Friday, March 29, 2024

Ass Fault

Trump's ass is over the line. Out of bounds and foul. He's thrusting his ass out into odd places trying to get it kissed. He's a sick ass-man. And I call him on it. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

How Feminism Lost to Bad Masculinity

Puritanism always wins in America. Somewhere in there feminism went puritanical. It became self-righteous, and a numbers game. It became angry and vindictive. It became masculine and left-brain. Analytical, divisive and intent on power. Focused on individualism. 

Lesbians were seen as being a more pure form woman, gay men a less pure of man. That's pure male centrism. A view of women as men who lack something. A dick, presumably. And here we are now, after women promised everything would be better if they were empowered. 

And things are worse than ever. From a feminine perspective anyway. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Don't Tell Newsmax

I was going to write a little satire on how you could probably get MAGA to support implementing a preemptive nuclear first strike. Then I realized it might catch on. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Friends! Romans! Americans!

Lend me your savings. The treasonous, socialist Democrats are after me. The 'woke mob' is after me. I'm the most persecuted man ever. The most abused. 

So, lend me your money. I need it to defend myself from the scurrilous accusations of the Democrats. They hate America! They hate me! Same thing!

Everything I did was perfect! Save me from cancellation! Trump Show must go on! Ratings are high! Please buy my sneakers. Instant collector's items!


Donald J. Trump

Toga! Toga! Toga!

The Heritage Foundation's plan for America, Project 2025, is toga party. Drunken revelry. Debauchery. In the basement of the frat. Lots of pussy. Gaetz is pussy-master, the go-to guy for snatch. 

Sorry if the language offends. Go after the offenders. Don't blame me. 

Party until somebody pulls the plug. Or it all all falls apart when they get busted. Daddy money funds the thing, in the manner of Bush and Trump. Their daddies bought them countries to play with. 

Privilege has its indulgences. Toga! Toga! Toga! 

Bad Hitler

Hitler was good at being Hitler. He had Hitler talent. Trump is a bad Hitler. A half-baked Hitler. A typically derivative American. A loser's Hitler, and I don't know if it makes him better or worse.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Miracle on Pennsylvania Avenue

Democrats don't believe in pieces of shit. Pieces of shit such as Ted Cruz. Democrats want to think there are shreds of dignity and decency in every person to which you can appeal. But some people, like Cruz, are irredeemable or must be treated as such because they are lost souls. 

Their only hope of redemption is confrontation. I intend to run for Congress and, once there, speak the truth loudly and every day that Cruz and Hawley and Gosar and all the rest -- so many now -- are total pieces of shit. No doubt this will end up in court. That's what I want. 

I mean to prove in court that they are pieces of shit, in any normal sense of the term. I will bring in the best people in scatology, those who study feces and turds. Experts in shit. Experts, relatedly, in bullshit. People who understand menace, cheapshots and vituperative innuendo. 

If such a thing can be. The Cruzites are practiced in nastiness but also in avoiding accountability, so they lay much of it between the lines and have a sure command of suggestion. 'Brutus is an honorable man.' Right, we get it. Brutus is a treasonous asshole. No honor in him. 

Like Cruz. And virtually every Republican left in Washington. It was bad before Trump but it's horrendous now. I face an uphill battle and may fail, but I will go down fighting. If I can win it will be a miracle. A moment for the ages. The clouds will part and the sun shine. 

We must try. If we can win the truth will reign again. 

Monday, March 18, 2024

Persecuted by Themselves

Trump has his uses. He's so extreme we can see in him the essentials of Republicanism and 'conservatism' and apply that to the less crazy, thereby acheiving enlightenment. First off the primal fear, the persecution complexes and preemptive belligerence. 

Trump was born so rich he didn't have to do anything. Some say he would be wealthier if he hadn't done anything -- if he had invested his money in index funds. I believe it, but he's been at war his whole life, trying to prove something to somebody. 

To prove to himself he's not a worthless piece of shit. But he is a piece of shit so he's in a positive-negative feedback loop, self-reinforcing self destruction. The destruction of those around him or affected by him is incidental, not to say it doesn't hurt. 

So Trump is not a reality based operation. Similarly 'conservatives' are skeptical about their humanity. They don't like their human existence. It doesn't satisfy them, as we see in their religiosity which longs for the perfection of incorporeality. 

