Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Weekly Sack of Shit

I have had a request to retire the trophy. A plea that one sack of shit, an early awardee, blew the curve and the rest are hangers-on and imitators. Herr Gingrich is proposed. I dispute that he rendered all subsequent honorees unworthy. That they degrade the award.

A competition in scuzz is an odd thing but I felt it had to be done. Odd measures for odd times. I'll consider the motion. No one better than Gingrich would protect the integrity of the institutions and traditions of shithood sacks. But there's also scope to the competition.

Range and purview. 

Pernicious long-term effects, at which Gingrich excelled, are only one aspect. Punch is another. Whereas Gingrich as a festering shit malaise morphed and mutated, surviving his retreat from elected officialdom, others without his fetid endurance fielded remarkable destructive capacities.

As I say, though, I will consider it. The numbers of shit-sacks have burgeoned. They had a deep bench, and the second-stringers make up for in quantity what they so don't have otherwise. And they swing so wildly one blow can mean a knockout. Democracy in a coma. 

Also, I'm a one-man shop. The award is a labor of love, or loathing as the case may be, and a hobby. Gingrichism was a movement and easier to track. The wrecking crew once was a crew and consolidated. It's almost impossible now to keep up. There are freelancers everywhere. 

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