Sunday, July 24, 2022

The Horror With a Thousand Faces

Similes simply fail us. We don't have the capacity to comprehend the multifariousness of Republican evil. They are all alike but each different. Alike in their nefariousness. Individual in the application of the principles of domination and destruction. They are unbelievably determined to win. 

I'm scared, and incredibly frustrated with Democrats for not fighting back more effectively. But I know it was probably impossible to stop the forces of evil. Because they are within. Like a virus they must be fought and purged. You get sick and suffer in the process. And you might not survive. 

Friday, July 22, 2022

Too THOT to Handle

As worthless, unintelligible and vacuous as the average conservative verbiage is the unconscious messages imbedded in there are extraordinarily revealing and very high quality. Cries from the cave and a peek into the evolutionary history of humankind, it is. Garrett Zeigler's thot rant, for example, is perfectly revelatory. The other rule is reflexivity. What they say or accuse others of is true of them. 

This is a mechanism. As such it's absolutely accurate because it's unconscious. No need to worry about what 'conservatives' are up to. They're telling us all the time. They are up to what they say we're doing. Maybe it is time to worry, now come to think of it, because they're accusing us of horrible things and saying we deserve to die. That we're traitors and scum and heathen and traitors--oh, already said that one.

But it's a biggie. With Trump, of course, a digestive tract attached to a brain stem, it's particularly true. There are no higher functions. It's one huge Freudian fucking stream of self-ownership and projective nonsense. And that means we're in huge trouble because they're saying 'liberals' deserve to die. Which means they deserve to die. Which means they have an apocalyptic fantasy. And we're in the way.

Hoes and Thots

Garrett Ziegler, Trump toady and unrepentant supporter of insurrection and government overthrow, now an honorable stance among Republicans, has my sympathy. I agree with him. These are hoes and thots, the women betraying Trump by telling what they saw. 

They are hoes and thots because they didn't turn on Trump sooner.

I'm not sure they've turned on him now. They'll probably vote for him again if he runs. At least one mentioned the wonderful policies enacted under Trump though all I remember is wealthy crooks giving themselves tax cuts and a lot of botched administration. 

I guess that's policy. 

But think of the hoes ands thots of Fox who only told tales once it fit their ambition. Meantime they were jacking off Roger Ailes. Trump's hoes and thots are low-character careerists as well. Symbolic suckers of dick. I want to point something out to Garrett.

He's a hoe and thot.

He might assure us he's only a symbolic sucker of dick. I'll take his word  it, but 'hoes and thots' is redundant. Clean it up, Garrett. This is a terrible display of the misuse of language. And I'm sure you'll have another crack at an influential political job.

Your rant won't disqualify you from anything, you know. Isn't that's the point? You're banking on the insight that the lower you go among Republicans the higher you rise, like Trump, an even bigger piece of shit than George Bush. Oh, where will they turn now? 

Trump's destructive capabilities will be hard to match. We wait to see. 

Monday, July 18, 2022

No Bottom

There is no bottom to how low Republicans will go. We know that now. W knew it already. But he still has a lot of support. What do we do? 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Tucker Is on Top of it All

Tucker Carlson always has his ear to the ground. There are always liberals to be owned. And, it takes a lot of work to keep irrational resentments alive. They don't sustain themselves. The other day it occurred to Tucker the insolence of John Lennon's song, The Ballad of John and Yoko. Lennon is clearly comparing himself to Christ. 

Now, Tucker isn't religious but he knows this is an affront. Beatles records must be burned, again. Into the fire, Tucker is suggesting his followers huff the smoke from the fires to further own the libs and dispel their environmental propaganda. As though burning plastic can do anyone any harm. Fuck the EPA. He's said to burn CDs as well.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Passion of The Trump and Stations of the Trump Cross

Undoubtedly, true believers could use a way to pray to/for fearless leader whose persecution resembles that of Jesus, or Charles Manson, more every day. 'Trump is impeached a second time!' What loyal follower cannot remember this and have it resonate with Christ? The infidels don't know what they do. God has given us his son again in our time of need, to suffer for our sins and redeem us.

This is Trump's time on the cross. God's plans are always shadowy, so we don't know how closely Trump's agony will track like Jesus's, and if he will die and rise again or what, but we may pray stations of the cross, Trump-style, nonetheless, and add or adjust them as the persecution plays out. We know Trump is more than a saint, in any case. He is the Son of God, come again to save us from our enemies.

The trickery of the devil, practiced by perfidious Democrats, strengthens our resolve and is further evidence of Trump's divine nature and mission, not that it was needed. The corrupt world always rejects true divinity. You can't fool us. We are Christ's people and we were waiting all along for a second coming. The Catholic Church is selling churches all over. We will acquire some of these. 

Later, a cathedral. In these we will pray to/for Trump, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Our master and savior is under attack. And our enemies are everywhere. Our hearts are wholly with him, whose presence on earth is a sign of God's love, though we know he has a few rough edges. These, the rough spots, are only to try the unbelievers. They must be challenged to accept him on faith alone.

And that's what it takes to believe Trump is anything other than the piece of garbage he appears to be. It's entirely a matter of faith. 

Monday, July 11, 2022

Fractious Asshole Starter Kit

Go to 'Christian' schools. There you will learn of your superiority.

Bond with others of like mind. Your moral blindness will be strong.

Seek to change the world. This is a corollary of your superiority. 

