Wednesday, March 6, 2024

As the World Burns

Marketing has discovered cynicism. In the wild, they claim. In other words, they aren't saying they're cynical or that they're using cynicism per se they're saying they've read the mood. That people are cynical. As though they had nothing to do with it.

With businesses breaking faith with the people they serve. Marketing can be rooted in reality but we're way beyond that. They're not selling you anymore in the sense of selling to you they're selling you. Because they already own you. Your attention. 

What do you think all the 'big data' is about? It's you, in a nutshell. They have your number. Numbers, really. But, no matter. They sell you to established businesses and monopolists. Those who can afford it. To increase their 'market share.' That's you. 

This is partly the power of not giving a shit. So, of course, they are cynical. But they're making good money at it. So they don't have to own it. They already own it. Again, not giving a shit. If this sounds circular it is. A perpetual motion machine.

Which can't exist. Doesn't exist. So, look for the subsidies. There's no product anymore. No producer. Those elements are powerless. Remember 'real' needs? Food, clothing, shelter. These aren't the players. If they were everyone would have them.

Because that battle was won. To a ridiculous extent, at least in developed countries. America throws away a shocking amount of food, which it produces unsustainably, by the way, and people are hungry. Tell me this isn't insane. And I'll tell you it is.

And that this system is sick. No wonder we're cynical. That I won't deny. 

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