Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Libertarian Lab Leak

Could the virulent stupidity of MAGA have arisen in the wild, as a mutation, or only in a perverted laboratory of satanic invention? The answer is easy because the facilities operated openly though they were rebranded, often with 'freedom' or 'heritage' or some bullshit patriotic allusion attached. 

This is not to say MAGA wasn't a quickly mutating strain. No question it was, under the pressure of a racist backlash against a black Democratic president. For one thing, it assured the status of Democrats as a subspecies -- an underclass. Open season on them. They would undergo fuller disenfranchisement.

The rules were out the window. Defenestrated. From breaking conventions and abandoning decency and fair play Republicans progressed to illegality with abandon, manipulating the courts and strong-arming the government generally, rendering it impotent to enforce it's own laws. Equal protection ended.

And there we are now, moving along with a government controlled by traitors determined to reinvent it on libertarian lines, with some citizens vastly over-empowered and others fucked out of the box. Until we get the money out of govenment it will go on this way. Because a govenment for sale is not free. 

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