Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Passion of The Trump and Stations of the Trump Cross

Undoubtedly, true believers could use a way to pray to/for fearless leader whose persecution resembles that of Jesus, or Charles Manson, more every day. 'Trump is impeached a second time!' What loyal follower cannot remember this and have it resonate with Christ? The infidels don't know what they do. God has given us his son again in our time of need, to suffer for our sins and redeem us.

This is Trump's time on the cross. God's plans are always shadowy, so we don't know how closely Trump's agony will track like Jesus's, and if he will die and rise again or what, but we may pray stations of the cross, Trump-style, nonetheless, and add or adjust them as the persecution plays out. We know Trump is more than a saint, in any case. He is the Son of God, come again to save us from our enemies.

The trickery of the devil, practiced by perfidious Democrats, strengthens our resolve and is further evidence of Trump's divine nature and mission, not that it was needed. The corrupt world always rejects true divinity. You can't fool us. We are Christ's people and we were waiting all along for a second coming. The Catholic Church is selling churches all over. We will acquire some of these. 

Later, a cathedral. In these we will pray to/for Trump, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Our master and savior is under attack. And our enemies are everywhere. Our hearts are wholly with him, whose presence on earth is a sign of God's love, though we know he has a few rough edges. These, the rough spots, are only to try the unbelievers. They must be challenged to accept him on faith alone.

And that's what it takes to believe Trump is anything other than the piece of garbage he appears to be. It's entirely a matter of faith. 

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