Understand entitlement. Understand exclusivity and exceptionalism. 

Narrowly, because you are chosen. Others are lower than you.

They don't deserve consideration. Screw them over as you will. 

Go now to love and serve your lord, Donald Trump. 

Or another Republican sadist and asshole, as opportunity presents. 

Now you are part of a movement. Never look back. 

Hang Him or Shoot Him?

The only question that should be left to consider about Trump is whether to hang him or shoot him. It's up to the courts to decide. 

I favor the firing squad. Potentially, it is more dignified to the recipient. And, another question. How many of the rest of them deserve it as well?  

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Freeloader Smackdown

They call themselves libertarians but they are freeloaders. They ignore or deny how much they depend on cooperation and support, like frat boys and arrested pubescents. They think they know everything. They resent constraints but they live on subsidies, sucking off other people, like most of the red states. They are the takers. Fuck them, and the Koch they rode in on, but outvote them as well . . .

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Emotional Support Assault Weapons

Republicans are pushing for the possibility of assault weapons being classified as emotional support necessities, on the advice of a doctor, like certain pets. Ronnie Jackson has asked to set the criteria. So certified, elect citizens would be exempt from the few remaining restrictions on where you can openly carry loaded and lethal firearms. Many Republicans say they do not feel safe without such a weapon always at-hand so they can stroke and cuddle it as needed to feel secure. 

When they feel actively threatened, reasonably or not, they can loose a few volleys and stifle a personal affront, or simply to relax and decompress, so to speak, since the act of blasting away is itself uniquely soothing and calming to them. Those who use gun ranges know about this. Air travel is especially stressful so they must also be able to shoot off their weapons in the cabins, they assert. Others can elect not to fly with they if they wish, but the airlines must be accommodating. 

Anything else would be an infringement on their rights and personal freedoms. This law will be passed as soon as Republicans regain congressional majorities, surely over the objections of the radical idiot Democrats who hate America and want to destroy it. God bless all who support them in this effort. 

Great Chain of Wankerdom

I'm interested in the Irish-Catholic goons and bullies at Fox News and all over in 'conservative' circles because I see virulent American bigotry as a Scots-Irish thing. Those Irish and Scots groups are natural enemies. The Scots-Irish regarded the Irish like black slaves--as a perverse, incompetent, emotional, submissive, superstitious, irrational, filthy race of men. 

Now, perverse, incompetent, emotional, submissive, superstitious, irrational, filthy and so on describes these Irish-Catholic authoritarians really well. Are they in collusion with their oppressors? Here we encounter the great chain of wankerdom, where the assumption of dominance and submission as a social construct turns those who subscribe to this thinking into John Boltons.

Bolton is famous for being an asshole. For being an asshole's asshole. 

He has a reputation as a dick in a place, Washington, D. C., where being a dick is assumed and tolerated more so than in most places. Bolton is said to 'kiss up and kick down,' a reflection of extreme ambition combined with low character. I believe that the dominance or submission model turns people into pieces of garbage, vile bullies and dirtbags.

Into digestive tracts like Trump, eating and shitting their way through life with varying layers of drive and intelligence superimposed on that. These Irish-Catholic guys are primarily losers. Their ancestors were reduced to potato munching shells of men by the English and with some of them it stuck. Most abused dogs appreciate a little love more.

Not so with others.

A minority are irreversibly harmed and will bite at anything. So it is with these Irish-Catholic thugs. Their only drive is to win. And they will abase themselves to any degree to win. In this, of course, Trump is the absolute purest example. Winning is a constant obsession because he's a loser as a matter of character. Circumstantial losers can pull out of it. Not someone like Trump. 

And the Irish-Catholic goons. If they were dogs they would be put down. But they're  people so they have to be in some way constrained. Because they only way they know how to live is by injuring other people. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Patriot Celebrates Fourth With Massacre

What could be more American? 

Republicans Announce Plan to Stop Killings

Echoing the herd immunity hypothesis Republicans are arguing the mass killings they've enabled will limit themselves. The motivating factor in the shootings is notoriety, Republican leaders said. And, with so many mass shootings the motivation would soon fail to attract new shooters because it had become boring and no one would remember their names. 

Monday, July 4, 2022

Saint Francis the Sissy

I wonder what saint or saints the conservative Supreme Court justices venerate. Is there a patron saint for pricks and planet rapers? Do they light candles for intercession for oil companies? Is there a saint to bless assault weapons?

One that sponsors mass shootings and protects shooters, I mean, together with the body armor? We know the justices must despise Saint Francis, who was obviously woke, a snowflake and a pussy. Come to think of it, so was Jesus. 

Saturday, July 2, 2022

The à la Carte Constitution

Let's just say you want to make things up and get your way. From a marketing perspective it's a hard sell. Your vision involves screwing most people. Rebrand! 

Now, the authority you claim must be such that you don't have to answer questions. Because there are no answers. What are you going to say? That you want all the power?

That you will destroy everything and everyone to get your way? No. That won't work. So you claim primordial authority. You're not some slob. You're a prophet.

The ancient, revered texts can only be construed through you. You hope people don't catch on before you have it locked in. They will want to kill you if they catch on.

They will want to kill you. Because it's a scam. It's a lie. 

And it's how America works. Rich fucks and religious zealots who believe they were chosen. Cynics. Fatalists. Authoritarians. They don't care how many people die. 

They must get their way.