Thursday, February 29, 2024

Let Us Not Praise Famous Men

Mitch McConnell, a son of Alabama and soldier of the Confederacy, came to Washington for revenge and the restoration of the South's honor. Revenge for the insults of the Civil War and desegregation. Losers have long memories. May he be remembered for what he was, a racist piece of shit. 

His revenge is accomplished, and the stench of death is everywhere. This is the South's honor, the misery and horrors of white man supremacy. He has done his job well, the Democratic Party standing in for black people, the closest effective approximation the society will permit.

Let us not praise famous men. Give them the reputation they deserve. 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Worst Side Story

In what kind of a nation does the worst side win every argument by cheating, raw power and overwhelming everyone with bullshit? One on the way to failure and collapse.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Of Men Who Are Mice

Republicans spread disease, shit and piss everywhere, cannibalize one another when they must and scurry away as the light of day reveals them. We know who the vermin are. 

Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Liar in Winter

Trump, the aging monarch, has kids with lots of limitations. Two appear stupid, chips off the block but without their father's disreputable talents as a con man and belittler of his enemies. A belittler of allies, for that matter. The other, a daughter, who knows. Anyway, it will be a hell of a thing to watch.

For talent Trump will have to look outside the family. The usual, anticipated difficulties of succession are playing out. Lots of complexities around Trump's unbelievably fragile ego. All must demonstrate their limitless fealty and subservience. But they must also show skill at clobbering enemies in jousts.

But not threaten Trump by being too skillful at anything. All praise and credit must go to fearless leader. Remember the ego. Always remember the ego. The landscape of enemies is a constantly morphing mess because Herr Donald is such a loose cannon. It includmany in his own party.

This will probably entail the destruction of our country but it will be interesting if you can stomach it. I'm having trouble already. The degradation is too extreme. This is reality reality TV. Or something like that. Trump is basically a Kardashian. Without thei better qualites. It should be a show.

"The Liar in Winter."

Haley is Still Nuts

Keep a perspective. As much as you can. The field of distortion is too intense. Though anyone is preferable to Trump Haley is still nuts.

Trump Torture

Republicans are waterboarding Democrats with Trump. Trump is a form of torture. It will break anyone. 

Pig Wins Big

Donald Trump has won big in the traitor state. But South Carolinians, who started the Civil War, have always voted for pieces of shit. This is not news. 

Though, in profile, Trump looks more like Chris Christie all the time. He must be consoling himself over his gargantuan legal costs and fines by eating.

He always was a pig. 

Saturday, February 24, 2024


Evangelical Christians have infiltrated every part of society. They pretend to believe in democracy but are being activated as the pheremones of hate are released and spread around. They are programmed to destroy everything so a new society may emerge. Or, barring that or in conjunction, everything will just come unglued and Jesus will come. 

That part is unclear. 

Evidently even to them. But in the short run they'll wreck everything leaving a huge power vacuum on the assumption Jesus needs help. Meanwhile the super-rich will have a field day. Maybe they represent Jesus. Maybe they are the ones who are saved. All of that is unclear. If you're not rich hang on to your hat. Hang onto something. It could be rough. 

Friday, February 23, 2024

Arm a Dildo

The worst people most want to have guns. Then there are people who want the worst people to have guns. That I find harder to understand. Antonin Scalia might have been a pig but he was a smart pig. Alito and Thomas are lost souls. Scalia must have known he was wrong about gun rights. He, especially, and a lot of other affluent, educated Republicans threw a big bone to the gun nuts. Because they wanted their votes. 

So they could take over and have their way. Now they're afraid of their own base. Everybody is. With good reason. So to save themselves and further their interests they direct all the hate at Democrats. That passes for character and conviction among conservatives. They are spineless garbage with no principles.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Antisemitism and Christianity

Christian antisemitism is simple to understand. Some Christians in some periods have seen Jews as a standing insult to Christianity. Because Jews have a familial claim on Christ Christians can't have, or think they can't. But this requires that Christians opt for a tribal outlook, which is incompatible with being a Christian. You can't be Christian and an antisemite at the same time. Each excludes the other. 

Cracked Up

I intend to suggest the possibility that Trump supporters are snuffing dope from his ass crack if not his anus. How else to explain the combination of dependency, degradation and delusion? Delusion at a level that suggests chemical dependency? Hallucinations. 

Trump must perform multiple roles for them, some of which are apparent and written about extensively, but not about his role as a drug dealer. They might be more met heads or LSD types. I see evidence of both. They must have their fix, which leans us away from LSD to meth, crack and heroin.

Notice how they can't go long without a huff of Trump or other hate from Fox or another source. They require maintenance, and will begin acting out and experiencing withdrawal without their jolt of lies, hatred and contempt. These folks are fucking addicts.