That is, death. Non-existence. To be pure spirit, assuming that exists and with a form of consciousness attached to it. Heaven, presumably. Go for it. 

Good for them. God bless. But this means they're mean. They're dissatisfied. They feel persecuted and they lash out. At those they envy, the segment of humanity which, if not thrilled with the prospects of being human and mortal, make the best of it. 

These 'conservatives' therefore experience the loathing as though it's coming at them from somewhere. When, really, it's what they feel for themselves. They assume being human is a disgusting thing because they're disgusted with it. I find that disgusting.

I find Trump disgusting, but that's me. I find life miraculous. I'm not entirely satisfied with my humanity and humanity generally but it's what we have. And I don't think it makes sense to fight it. They crave more. Always more, in the way of vampires.

Stealing life from life. Which is a scam. They have to lie, all the time, because they have bad intent. Lie, that is, and strive for complete domination and hegemony, the institutionalization of their persecutory impulses. Then they can stop lying. 

And speak their truth to the world, which is fuck you we're the winners and deserve everything and will take everything and will kill you if you stand in our way. Which is Republicanism and 'conservatism' as we see it increasingly openly in Trump.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

More Koch Less Woke

Poor Andrew Sullivan has his panties all in a twist over 'woke' which doesn't exist or exists mostly in the famous fever swamps of the conservative collective imagination. Bugger that. Shades of rich white boys trembling at the sight of hippies protesting Vietnam or, my God, Black Panthers strutting the streets. 

Calm yourself, Andrew. Woke isn't going anywhere. It's a reactive, powerless puritanical movement protesting the real disenfranchisement they've been handed by your side's inconceivably rich elite and their goons. Are you a goon? A writer goon? A hit man and enforcer with keyboard and Wildean wit? 

Andrew is an elitist. A supremacist. Andrew thinks some people are better than others, extrapolating from his own obviously higher state and Oxford and all that shit. As a conservative, though, he's been plenty enfranchised. Super enfranchised, I would say. By assorted manipulations, stolen elections, etc. 

He hasn't watched his rights go out the window, like the 'woke' crowd, owing to a Gingrich or other principled crusader coming after them. Gingrich, another man convinced of his superiority. Possible inerrancy, as the movement confers it. They know they're right. Why not worry about a Koch, Andrew? 

Instead of 'woke'?

Never mind Reagan and Bushes and Trump stealing elections and bankrupting the country and annihilating the middle class and starting wars and exploiting tragedies for personal or party benefit. All that is fair game for conservatives, because they deserve to rule. They were chosen. By being rich.

Or anointed by God, maybe, being fundamentalist evangelicals or authoritarian Catholics just following orders. Like Andrew they don't understand that dominance and submission don't have to be issues. Nobody has to be on top. We can all be together. Alive together, on an even existential footing. 

What a thought. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Evangelism as Compensation

When the higher functions are gone what's left is a desire or drive to replicate. Sick religions devolve into this, out of insecurity -- the nacissistic need to see themselves reflected in everything around them.


In their weakness, meaning lack of faith, they are struggling to find themselves. The persecution is incidental. Tell that to their victims. Those they persecute. They need mirrors. People who reflect them. 

Institutions that reflect them. For fucking everything to reflect them. But there's nothing there. No there there. No self. No ego. No conscience or humanity. They're vampires. Life stealers. Bloodsuckers. Killers. 

They are the void. Which they try to fill, in compensation. They are befuddled by those who love life. They resent them. Envy them. Despise them. Religious fundamentalists hate life. They want to kill us. 

But, nothing personal. 

Friday, March 8, 2024

Nearer My God to Thee

I want to thank Republican evangelicals for bringing so many people closer to God. By dying, for example, people presumably come closer to God. Also the heathen, if they suffer enough, might be induced to repent and in that way draw closer to God. So, death and suffering are good -- for non-evangelicals. 

Evangelicals, already being saved, don't need the benefits of death and suffering. In fact, they don't even have to behave since their salvation is already assured and is persevering. Evangelicals have been great at causing suffering and getting people killed. So, thanks for all that, though I'd like to say it's a bit presumptuous.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Satanic Forces of the Confederacy Gird Up

I feel that all the forces of evil are marshalling under Donald Trump for a last great battle. And I finally understand, in a way I never have, the impulse to pray. In other words, the evangelicals have us where they want us, staring down the end times, And they don't care which side they are on. They just want to see Jesus. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

I Am Not an Individualist.

