Friday, February 24, 2023

Rooting for Russia

McCarthy and Tucker. Let's remember, after Democrats did better in 2022 than expected, the mess we're still in. Republicans have no policies. Sabotage isn't a sideline but their primary political means. They want to win in '24 and be lords of a failed state because then they can rule like Putin. An empowered electorate is against their interests. 

Elections won't matter. Being that crazy is risky but they are rolling the dice. Crashing the economy and seeing Russia succeed benefit them with Biden in office. So they want that. In a deliberately failed state everything is upside down. Having citizens have good lives is a bad thing. This assumes that the new technologies mean new possibilities.

Which is true.

For authoritarians. For dictators. They won't have to worry about citizens rising up. With automation, robotics, AI and all that a workforce isn't needed as it once was. And with drones and such and the surveillance possibilities of new technologies they think an autocratic regime might rule forever. So they're rooting for Putin and a bad economy. 

And Carlson is not McCarthy's boy. McCarthy is his. We're living in an inversion. A moral collapse, playing out with some very sick shit. Recall all the crazy stuff Trump wanted to do, including using the state against its people. The army, the IRS, drones, you name it. And Republicans were fine with it. They supported it. This is Star Wars. Good v. Evil. 

With no guarantee the good guys will win. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Secession Again

Kevin McCarthy's muse and right hand woman MTG has proposed national division and divorce and I say yes. They've been unfaithful all along while enjoying the benefits of the union and its stability. This is clearly unfinished business and a sequel to the Civil War. 

Iraq War II by the Bush model. So, we separate and then give them shock and awe. Invade their asses. Do it right and not let the racist bigot pigs off. Crush them and their lies and evil designs completely, deposing the Philippine pig farmer who will presumably rule them. 

Encouraging News

We have two black quarterbacks in the Super Bowl and a couple of recent mass shootings have been attributed to black men. This is the clearest possible sign of full Americanization, social acceptance, and complete participation in the rites and traditions of the country.

Monday, February 20, 2023

The Space-Time Gospel

The Bible as we have it is a space-time gospel. A teaching or message conveyed in the only way in could and remain coherent and intelligible, in a space-time context. But God exists beyond space and time. So the Gospel is a story and not a myth in the sense of being untrue but truer because nothing of meaning for us is situated beyond space and time. And meaning is everything.

There is no afterlife. 

There is no 'God' that we can comprehend directly. We approach God through parallelism or participation. His projection in creation, including us. Genuine religions embody or convey this truth, grounded in our common humanity and an acceptance of mortality and the insult it conveys to us individually. The insult is resolved through community. Beyond that, scale is a problem. 

Beyond what we can embrace at an emotional and familial level, scale is an adversary. A challenge. At scale tribal instincts betray us. Religions or 'true' philosophies are technologies to try to deal with the problems of scale that keep us slaughtering one another like idiots. Then these systems have visibly failed. Love, lacking a better word, binds us together. 

Socialism is everything that is good in us. Because it can conquer predatory instincts, primal fears and the drives to domination that deny our common humanity and our existence within the limits of the natural world. One way to deal with this is to lie about it. Tell people we can survive the natural world which we can't. Not as a matter of individual consciousness.

The Space-Time Gospel is fine. Maybe it should be known as such because we see how human 'success' is infested with failure through misunderstanding. By lies and self-seeking as fear encroaches on and frustrates the sustainable social instincts that might enable us to exist at scale, within and alongside larger communities, without needless and heedless slaughter. 

This is the 'logos' of Christ, a true teaching that demands an ethics and morality based on behaviors. Judgments of character are beyond us. Since, life in creation is circumstantial and in that way individually relative, though not relative at a social scale, the only level at which justice can be realized, based as it is on a commonality of humanity and a love of creation. 

The best we can do is discipline -- structures and standards even down to etiquette -- informed by insight or revelation which has ineffable aspects to it in the way of beauty and art. Which, if they could be captured or contained, stripped of mystery and its acceptance of human limitation and inadequacy, wouldn't be true or beautiful. The logos, Christ, is intelligibility.

And, it or He only exists at social scale. Christianity is form of socialism. Everything good is a form of socialism, an extension of family. 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Trump's Derailment

Trump's profits-before-people deregulatory protocols enabled a train wreck in Ohio and, meanwhile, his latest electoral bid/scam/caper appears about to be interrupted by an indictment. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Nikki Reassures Republicans

Nikki Haley has reassured Republicans she's one of them. That she's an honorary white person and that she knows how to lie. Because Republicans are the party of white people and lies. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

MAGA Cum Laude

Republicans might be about to graduate Trump with ass-kissing honors but then what? How to move on feeling they're going forward if MAGA man thinks he's being abandoned, abused, jettisoned, and generally that going anywhere beyond him in his gold-plated greatness is backwards? Backwards, for Trump, and the chance of being called a loser, or anything less than king? -- he will go ballistic. 

Democrats maybe relish the prospect. Which is unwise. Because Republicans always find someone with greater destructive potential. Perfect track record there. And we have a country to run. Or am I missing something? The magical thinking of the libertarians, that if everyone unleashes their inner rapacious asshole it somehow works out good? I'm not so sure. Maybe it only works out for them . . .  

