Thursday, June 30, 2022

Weather on Not

The Supreme Court has put itself in charge of the weather. Control freaks, I think such people are called. Heaven forbid Congress or anyone should address climate change. Maybe we can shoot at the clouds since we have plenty of guns. But it's about climate and not the weather. And the Supreme Court has put itself in charge of that with facetious arguments favoring, who else, big business and the already obscenely rich people who, apparently, need to control energy policy. With only the interests of 'the people' at heart, I'm sure.

Confirmation Bias

What is it about these authoritarian Catholics on the Supreme Court? Don't they see who they're allied with? Southern Baptists, who aren't only racist trash their outlook is especially at odds with Catholicism. The hatred of life, creation and everything.

Did those Catholic justices become warriors at confirmation? Crusaders and apologists? I was confirmed. It didn't mean shit to me. But Catholicism meant a lot. I understood it differently, though, as a religion of love. As a religion that loved creation. 

Real Catholics would never presume to know the mind of God, to feel certain of their role or to believe they are saved. Real Catholics, if they deem the circumstances require action, would act with humility. Restraint. They know they might be wrong. 

And they would never engage in triumphalism. They would never take pleasure in any provisional victory and, because everything is provisional, they would inhabit a place of humility, self-scrutiny and circumspection. They would be Democrats.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

We Have Known This

Further outcry ensues at the description of Donald Trump's carrying on around the sacking of our capitol. But we have known forever what a piece of shit he is. And we've known he's a fucking criminal. Don't ever think otherwise. 

All that's at stake is his support among the trash populating every cranny of the Republican establishment, the ass-kissers and boot-lickers of Trump's posse and entourage. But they're all pieces of shit and criminals and we've known it. 

Sunday, June 26, 2022

A Dyeing Breed

Trump and Giuliani are of a dying species. Battered guys in bloated, failing bodies relying on pills and stuff. Medications, dyes and elixirs. Probably Viagra. Ugh. Ugh, ugh and double-ugh.

Maybe not. Who needs a hard-on when you can muscle people around to feel like a man. Trump was always a bully. Rudy, maybe no. But they're both destructive goons now. Menaces.

You've heard it said somebody is somebody's conscience. These guys are conscience killers in a doom loop. They've done an amazing amount of illegal stuff, so maybe we can stop them.

If the will is there. 

Custer's Latest Stand

Ask the Indians. It probably won't get taught in the schools anymore once DeSantis is done but when the white men want something they take it. No law or standard of decency will deter them. Don't get the fuck in their way.  

They've run out of easy pickings to plunder so they are turning on their own. The more rapacious element is winning. They are willing to go lower and do anything to win. At least they'll be killing other rapacious white people. 

I guess that's an improvement.

But, typically, they go after the weakest and most innocent elements. Older people and children. They say it's justified and they were attacked. It's a lie, like with the Indians. They, Republicans, are the attackers. There's an inevitability about it. 

The beast of fear, hatred and blind animal violence is still there. It never went away. Biden won an election fairly and it doesn't matter. He beat a violent lawless asshole who had a painting of Andrew Jackson in the office.

Another rapacious, violent, murdering white asshole who displaced Indian tribes after they played the game and won in the courts. In the Supreme Court. Jackson, being an asshole, refused to enforce the law. He did what he wanted. 

They will always do what they want. They might lose a battle, like with Biden, but it means nothing. In the end they will get their way. By lawlessness and brute force. It's always been that way but maybe it's more open now. 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Roberts Court Shits All Over Themselves

But, like Trump who made it all possible, they have people. Someone else cleans it up. They shit all over us, too. We'll have to live with the consequences of that or clean it up ourselves.


Ruling ex cathedra and clad in the cloaks of originalism, or constitutional literalism, the Catholic branch of the Supreme Court of the United States has issued pro-death (to the post-born) and anti-death (to the pre-born) rulings nearly simultaneously, clearing up questions of guilt that have long troubled the Church--I mean, country--to the effect that the pre-born are assumed to be innocent and the already- or post-born guilty because of original sin and general nastiness. But what about pre-conception? 

Isn't that the holiest state, being totally incorporeal and free of the imperfections of creation? This difficult question is still to be addressed. And it should, in a further ruling detailing how God, or his Heirs and Assigns, must know, before implantation in the womb at the time of fertilization, the suspect's salvation status. This is according to the dictates of John Calvin and the Swiss watchmakers he admired and imitated in constructing his ethics of temporal perfection. Imperfection is anathema! 

Pre-conception is therefore the final standard and point of comparison. The Supreme Court has thus adopted preconception in their role of issuing moral rulings and opinions that must be assumed to be from God and therefore infallible, as a point of their investiture when faculties of divine judgment were instilled in them as seeds in the womb and fertilized by God as is evident in the kind and loving visage of Clarence Thomas, the conscience of the Court. As for guns, they love them. 

The male Supreme Court members are understandably sensitive about their fertilization since they are men and God is surely a man. Therefore they are coming down hard on homosexuality and gunning up the country to prove their masculinity. Creation is just such a horrible thing anyway. Why would God foster such imperfection? Are they themselves not imperfect? Only in their mortal bodies, let it be known. Otherwise they are exceptional, and guaranteed their salvation by God Himself. 

