Thursday, February 8, 2024

Voluntary Dehumanization

Fighting against Republicans feels impossible. A collective brain controls them. As individuals they have no integrity. There's nothing there. Repentance and reform are impossible. As individuals, their humanity is gone. Meaning collectively, as well.

They gave up their humanity voluntarily, becoming fire ants in a political fight. 

Nearly unstoppable. Why do people do this? Existential dread, and the difficulties of being alive and the inability to cope with being free. So it's about the collective. Conformity, obedience, subservience and a unanimity of opinion and purpose. They're the Borg. 

Freedom. Think about how they harp on that. Their freedom. But they're automatons. Drones. Projectiles. Kamikazes for the cause. Mindless and degraded functionaries at the beck and call of a lunatic and sputtering goon king. More degraded is better, I guess.

When you so utterly despise your humanity. 

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