Monday, February 12, 2024

An Ungenuine Religion

So I was thinking about America's demise, the rise of Trump and the role of the Southern Baptists and their churches in this and I couldn't get anywhere. That is, I couldn't grant that these Baptists are even a religion let alone 'Biblical' and a form of Christianity. They don't even deal with religious stuff, having originated over being racist cult and willing to insist racism was fine by God. Justice can wait. They never moved on. 

Baptists have caused many people to think the world would be better without religion. Which itself is evidence against them. The lack of a true witness. I remember noticing parallels between Irish and southern literature. I thought it was because these defeated peoples had their religions outlawed and they constructed myths as defense mechanisms and got good at subversive and clandestine political organization.

The Irish keeping their Catholicism alive and the Baptists maintaining an apartheid state for nearly a century. For more than a century, factoring in Trump and the rise of the right after desegregation and the immediate and profound success of the Southern Strategy. Which again is the point. Racism alone distinguishes Southern Baptists. If it were anything else they would vote differently. It's not a genuine religion at all. 

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