They are in that as pure as the preconceived, to which state they will return with gladdened hearts and slates completely cleared of sins, as God would have it since He is obviously on their side. Preconception applies not only to humans, in the form of their immortal souls, they would have you know, but also to what are commonly known as conceptions. Ideas and abstractions. These, such as justice, go back to God or they are meaningless, so, let's face it, God's rules trump constitutionalism by a mile.

Get that through your heads. Things are going to be run by God now. And they are his agents as certified by worldly favor and the tautological imperative, which is that everything that happens must have happened by the will of God and therefore have been inevitable, except for the bad shit which is due to the Devil but luckily the Devil only has truck with Democrats, as Republicans know by the powers of preconception. One can only hope all those guns are used agains Democrats. As God surely intended. 

But, remember this. Just as people are better preconceived, so are opinions. The Supreme Court makes no apology for this, as they are beginning to admit. Get over it.

Fascist State Takes Shape

Under a slew of unconstitutional Supreme Court rulings America's budding authoritarian government is taking shape. The rulings themselves, however awful, mean-spirited and destructive of individual liberty and bodily autonomy, represent a larger problem of a lack of good-will. If this sounds like it justifies the 'snowflake' accusation, wanting everyone to be nice and not hurt your feelings, think again because it's the foundation of everything. 

Everyone is supposed to be equal before the law. 

American 'conservatives' don't believe in this. Once they go there, death camps follow. Whoa, you might say, that's a big leap from the one to the other. But it's not. Dehumanization lies on a scale. America's prisons are concentration camps for black men, just as shooting black people is not held to be illegal unless it really looks bad and might force Republicans to own their lies. Even that standard and ruse is falling. Consider the slander of BLM.

Open racism is okay in 'conservative' circles as it has never been before. By 'before' I mean since civil rights legislation. Republicans have always wanted to go back to some form of authoritarian government. This is rooted in the religious beliefs of Calvinism which insist on arbitrary salvation. If some people are born 'saved' and and others damned why not entire races and ethnographic entities? Exceptionalism and Calvinism go together. 

Pray you're on the chosen side of the line. If not, you have no rights at all. Not even to life.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Republicans on the Road to Dumb-ass-cusses

Waiting for Republicans to have an awakening? A moment where they get a clue they're pieces of shit? Don't hold you breath. 

Monday, June 20, 2022

Ants Will Inherit the Earth

Ants and Republicans. For them the collective is everything. 

Let's Mess With Texas

Texas Republicans think they're playing a game. Let's see if we can get away with this. Mom and Dad might get pissed but they won't do anything. If we get busted our rich parents will bail us out or maybe we'll get the big goodie, a presidential pardon. A get-out-jail-free card for treason. 

You can see why they're intent on winning elections and controlling the courts. They're criminals. 

Like all criminals they crave impunity. What's not to like about impunity? But they are adolescents at heart, I would claim, and testing authority and they really want a slap on the wrist so they can safely return to the frat house. But they're not adolescents. So I recommend a sock in the face.

Let's expel Texas from the Union. Throw their asses out. Treat them like a foreign country. Embargo, attack and destroy them. After all, it doesn't seem to register with them that they're destroying other people's lives. Getting people killed and all. Let's see how they like it. They might not care.

They're so fucking crazy. But it's time to find out. I'm reacting, of course, to the latest wish list of insanity from the Texas Republican Party, a boatload of evil, reactionary, illegal nonsense. Republicans never quell this stuff. Why not? They're afraid of these people. The movement they created.

They know how crazy they are. How violent and determined. How many guns they have and how they long for jihad. So they want to keep the hate on us. Grand mufti, imam and vizier Tucker Carlson issued a fatwa. Fatwas are being issued all over. Open season on Democrats. Lynch a liberal.  

That's the new Republican Party. 

Sunday, June 19, 2022

What's Up, Crook?

What makes Republicans tick? Fear. Not that they only promulgate fear. They understand their base. They understand them well enough to be afraid of them. So they continue to direct all the hate at Democrats. 

Because, more than anything, they want to make sure the hatred they've created and nurtured doesn't come back at them. And they know they deserve it. So they are very afraid. They created the monster.

They understand how evil it is. We should pay attention. And be afraid enough ourselves to understand the threat. It could get us all killed. Or ruin our lives forever. We have Republicans to thank for that. 

Serfing the Internet

Guess what. 

The internet has evolved from its innocence. Users are farmed now. Users are cattle. They will be sold off or killed off when revenues no longer justify the investment. Or the gates will just be opened, sustenance withdrawn and the poor things left to fend for themselves. That's us. Wait and see. 

When the laissez-faire crowd can get away with it Social Security and Medicare are toast. The rich want more for themselves. They always want more. And we're suckers if we let them get away with it. We let them get away with it. We're suckers. Suckers, serfs and losers. And completely powerless. 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Musk Buys College, Eyes Town While in Manic Phase

Elon Musk has bought Elon University, in North Carolina, because he 'liked it' and announced he has also bought up some of the town and intends to buy up more. He was heard to mutter it was all 'funny-money anyway' and that it felt cool and he hoped the town wasn't infested with bots like Twitter. 