At the End of Thy Rope

Religious consevatives have us where they want us. At the end of a rope. 

We Are All Hostages

What would Europe do if Putin decided to drop one nuke somewhere? Just to bait them? Maybe on a city, maybe on some relative wasteland. These sociopaths make hostages of all of us. And the racists in America, who have held the country hostage since the beginning, have now nearly won.

Getting Off

Lots of Americans are on the off ramp. Some because of detours. 'New World Order Under Construction.' Soon they will be told to turn back. That there's no future for them that they might want. 

Expect Too Much, Get Too Little

I want a religion that understands my weakness. But without pessimism or fatalism. Expecting too much can cause a revolt. Well, they might be saying, I'll remind you what life is really like. And how people really are, just to hit the reset. 

Fecal Recognition

You would think we could identify a turd. So much easier than a face, to the point of being able to name the individual. But we can't, with Donald Trump as my evidence. 

Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Hitlerians

Americans are learning how well or not the 'great man' approach to history works, the focus on individuals shaping events. Not implying the loss of a 'great' leader won't stop a movement or cripple it, the 'if only someone had shot Hitler' thing, but I'm saying it's harder to stop a leader than we might have thought. They surround themselves with flunkies. 

Layers of goons and henchmen. The attacks start early and are opportunistic. America is passing into the intimidation phase. The lies and deceit are still abundant but the aggression is more open. The hate more transparent. And that core group of goons, the base, is loving it. The Liberals or whatever deserve it. They earned it. But we see who the real traitors are. 

Trump Gets the Shit Fined Out of Him

All good. But the point is to stop the harm. And fining him is a baby step. 

They're Voting for Trump Because They're Pieces of Shit

Enough of this stuff about why Evangelical Christians or some group are voting for Trump. There's no excuse. They're voting for Trump because, like him, they're pieces of shit. He makes them feel better about themselves. They are terrible human beings who bring death and suffering to the world. 

Saturday, February 17, 2024

First in Flight

Scots-Irish evangelicals have problems owning their shit. Evangelicals, generally, but the Scots-Irish shaped evangelical culture. They flee owning their own sinfulness and imperfection. Acknowledging their racism and depravity. They compensate with self-righteousness and react with defensiveness. 

You can see why they love Trump. Impurity and the push for impunity. Get-out-of-hell-free. Trump maximizes damage and sinfulness. So he makes evangelicals feel good about themselves. And he's full of denial. And he's a bully. He asserts his guiltlessness. Evangelicals think their salvation is assured. 

They and Trump are already saved so it doesn't matter what they do. They are in a flight from reality. The reality of themselves. The same people were first in line for white flight. And North Carolinians tried to claim the Wright Brothers. But North Carolina is the state that gave you lung cancer, not aviation. 

The claims of being 'saved' and patriots and the real Americans are all of course lies. They lie about these because they're the opposite of what they claim. They're traitors and cowards. They wouldn't know Jesus if he came in over a border, walked up to them and claimed asylum. They're liars and awful people.

Friday, February 16, 2024

We Don't Go There

Evangelicals have always been good at denial. When your religion, at least the SBC version of it, became independent and distinct over its support for slavery it's to be expected. This continues in the age of Trump, who really doesn't go there. Because his whole life is shit. One big door not to be opened. So evangelicals are doomed to hell because they won't go there. They won't own their shit. Their sins. Because there's too much there to own. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Who's Kidding Who?

Disinformation is having a day. It's creative in its presentation. Lots of great lies. Reason is boring. The truth is boring. Stability is boring. Balance is boring. And not taking shit for granted is work. And thus Eve bit of the apple and Pandora's Box fell open. 

Things got interesting.

Like with fascism once, in the 1930s. Lots of unboring stuff resulted from that.

Justice Can't Wait

People with otherworldly orientations can want to wait on justice. God will see to it, or such an attitude. But the fools don't see that justice for them will mean punishment. So maybe they don't really believe in God or justice. They're just cynics and assholes. 

Monday, February 12, 2024

Unhinged Former President Sabotages Own Country

Former president donald trump is undermine his own country for political gain. Is there nothing we can do to stop this? 

An Ungenuine Religion

So I was thinking about America's demise, the rise of Trump and the role of the Southern Baptists and their churches in this and I couldn't get anywhere. That is, I couldn't grant that these Baptists are even a religion let alone 'Biblical' and a form of Christianity. They don't even deal with religious stuff, having originated over being racist cult and willing to insist racism was fine by God. Justice can wait. They never moved on. 

Baptists have caused many people to think the world would be better without religion. Which itself is evidence against them. The lack of a true witness. I remember noticing parallels between Irish and southern literature. I thought it was because these defeated peoples had their religions outlawed and they constructed myths as defense mechanisms and got good at subversive and clandestine political organization.

