

Then it makes sense. And, remember, the apocalypse is something they desire and deem good. Onward, into the abyss!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

America is Suffering

America is sick. America is suffering. Soon enough, America might be dead. The disease is Donald Trump. The disease is Republicanism. If Republicanism isn’t rooted out America will die. We might already be doomed.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Answerable Only to God, If Anyone

It seems that the White House and Sarah Sanders might be ending the whole institution of press briefings.

And why not?

Sarah has made it clear that she answers only to God with whom she has a personal relationship ensuring her salvation. So, why pretend to care what the American people, her employers, think?

How perfectly this fits with an executive branch that answers to no one.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Almost Gone!

Get a last shot at democracy while you can! Vote in the next election! Someday soon you will remember the experience and marvel at the naiveté of the poor fools, you included, who thought our democracy was unassailable and permanent.

Fail and Flail

Megyn Kelly is flailing and failing outside of the comforting confines and protecting womb of Fox News. Again we see the bullshit factory exposed as a fortress of lies and hypocrisy.

Republicans tout competition and a fantastical form of "freedom" from the outside. That is, they inhabit a separate realm of privilege and the absence of accountability.