It seemed to be okay, he said he thought, but that he would raise hell and start selling off stuff and canceling deals if a bot infestation were discovered. He was also overheard quietly uttering things about Trump and eminent domain and martial law. Entrepreneurs and geniuses, he said, had certain rights.

These are not to be fucked with by anyone or all kinds of bad shit will ensue, according to Musk. He has his destiny, he seems to be saying, or some kind of divine sanction or is himself a kind of god. So, stand down if you're tempted to challenge him. And this applies to the collective will of everyone.

I mean the government. He means the government. Leave him alone, notwithstanding the amazing enabling the government does to allow people like him an easy ride to astonishing riches. That's all fine. Musk is deserving and better than the rest of us. A superior being. And don't you fucking forget it.

If people's lives get destroyed or they get hurt because of his impulses it's a shame but a small price to pay to have such excellence and unalloyed brilliance at large in the land. He admitted he had no idea why he bought the school and that he had no idea what he would do with it but he said he meant well. 

He thought he meant well but it was hard to tell when he was in a manic phase. Presumably, he wouldn't inadvertently trash the place but if he did it would need to be balanced against all the good he has done just by existing in a state of such fantastic creativity, to say nothing of Tesla and the rockets and shit.

A manifesto would follow, he said, or a bunch of tweets if he couldn't muster the coherence for a manifesto, outlining his plans for doing whatever the fuck he wants and speculating about how it might play out for himself and the world and a bunch of students. But, understand there is no stopping him.

New American Hero

Irrepressible Trump toady and inveterate anus-licker Mike Pence is now an American hero. Because he didn't overthrow an election. That's a great standard.

It reminds me of George Bush. He started a fire in the Middle East. He threw gas on the fire. He tended the fire. He was then praised when he stopped throwing gas on it.

Republicans have strange ideas of heroism. 

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Confederate Slime Caught Casing Capitol

Another Baptist degenerate has been caught lying his ass off. Oh, wait, it's not lying if you're working for Jesus. It's faith. It's belief. It's submission to the will of God. 

And God wants nothing more than to see innocent people screwed. That way, they can have their come-to-Jesus moment. Either by dying, or by resorting to prayer because they're so desperate.

Barry Loudermilk of Georgia is on the side of the angels in this, let it be known. He wants to 'repeal and replace' Obamacare and 'reform' Social Security and Medicare. 

I'll translate that for you. He wants to destroy them. And, when he's not doing that, he's working to overthrow the government. In Jesus's name, of course.

Friday, June 10, 2022

The Typing Pool

I think racism is treating or judging anyone according to anything other than standards of behavior. Racism is a kind of kindism. And a violation of individualism.

A violation of our limited autonomy over which we have rights against interference. 

We don't have access to essences. Not in a way that allows us to judge, and the judgments we make are provisional. They have to be because other people are not ours.

Even we are not ours. Our judgments are social. Interpersonal. We judge to protect one another from harm. We don't have the right to harm one another.

In fact, we have a responsibility to minimize harm. People are interdependent. We are one body in a sense. A corporation. Racism is an assault on that. 

An infringement. Individual racism is bad enough. Racist gangs are the worst. They are typing pools. Persecutory alliances and a misuse of identification. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Weekly Sack of Shit

I have had a request to retire the trophy. A plea that one sack of shit, an early awardee, blew the curve and the rest are hangers-on and imitators. Herr Gingrich is proposed. I dispute that he rendered all subsequent honorees unworthy. That they degrade the award.

A competition in scuzz is an odd thing but I felt it had to be done. Odd measures for odd times. I'll consider the motion. No one better than Gingrich would protect the integrity of the institutions and traditions of shithood sacks. But there's also scope to the competition.

Range and purview. 

Pernicious long-term effects, at which Gingrich excelled, are only one aspect. Punch is another. Whereas Gingrich as a festering shit malaise morphed and mutated, surviving his retreat from elected officialdom, others without his fetid endurance fielded remarkable destructive capacities.

As I say, though, I will consider it. The numbers of shit-sacks have burgeoned. They had a deep bench, and the second-stringers make up for in quantity what they so don't have otherwise. And they swing so wildly one blow can mean a knockout. Democracy in a coma. 

Also, I'm a one-man shop. The award is a labor of love, or loathing as the case may be, and a hobby. Gingrichism was a movement and easier to track. The wrecking crew once was a crew and consolidated. It's almost impossible now to keep up. There are freelancers everywhere. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Taking Your Balls Off the Eye

We're being watched. No news, you might say, to those aware of how social media and other internet phenomena work. The big eye is upon us. And we refuse, or neglect, to assert our will against it. 

We'd rather not think about it. Anti-government prejudice doesn't help. Only the government--our government--can save us from the eye. What about the NSA, you might say. I have no answer to that. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Throwing in the Towel . . .

. . . on responsible, representative government. We're bored. What fun! Let's trash everything and see what happens!