Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bad Moon on the Rise

I’m sorry to keep commenting on the ass-kissing festival of the Republicans in Washington and all over the country. It’s just so stunning and hard to avoid. Trump offers his bare ass unprejudicially to everyone.

Republicans queue up to revere and kiss the hallowed object. Catholics, especially, seem prone to this idolatry, abomination and sacrilege. I can make sense of the evangelicals and their support.

They benefit as the reascendant Confederacy, America’s original traitors. Among Catholics it’s a pure love of submission and the suspension of disbelief normally reserved for their religious practice and the theater.

What a sad spectacle of human degradation and debasement. Notice that Trump appointed Callista Gingrich, an ignorant whore and wench, as ambassadress to the Vatican after white Catholics voted for him.

This is a classic Trump tactic, rewarding loyalty with an insult—a test and demand for further shit-eating and implication. Catholics complied. Such true soldiers and cannon fodder are vested with opportunities in servitude.

Barr and Kavanaugh, for example, were exalted as reliably lying henchmen and hacks. They were already compromised by Bush’s crimes.

Catholics proudly serve Trump in many important positions, defending his falsehoods as they would the paradoxical, irrational and anachronistic tenets of their church—as though the lies are revelations.

Trump is a revelation, all right—of the perseverance of pure, primal evil in the postmodern world, an emanation of Satan in a digital age.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Murder on the Trump Express

There’s no mystery about what Trump is doing. It’s illegal from beginning to end. From top to bottom. Others are implicated. It might not be a conspiracy but it’s a cabal. Trump’s attempts to try to ram through and weirdly fund his border wall are one example. What a piece of shit he is.

In Trump’s corner and defense we have such treasonous filth as Barr and Kavanaugh, who gleefully investigated things as weighty as the “distinguishing characteristic” of Bill Clinton’s dick. They had NO problems with George Bush’s fruitful genocide, into which he lied and led the country,

They have their priorities straight. Neither of their presidents had a positive mandate, but, given an inch, took a murderous mile, reveling in created conflicts and tortures pronounced necessary for national security. I call it sadism but Trump has trumped Bush in applying it to children.

That is what pride, competition and accomplishment look like among Republicans now. Investigations are overdue. Not much sleuthing needs to be done. It is all well documented but it must be formalized and then prosecuted. At present they are themselves dispensers of justice. My ass.

Worship Me. Idolize Me. Bow Down Before Me

Sorry. Just working out the bugs on a speech for Trump for his second term. If he wins again he really will think he is the chosen one.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Gathering Shitstorm

Well, it has become plain now that the American Republican Party, supposedly representing the country’s elements of dignity, tradition, decorum, fine dining, the rule of law, and the preservation of its citizenry and its rights and accomplishments, has degenerated into filth and shame, firstly by putting party before country, and then by putting the egotism and whims of its singular leader above the welfare of their society and of the entire world. Donald Trump has made it evident that he will do anything to get re-elected. He will do inconsistent, illegal, destructive and malicious things. He will screw anybody and everybody. He would, if he could, trade victory in the next election for a deferred economic collapse occurring the next day if it lasted forever.

Only he matters to himself. The rest of us are nothing. Republicans, accustomed to representing themselves as the country’s saviors and defenders, have collapsed at his feet mumbling, stammering and blubbering, and watching for opportunities for benefit and self-promotion. How is this not the inevitable extension and progression of the program begun in 1968? Republicans realized they could capture the southern vote—George Wallace’s vote—by playing to race between the lines. They had only to go low. And then lower and lower and lower, ending in their degradation and open pandering to bigots and avowed racists, engendering hatred everywhere. To think of the sacrifices expended to create, build and maintain our country and it comes to this.

Friday, August 23, 2019

An Affidavit

Out of the blue a guy I hadn’t see in more than 40 years called me from our high school reunion. We were friends as kids but he became a bad bully and I switched schools and so on. We hadn’t been friendly, I would say, since we were 16. Anyway, it was hard to tell but the call seemed to be to gloat. He seems to think he has won.

