Tuesday, August 30, 2022

As the World Burns

Republicans, it's time to move on. Trump is coming unglued. I never believed you could find a bigger piece of shit than Bush but you did. Congratulations. 

Clearly, you'll never beat Trump in terms of character. I think it's impossible to go lower. You will have to turn your sights on destructive potential. Good news there.

You've got sterling candidates. Don't feel disappointed. These are still candidates of exceptionally low character. But Trump was a prodigy of worthlessness. 

You used him well. The shit-show might not be as great but the new guys are out for blood. Democratic blood. It's what you always wanted, since desegregation. 

To resetablish the dystopia of the antebellum South. You're almost there. Impressive work. I'm sure Jesus is looking on with interest since it's being done in his name.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Republican Scumbag Dies

Rick Reed, degenerate Republican operative who created the 'Swift Boat' campaign against John Kerry, and not only the campaign but the content, since it was all lies, has thankfully died. I hope he suffered. When Republicans attach 'truth' to something it's a guaranteed lie. 

Buckling is Better: We Are Ukraine

When you are attacked by fascist lunatics who are much more powerful tha you at some point it's best to stand down. One way or another they will beat you. They're crazy, and will do anything to win.

Once Under a Mattress

Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, infamous home of hotheads, bullies, cowards and degenerates, is cowering under his mattress and employing Trumpian tactics to try to hide his anus-licking obeisance. He tried to help Trump steal an election. It's illegal. What do you do when you're legally screwed? You throw a lot of sand into the machinery. South Carolina has lots of sand. And no morals at all. 

Be Careful What You Wish For

I love this new idea of the President's authority to declassify things without following precedent, common sense or considerations about national security at all. I want to see a torrent of the material declassified and released showing what a fantastically corrupt and incompetent president Donald was. Since personal concerns and partisan political shots are now on the table let's let it all out, the mass of evidence showing what an impressive shit show the Trump administration was from start to finish and how Republican leaders kissed his ass and did his will against the interests of the country. 

Master of Destruction

We're getting to the later stages of Trumpian heroic failure, where his desperate attempts at obfuscation and intimidation stop working and his incompetence catches up with him. Again he'll have to declare bankruptcy. In this case, moral bankruptcy. It's his only way out. Other people will have to clean up his messes. And it will go on for years. The messes are huge. Trump is a master of destruction.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Don't Let It Bug You

Trump Republicans think it's fine for them, since they're right and on the side of God, to use the power of the government against its citizens. To shoot them in the legs, maybe. But what's most concerning is the surveillance state. Personal freedom, as we know it, would be at an end. And not only for Democrats. They will want to keep their own troops in line. 


This number was shocking to me, the number of people who would benefit from Biden's school loan forgiveness plan. Another indication of how Republicans have reduced average Americans to servitude. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The Power of One Asshole

The power of one authoritarian asshole to fuck everything up irreparably for millions of people, including getting them killed, is on display in Ukraine. And America is still flirting with re-electing Trump . . . 

Recreational Use

Trump's infantile 'mine' assertion of ownership of classified documents made me think of his abuse of his authority over federal stockpiles of medical gear during the initial covid outbreak--very much not 'his' but try to tell him that. This is someone who, having grown up so incredibly disadvantaged, needs to assert himself wherever and whenever possible. 

Anyway, that made me think of the awful possibility of another Trump presidency, a run for which is becoming more likely as the investigation into his crimes increases. So much dirt. And, that made me think of the even worse possibility that he will try to loose some nukes during another term, feeling the world has failed to treat him as well as he deserves.

Which is, of course, impossible because he is infinitely deserving as are all the American billionaires and brigands or they wouldn't have gotten so rich in the first place. I looked it up, the question of restricting the president's total authority over the use of nukes, and it's being considered in response to having the Trumpian man-child in office the first time. 

Immediately they distinguish between first-strike authority and retaliation but in the event of another Trump administration we will have to consider the possibility of recreational use since he's such a clueless, egotistical and arrested piece of shit. He will apply the 'mine' principle to the nuclear arsenal, making it his for a personal whim or private vendetta. 

This is not something to be tolerated . . . 


