Saturday, July 9, 2022

Great Chain of Wankerdom

I'm interested in the Irish-Catholic goons and bullies at Fox News and all over in 'conservative' circles because I see virulent American bigotry as a Scots-Irish thing. Those Irish and Scots groups are natural enemies. The Scots-Irish regarded the Irish like black slaves--as a perverse, incompetent, emotional, submissive, superstitious, irrational, filthy race of men. 

Now, perverse, incompetent, emotional, submissive, superstitious, irrational, filthy and so on describes these Irish-Catholic authoritarians really well. Are they in collusion with their oppressors? Here we encounter the great chain of wankerdom, where the assumption of dominance and submission as a social construct turns those who subscribe to this thinking into John Boltons.

Bolton is famous for being an asshole. For being an asshole's asshole. 

He has a reputation as a dick in a place, Washington, D. C., where being a dick is assumed and tolerated more so than in most places. Bolton is said to 'kiss up and kick down,' a reflection of extreme ambition combined with low character. I believe that the dominance or submission model turns people into pieces of garbage, vile bullies and dirtbags.

Into digestive tracts like Trump, eating and shitting their way through life with varying layers of drive and intelligence superimposed on that. These Irish-Catholic guys are primarily losers. Their ancestors were reduced to potato munching shells of men by the English and with some of them it stuck. Most abused dogs appreciate a little love more.

Not so with others.

A minority are irreversibly harmed and will bite at anything. So it is with these Irish-Catholic thugs. Their only drive is to win. And they will abase themselves to any degree to win. In this, of course, Trump is the absolute purest example. Winning is a constant obsession because he's a loser as a matter of character. Circumstantial losers can pull out of it. Not someone like Trump. 

And the Irish-Catholic goons. If they were dogs they would be put down. But they're  people so they have to be in some way constrained. Because they only way they know how to live is by injuring other people. 

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