Sunday, August 11, 2019

Welcome to the Brave New World Created by Republicans

Guess what.

There was nothing inherently illegal going on when that guy walked into a Missouri Walmart looking like a Somali warlord, one of his drug-stoked supporters or an ISIS combatant, but with newer and nicer gear. The legality or illegality of it will depend on his ATTITUDE.

Now, this is clearly just another unforeseen and unintended consequence of the Republican hegemony, their fixed ideas about things and unyielding ideological bent, like causing the 2008 recession with deregulation or destroying the middle class with tax cuts on plutocrats.

We figure out if a person is a “bad actor” when they start shooting. That’s how you tell. Prior to that you withhold judgment. You see what I mean about their half-baked ideas and policies. They never think things through. Let’s say we have armed guards in the schools. And, let’s say some nut has a yearning for a child massacre.

Wouldn’t that person seek a job as a school guard just as a pedophile, possibly even unwittingly, might be driven to find employment among children. Republicans are idiots. Republicans lie all the time. Republicans are cheats. Republicans are cruel and spiteful and demeaning to other people.

They are also driven to control everything. If you don’t like what’s happening don’t blame me. Don’t blame Democrats. Republicans have caused it all.

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