The guy was insanely competitive.

I hated to lose but didn’t get anything out of winning but a mild sense of relief. I’m not sure I even hated losing all that much but adolescent boys, including and especially this guy, would make it unbearable. Winning was everything to (him) them. I beat him at most things, as I remember, and I was, trivially, smart and a bit of a hero in Little League.

He admitted to being envious in the phone call. He had tried twice, both evenings of the reunion, and seemed determined to get me on the phone. I had REALLY stopped "competing" when I was 15. I had huge problems at home and at school and was just trying to survive. I remember being reduced to tears by my "friend" once and he didn’t let up.

I would sign an affidavit now if I could and a stipulation that HE HAS WON. I don’t care. But, I know it wouldn't make a difference. Think of Trump and the Republicans. The point is the cruelty. The point is the experience of actively beating up on people. There is no state or stable situation of victory and domination that will appease them.

My old friend was envious about my parents.

That’s what he said on the phone. They were wonderful people but it didn’t save us from fate. It didn’t save us from the bad luck of sickness and death. This compulsion to win, though, is immune to everything. It’s immune to empathy, understanding, and the possibility and viability of other values, such as compassion and decency.

You can be utterly helpless (I was) and suffering and they will still only want to kick your ass. My ass was already kicked. It didn’t matter. Reality never intrudes on that imperative to dominate and destroy their selected opponents who are conveniently defenseless. Weakness brings out the worst in them. Women and children first.

Not that I perceive women as weak. But, they do. And, their compulsion creates their reality, a fantasy and a delusion in which they can win. It is a setup. They pick on those who are already down or gang-up on you. Egotism runs everything. Most importantly, remember that they will never be satisfied. There is no end-state in security.

They crave the primal, visceral experience of lording it over other people and it is an implacable, irrational need, rooted in their own weakness and fear. Study up on Trump. There is no better example. Anyway, I say, nevertheless, to my old friend, you have won. Send me an affidavit. I will sign it.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Secretary of Deference

I am bothered by the inconsistent, irregular, unprofessional, disorganized and altogether inadequately managed ass-kissing going on in the White House. Granted, Trump is a moving target but I believe it can still be handled better under a new, cabinet level post, the SECRETARY OF DEFERENCE.

This is an important position. All the other members of the cabinet must answer to this secretary since deference applies to everyone and is more important that any other quality of decision making in an authoritarian regime. Lindsay “Cracker” Graham would be an excellent inaugural choice.

He’s a born ass-kisser if I have ever encountered one.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Uneasy Ride

Little did we know, at the time, but Easy Rider was prescient as hell. Captain America, representing America, was killed by rednecks. Now, America has been destroyed by evangelical Christians. That is, rednecks.

Democracy Dies in the Light of Day

I never once saw Donald Trump’s reality TV show. I never followed his exploits around New York though I beheld his tasteless tower at times. I had no idea he was such an evil, self-centered, stupid and morally stunted person.

However, I was aware of the destructive impulses of the Gingrich-influenced Republicans—that they came to annihilate America and oversee its reinvention as a state that runs on greed and cruelty, serving only the very wealthy.

And, so, I am somewhat unsurprised at where Trump is heading, toward the re-creation of America along the loathsome lines of Ayn Rand’s grotesque fantasies of heroically unbounded egotism, but I am very surprised at how fast.

Trump’s brand of worthlessness plays perfectly into the worst aspects of the determined destruction of rational government and decency. We are becoming an abomination and monstrosity out in the open and in view of everyone.

Our government is overcome by criminals.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Bear Witness

Does Trump shit in the woods? No. Trump shits in the White House. And, figuratively, that means that Trump shits on all of us.

