Friday, February 24, 2023

Rooting for Russia

McCarthy and Tucker. Let's remember, after Democrats did better in 2022 than expected, the mess we're still in. Republicans have no policies. Sabotage isn't a sideline but their primary political means. They want to win in '24 and be lords of a failed state because then they can rule like Putin. An empowered electorate is against their interests. 

Elections won't matter. Being that crazy is risky but they are rolling the dice. Crashing the economy and seeing Russia succeed benefit them with Biden in office. So they want that. In a deliberately failed state everything is upside down. Having citizens have good lives is a bad thing. This assumes that the new technologies mean new possibilities.

Which is true.

For authoritarians. For dictators. They won't have to worry about citizens rising up. With automation, robotics, AI and all that a workforce isn't needed as it once was. And with drones and such and the surveillance possibilities of new technologies they think an autocratic regime might rule forever. So they're rooting for Putin and a bad economy. 

And Carlson is not McCarthy's boy. McCarthy is his. We're living in an inversion. A moral collapse, playing out with some very sick shit. Recall all the crazy stuff Trump wanted to do, including using the state against its people. The army, the IRS, drones, you name it. And Republicans were fine with it. They supported it. This is Star Wars. Good v. Evil. 

With no guarantee the good guys will win. 

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