The Irish keeping their Catholicism alive and the Baptists maintaining an apartheid state for nearly a century. For more than a century, factoring in Trump and the rise of the right after desegregation and the immediate and profound success of the Southern Strategy. Which again is the point. Racism alone distinguishes Southern Baptists. If it were anything else they would vote differently. It's not a genuine religion at all. 

Beyond Identity Politics

The politics of identity on the left is valid as far as it goes -- in defending certain, mostly protected classes from their tormentors. Republicans hate blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, women, gay people, the poor, old people and the sick and so on. Republicans hate humanity. They even hate themselves, their one justifiable prejudice. The results can be seen in their willingness to idolize Trump, a sign of loathing everything.

Republicans hate all of creation. 

This aspect of puritanical psychology has taken over the soul of the party. The brains are applied to raking in unwarranted profits, not that Puritans ever had any problem with profit. Wealth results from holiness.  Profit is evidence of election. Identity politics is therefore ineffective in combatting Republicanism. It fails to capture the scope of their hatred. The obvious bigotries are symptoms of a larger, deeper problem.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Tucker Promotes Putin

Former Fox host Tucker Carlson's softball interview with mass murderer Vlad Putin makes sense, I want to argue, and shouldn't be considered inappropriate. Tucker's boy Bush set the standard for military adventurism and getting hundreds of thousands of people killed for political advantage. And because he simply didn't care and was brought up knowing there were never consequences for people of his class.

Hannity Oversees Mugging, Doesn't Report

Sean Hannity of the Goebbels News Network oversaw a mugging live and has apparently signed off on this tactic as long as the person is suspected of or assumed to be an illegal immigrant, since it wasn't inquired about before the assault. The person was later determined to be a resident of the Bronx. 

Hannity is assumed to be a citizen and legally living in the country but I think he's a traitor and eating some concrete or waterboarding, another practice normalized by Hannity's network, should clear it up and remove any doubts. Does he know he's always lying? I don't know how else it can be determined. 

And he's a person of vast influence and reach, so it should be a priority to find out. 

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Voluntary Dehumanization

Fighting against Republicans feels impossible. A collective brain controls them. As individuals they have no integrity. There's nothing there. Repentance and reform are impossible. As individuals, their humanity is gone. Meaning collectively, as well.

They gave up their humanity voluntarily, becoming fire ants in a political fight. 

Nearly unstoppable. Why do people do this? Existential dread, and the difficulties of being alive and the inability to cope with being free. So it's about the collective. Conformity, obedience, subservience and a unanimity of opinion and purpose. They're the Borg. 

Freedom. Think about how they harp on that. Their freedom. But they're automatons. Drones. Projectiles. Kamikazes for the cause. Mindless and degraded functionaries at the beck and call of a lunatic and sputtering goon king. More degraded is better, I guess.

When you so utterly despise your humanity. 

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Pedicare for All

Mike Johnson has released a plan to replace Medicare and Obamacare with Pedicare. Nowhere in the Bible, or in the Constitution, for that matter, is there talk of Obamacare or Medicare, says Johnson. But there is the washing of the feet in the Bible, the highest authority, so Pedicare we may have. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Chump Army Readies for Battle

Donald Trump's army of chumps, goons and the greedy is preparing for battle. The goons will lead, the chumps follow and the rich will pay for it. 

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Goes Down Easy

Republicans are again earning accolades, from Trump, for how readily they will suck his dick. Oh, yuck. Double yuck. More yuck. But don't blame me talk to them about it. Trump decides it's against his electoral interests for there to be a border bill. 

Any border bill. And -- poof! Border bill gone. Congressman Mike what's-his-name is immediately on his knees before Trump's johnson. A Christian, he's a man of service, they say. So he falls to his knees. But, this? What kinds of people are they? 

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Moms for Puberty

Puberty is a mess. Best avoided. Or denied. Or skipped, maybe. Is that possible? It's hard on everyone. Republicans typically choose the Freudian route. Denial. Repression. Anything but acceptance. 

They have such problems with innocence. The only innocent person is unborn or dead. Or in the womb, maybe. Because life is shit. Creation is shit. Conception is a verdict. Guilty. Birth is arriving in prison. 


To the shithole of creation. Where you must suffer. Here, have a shit life. You sucker. Smart people know life is shit and take advantage. Look out for themselves. Always. Only. Now and forever, amen. 

Parents should want their kids to grow up. Reach escape velocity and all that. Leave the frat house and have a life. But the frat was fun. Sex, drugs, etc. Let's stay there forever, they say. Bush. Trump. 

Their idols never grow up.