Thursday, August 18, 2022

Accumulated Grievances, Inc

If you don't think Trump could provoke a nuclear exchange in a second term . . . what can I say? There are two classes of people in Trumpworld. Those he doesn't respect because they have knelt to him and those he hates because they haven't. Everyone is expendable. Only Donald matters.

People who are useful to him, his dupes, count for something. But that's a third of the country now. A surplus. And he's been shown all the goodies to ensure continuity of government in a nuclear exchange. First priority is to save his worthless ass if he's president. Trump must be stopped. 

By any means it takes.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Graft Certificates

As we move further into complete Republican hegemony things are more open. In keeping with that the RNC has announced they are issuing graft certificates to true believers this Christmas. That, in celebration of the complete victory of corruption over decency and to further demoralize the Democrats.

These are not to be construed as booty or bribes but beneficence, they say, and are accepted everywhere except for a few woke businesses of the infidels but who cares about that. Democrats are utterly defeated anyway and only acting out of frustration. Resistance is futile. They know it and we know it. 

Monday, August 15, 2022

Once Upon Many Mattresses

I have a dream. I have a number of them but one is than Donald be made a dame. Consider that he clearly thinks he's royalty, he seems to need accolades more than anyone ever, and that he lacks the upper lip (stiff) to be made a Lord. I say we go for dame.

This is part of an attempt to appease Trump and short-circuit his destructive tendencies. Another is to put him on a path for sainthood but clearly that's a longer shot since we have an idiot, liberal, and obviously woke and Democratic pope in there at present.

And, think of what a good fit dame-hood is! Trump's princess tendencies are manifest. He's a princess in pea-world. And, just as obviously, a man of many mattresses, in different ways. I mean, Trump is so sensitive he detects peas before they're even there!

He anticipates them. Then he tries to neutralize them as any proper dame would, in defense of his holy self (and the realm). I think the hair, kind of a bouffant, is highly dame-worthy. He struts around like royalty, loves gold-colored everything and tries to improve the world. 

Just by being in it, though the world sometimes doesn't appreciate the privilege. How fortunate it is to have Herr Trump in it! He has German and Scots heritage like so many royals. He's combative as shit, a sure sign of his insistence on maintaining high standards. 

Dame Donald, we salute you! 

Friday, August 12, 2022


Think of how many high schools there are in America. What if each had an award for the student who most embodied a mix of degeneracy and drive. 

Two things impress me. These would be seriously fucked-up people and there would be a lot of them. Here we have the Republican Party, their repository. 

Bigness causes trouble. Things that are out of scale. A billion of what? Incomprehensible. I point this out because I can't believe how many assholes there are. 

But it's entirely natural. Assholes will always be with us. Why the fuck, however, would you put them in charge of everything? That's not natural. 

Ask your Republican friends. I mean, if you have any that aren't assholes. The assholes will be defensive. They might try to hit you. They are that reactive. 

Merry Old America

Republicans are romanticizing an American that never existed. Merry Old America. Like with the English and their vanity about what decent people they are. But they're murdering racists, rapists and thieves. Myths come in handy for killers. The cloak hides the dagger. Demonizing is the other side of it. They must have demons. Democrats are their demons. 

Another lie. They're so very afraid of an uprising. Because they deserve it. 

Because they're crooks and murderers. Maybe we should go IRA on them. We can have an army. A secret army like the Irish. Blow shit up. That will get their attention. Trump wanted the American military as his personal police force. Why? Because he needed it. The rich plutocrats need it. To protect them from us. When we realize how fucked we are. 

And that they are the ones that fucked us. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022


Trump rolled them into one. He's living in his lair. He's open about it, as with most of his crimes. Very Roy Cohn. Trump's home is part of a club. So he can have more people suck up to him. Trump is a criminal enterprise. It's as though Tony Soprano moved the Bada Bing! into his house. 

Say what you will about Trump. He has his integrity. If 'integrity' means he's always a piece of shit, never having a hint of a conscience or decency. His family is subsumed to his sick drives. The country nearly has. All hail Trump! He's a Roman emperor, defined by privilege and corruption.

Reassuring Stories for Supremacists

I want to blow my horn for seeing through the sham of J. D. Vance the minute I read his book. I saw it was Reader's Digest fodder in quality and content. Basically a big lie which I called it in my review--a bullshit story for people who want to wallpaper over injustice. 