Monday, February 13, 2023

Dysfunctional Medicine

Everyone's wondering who Republicans will run for president but don't think about it. Try not to. It doesn't matter because we know the functional definition of the likeliest candidate, the most destructive person they can find. They would run Marjorie Taylor Greene if they thought she could win. 

They are not here to govern. They are here to destroy.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Sarah Huckabee's Slanders

The Arkansas inbreds are still at it. Sarah Huckabee gives an Orwellian rebuttal to Biden's speech, rivaling the everyday insanity of McCarthy's House. All is well in the conservative optional universe of lies, hate, accusatory falsehoods and enticements to violence. They love the lies more than life itself. 

Build It and They'll Cum

Libertarians are salivating over the nearness of their dream state, the authoritarian dystopia they've striven to create. Biden is a minor setback. SCOTUS is securely in their hands. Keep your head down if you don't want to get splattered with semen by the generational wealth crowd. The other side is generational despair and the systematic disenfranchisement of the 'losers' of the population. Their numbers will be huge. 

Friday, February 10, 2023

Libertarians v. Librarians

If it weren't already obvious enough in DeSantis's fascist Florida 'libertarians' are asserting themselves against the freedom of others, revealing it was always a power grab and a scam. The goal is pure and seamless indoctrination, ensuring a generation of unquestioning sheep to keep exceptionalism alive. They must never ask, why should the work to fund the fun and games of the idle rich?

Thursday, February 9, 2023

An Ounce of Satire . . .

is worth a pound of persuasion.

The Club for Girth

The Koch political influence machine is back after some confusing years over what to do about Trump and insurrections and other strange shit. As always they are for consolidating wealth especially now through inheritance which is the new manliness. 

They stress you don't have to be a fatass to participate only rich. Charles himself was usually in good shape and once quite a ball player but credits those Bircher lunatic genes which burn lots of calories and keep one always mobilized with paranoid thoughts.

The Greene-ing of America

The 'consciousness raising' movement was nothing but prejudicial thinking, value judgments and an argument for inaction. The 'lower' consciousness produces results, relating to the primal drives for security, domination, procreation and winning. Which are the irreducible, unavoidable elements of human existence as championed by Marjorie Taylor Greene and the Republican Party. This is real life, whereas woke America and all the tree huggers and navel-gazing, self-pitying, kumbaya-singing lovers of sloth, inertia and effeminacy on the left want to live in a fantasy world.

These are the insights of thought leader Marjorie. We had better listen.

It's time to take her seriously and understand the importance of the regression of consciousness. Marjorie wants an America rooted in the reality of competition and the traditional values of masculinity, order, cleanliness, and hunting and fishing. For men. Women should have babies and plant gardens with lots of lettuce. To that end we must reinvent the games of the Roman Coliseum, particularly the parts where things die in combat. Closer to home, dog fighting should be legal and made the national sport so we don't all go soft and get our asses kicked by the Ruskies.

Take that, whining-ass Democrats. He-man Newt awaits your answer. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Pussy-Ass Bitch

Donald Trump, having been called a pussy-ass bitch, promptly responded by behaving like a pussy-ass bitch, thereby establishing he is a pussy-ass bitch. 


The balloon and the buffoon. Surveillance and the gas bag. What's worse for America, some floating Chinese thing when America is an intelligence sieve, or Donald Trump? Even the Koch network and its Club for Shlubs, the Generational Wealth Foundation or Institute for Higher Miseducation, have abandoned their tnis loose cannon, who gave them huge tax breaks. They want the tax breaks without the instability and drama. And Donald is a bankruptcy waiting to happen, an engine for economic calamity.

Saturday, February 4, 2023


Of course, Republicans are utterly panicked and hysterical about the balloon that overflew the country, as though there isn't an assload of satellites up there already doing who knows what. But it happened on Biden's watch so it must be a scandal and investigated. 

If it had happened to Trump no doubt it would have been a coup. No, one of the good kind, since Don-boy wanted to weaponize space and it would have shown his brilliance, prescience and determination to protect the country. Now we find out it did happen to Trump. 

Invisibly, because the balloons were so high. And Trump is back, an epic gas bag, bloating and floating above the political earth, his diaper leaking badly. Shit spews everywhere. His toadies hasten to clean it up. The toadies still abound but they're testing the winds. 

Friday, February 3, 2023

Diabolical Materialism

Republicans make out they hate commies. But they are commies. The true belief one must hold to be a commie is in the inevitability and transcendence of class conflict. Dog eat dog. Everything else follows, like worker exploitation and implosion of capitalist systems from wealth concentration. And, unending warfare and carnage and all the rest. It's a diabolical, cynical assumption but with enormous self-fulfilling characteristics. They create the world they believe in, full of hate, suspicion and bottomless greed.

Dial M for Meathead

Donald is back, running for something -- even he doesn't know what -- and looking for people to troll. His one skill in life is the takedown. So we're in for plenty of that and the American media will cover it because it's news. But it isn't. It's old as shit and the world will be better off when the fucker dies. 

How to Cook Your Goose

There's a trick to this. Let right wing assholes, trolls and motherfuckers in the house and they'll cook your goose for you. Very well done. Your goose will be cooked once and for all.