Trump Killed Jeffrey Epstein

Obviously, Donald Trump killed Jeffrey Epstein. Who has the power? Who has the most to lose? Who is so stupid and reckless? It has to be Donald Trump.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Humane Torture

ICE and the the Trump administration have announced a new, HUMANE TORTURE push in celebration of which they have staged a well-rationalized roundup of illegal immigrants in Mississippi, a state known for generations and centuries as a bastion of civil rights and progressive concern for minorities.

Republicans have worked out the bugs on the at Guantanamo Bay and are therefore well positioned for its implementation. Reassurances aside, they have a track record on torture that should comfort all and allay any concerns. Worst case, they can call in Dick Cheney and his supporters, taking advantage of their expertise.

Treason Museum

One of my dreams, apart from placing a full page ad in the NYT accusing the Koch boys of treason—a takeoff and simulation of their daddy’s handbill accusing Kennedy (how can they complain?) of such—is of having a Treason Museum in Washington detailing the Republican destruction of the United States of America.

I would love to have it on the Mall but recognize that this is not practicable. I will settle for the house where evangelical congressmen have lived for years in prayerful hope of the creation of a theocratic state in place of our democracy, ultimately embracing the whole world. It would thereby displace this obviously treasonous activity.

Welcome to the Brave New World Created by Republicans

Guess what.

There was nothing inherently illegal going on when that guy walked into a Missouri Walmart looking like a Somali warlord, one of his drug-stoked supporters or an ISIS combatant, but with newer and nicer gear. The legality or illegality of it will depend on his ATTITUDE.

Now, this is clearly just another unforeseen and unintended consequence of the Republican hegemony, their fixed ideas about things and unyielding ideological bent, like causing the 2008 recession with deregulation or destroying the middle class with tax cuts on plutocrats.

We figure out if a person is a “bad actor” when they start shooting. That’s how you tell. Prior to that you withhold judgment. You see what I mean about their half-baked ideas and policies. They never think things through. Let’s say we have armed guards in the schools. And, let’s say some nut has a yearning for a child massacre.

Wouldn’t that person seek a job as a school guard just as a pedophile, possibly even unwittingly, might be driven to find employment among children. Republicans are idiots. Republicans lie all the time. Republicans are cheats. Republicans are cruel and spiteful and demeaning to other people.

They are also driven to control everything. If you don’t like what’s happening don’t blame me. Don’t blame Democrats. Republicans have caused it all.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Moscow on the Potomac

Mitch McConnell is extremely indignant that he has been accused of disloyalty. He has been obviously, forthrightly loyal his whole life. To the Confederacy. Someone, explain to Mitch that loyalty to the racist, classist, abhorrent caliphate of his southern roots is treason.

He, and people like him, is why we have a racist, classist government and monstrosity in Washington and, increasingly, a racist, classist monstrosity in the rest of the country. Congratulations, Mitch, the Confederacy is risen again. The stench is everywhere.

Friday, August 2, 2019

What Becomes of the Broken?

Broken people do bad stuff, that’s what happens. They have strange drives, unconnected to reality. They have issues. Often, they are fearful and have odd impulses and compulsions to dominate other people. They falsely see their personal, internal conflicts manifested around them and try to resolve those conflicts in self-created, delusional dramas. They are drama queens, like Donald Trump.

Bogus Family

The family of man. Think of all the bogus bullshit they told you when you were a kid. Think of all the nonsense about decency and honesty and fair play, that virtue was rewarded and evil, if not punished, wasn't the ticket to a wonderful life, anyway.

What a load of crap. What a heap of horse shit. Evil is rewarded. People are plagued and punished for being good. Donald Trump is president, issuing a torrent of insults. His hirelings victimize everyone they can, the innocent and powerless first and most aggressively.

This is America. This is life in America, where evil and ill-will and greed rule everything. The human family. What a lie. If it’s a family it’s a sickass family—full of persecution, envy, resentment and exploitation. If this is family I’ll take something else any day.