Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Gathering Shitstorm

Well, it has become plain now that the American Republican Party, supposedly representing the country’s elements of dignity, tradition, decorum, fine dining, the rule of law, and the preservation of its citizenry and its rights and accomplishments, has degenerated into filth and shame, firstly by putting party before country, and then by putting the egotism and whims of its singular leader above the welfare of their society and of the entire world. Donald Trump has made it evident that he will do anything to get re-elected. He will do inconsistent, illegal, destructive and malicious things. He will screw anybody and everybody. He would, if he could, trade victory in the next election for a deferred economic collapse occurring the next day if it lasted forever.

Only he matters to himself. The rest of us are nothing. Republicans, accustomed to representing themselves as the country’s saviors and defenders, have collapsed at his feet mumbling, stammering and blubbering, and watching for opportunities for benefit and self-promotion. How is this not the inevitable extension and progression of the program begun in 1968? Republicans realized they could capture the southern vote—George Wallace’s vote—by playing to race between the lines. They had only to go low. And then lower and lower and lower, ending in their degradation and open pandering to bigots and avowed racists, engendering hatred everywhere. To think of the sacrifices expended to create, build and maintain our country and it comes to this.

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