But I'm becoming one. Because I've discovered insecurity. Being scared makes you think of yourself. Being really scared makes you think only of yourself. 

I always felt the wealth. I always felt and knew I lived in a land of plenty. So I didn't worry. But now I worry a lot. Because I live in a land of plenty of nuts.

Where crazy people abound. And they are trying to destroy everything. 

As the World Burns

Marketing has discovered cynicism. In the wild, they claim. In other words, they aren't saying they're cynical or that they're using cynicism per se they're saying they've read the mood. That people are cynical. As though they had nothing to do with it.

With businesses breaking faith with the people they serve. Marketing can be rooted in reality but we're way beyond that. They're not selling you anymore in the sense of selling to you they're selling you. Because they already own you. Your attention. 

What do you think all the 'big data' is about? It's you, in a nutshell. They have your number. Numbers, really. But, no matter. They sell you to established businesses and monopolists. Those who can afford it. To increase their 'market share.' That's you. 

This is partly the power of not giving a shit. So, of course, they are cynical. But they're making good money at it. So they don't have to own it. They already own it. Again, not giving a shit. If this sounds circular it is. A perpetual motion machine.

Which can't exist. Doesn't exist. So, look for the subsidies. There's no product anymore. No producer. Those elements are powerless. Remember 'real' needs? Food, clothing, shelter. These aren't the players. If they were everyone would have them.

Because that battle was won. To a ridiculous extent, at least in developed countries. America throws away a shocking amount of food, which it produces unsustainably, by the way, and people are hungry. Tell me this isn't insane. And I'll tell you it is.

And that this system is sick. No wonder we're cynical. That I won't deny. 

MAGA Shitshow

Our whole country is a MAGA shitshow. There's no escaping it. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Mined Expansion

The age of extraction is coming to a head. The age of exploitation. The age of violence, manipulation and disempowerment. Strange about the disempowerment. When we're raping the world of resources. 

Truth in paradox. Enormous wealth, but insanely concentrated. By a mercilessly greedy system. Injustice by choice, in a quest for power. Don't look now. The end will not be pretty. And the end is near.

The Transformation Will Not be Televised

The right wing media empire -- the hate machine -- is a creature of evangelicals. Their home brew. Their grow room. Their spiritual retreat.

Christianity is about a transformation. To a place of love. There are seeds of hate. And seeds of love. Cultivate the seeds of love. 

The transformation is being televised. By Fox News. The false transformation of hate. The real transformation will not be televised. 

Monday, March 4, 2024

Trial by Ordeal, or Something

Puritans had some cool ways of determining guilt. Like submersing you to see if you sank or what. Float and you're guilty. Sink and you're innocent but presumably drowned. Or something like that. In this way God makes your guilt or innocence known. 

There were many variations. But we've moved on. Puritans have new kinds of trials. Suffering is efficacious in lots of ways. You might be induced to repent and have a 'personal relationship' with Jesus. Or you might die and get to see Jesus that way.

All good. 

So they love suffering. For other people since they assume they are saved, being evangelicals. The thing now is money. God reveals his favor by who gets rich. This has advantages. Not least that you can suck up to rich people by telling them they're the best.

God's chosen, like you. 

They reward you by giving you money. You cut their taxes to thank them and apparently it goes on forever. That's negative taxation, effectively. Socialism. Socialism applied to the rich because God loves them. You socialize the costs of their predations. 

We've come so far since the Middle Ages. 

Tea and Clampetts

They are an odd alliance. Some semblance of the old American high-tea aristocracy that pretended to royalty and claimed innate superiority by the favor of God and ... the rednecks. But the rednecks, or evangelicals, also claim innate superiority because they are saved. Got their card stamped at some hideous revival or whatnot. They have a 'personal relationship' with Jesus.

Like with a guy in a bar. What if God were one of us? From which personal relationship we are evidently excluded. All the weird shit is kicking in. Like wanting inheritance to determine everything, in some way. Genetically or monetarily or by being chosen by God or make-it-up. The important thing to know is some people are better than others. And it probably doesn't include you.