That looks relatively innocent in retrospect. Vance has joined the Republicans who specialize in creating injustice. They love injustice and corruption. No hiding it now, which is a more recent development. They celebrate it, Trump's significant contribution to our nation.

They're wallpapering with injustice now. Hungarian dictator as decorator and so on. 

Trump made the hate open. He made the hate cool. Hate as a fashion. But it will lose its bite after a while. Fashions change. Open hate was outré when Trump arrived. Soon enough it will be boring. Will we return to decency and kindness or go all Kristallnacht? 

It looks like Kristallnacht. But it's playing out right now. Especially with the raid on Trump's lair. The minions are going nuts. Talk of violence. And Vance and lovers of corruption are okay with it. Not a peep against it. They're getting too fat off the fraud.

Government is a matter of marketing. Branding. Lies of false hope. And lies of resentment and revenge. Buy into this! And people get despair. They blame the Democrats. So it's more vicious than the usual scam. This is a scam with teeth. Death is there.

And Vance is fine with that.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

The Wrath of Ron

Why is Ron DeSantis so angry? He's just pissed. Congenitally pissed. Primordially pissed. Pissedness rooted in superiority and innate grievance. He endures so much.

Our, Democratic, stupidity. We, asserting our rights. To vote and stuff. 

Trump is an asshole by compulsion. An loser asshole. DeSantis is an asshole by choice and conviction. And he has no end of conviction and determination. Like the Nazis.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Every Minute

My rights are being violated every minute of every day. Because I have to worry about the conservative takeover. The realization of the illegal libertarian dream state of the Kochs and the illegal theocratic dream state of the evangelicals. Not that they're distinct anymore. They've mated and procreated. 

And the monster baby is stalking us all. 

American Horror Show Continues

The great American horror show continues as decent, responsible citizens further and yet again realize there is no bottom. A huge percentage of Republicans would voter for Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Jack-the-Ripper, Charles Manson, the Zodiak Killer, Jeffrey Dahmer or Chucky if they called themselves conservative and Trump told them to do so. 

They are edging on calling for the killing of Democrats. 

If Democrats weren't so feckless and incompetent they would have called for their deaths already, but, why bother when it isn't necessary. Success in elections is a mixed bag for Democrats. It fuels Republican hatred to an unbelievable degree and allows Republicans to more plausibly blame Democrats for all the problems they themselves have caused.

The fate of the country will be determined in the next two elections. It isn't  looking good.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Sanctum Sanctorum

Is nothing sacred? We locate the ark of the covenant. We get our hands on it. We open the lid. Trump emerges. Millennia of western civilization and it all comes down to Trump. 

Secret Agent Men (and Women)

What's the point of constitutional 'originalism' and biblical literalism? To pretend the decisions make themselves. To pretend to be entirely submitting to authority or following the rules.

In other words, it's abdicating authority. Avoiding responsibility. Skirting culpability. And shedding risk. Shedding risk by lying. The point is not to follow the rules. And to do so with impunity. 

They are claiming the agency is not theirs. They are only following orders. They are applying rules or administering justice. They are the agents of God. They were chosen. And we were not. 

Supply and Remand

Criminality can't be considered apart from its context. Is the criminal a sole proprietor? Of a large or small enterprise? Or is it a syndicate. Is it organized. Is it specialized or diversified. 

Then the push for pretrial incarceration can be weighted properly according to the threat posed. I'm talking of Trump, of course. The threat is incalculable. He must be put in jail. 

Monday, August 1, 2022

Pocket-Picking Minute

Notice how the libertarian economy works. You have your pocket picked by huge companies constantly with no alternatives and little competition. They're printing money, the goal of any rational business. Massive profits and no risk. That's the libertarian economy of servitude. 

National Lampoon's Trump Admin II: Real People Die!

Revel in the humor! I mean, if seeing people's lives destroyed fictionally is funny isn't it funnier if they actually die? Elect Trump again. Let's find out once and for all. We promise more death than last time. A high bar. But the Trumpies think they're up to it.  

Assumptions No Longer Work

Democracies must make assumptions about people's behavior, that the mean is somewhere on the side of reasonableness, maturity and decency. What if it proves to be wrong?