Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Inhuman Stain

Are people nothing more than animals with big brains? Yes and no, I think, because the big brains make them something different. And not only potentially but irreducibly because the power the big brains confers entails responsibilities. Inescapable responsibilities. 

Consider Donald Trump. He could be called subhuman because he treats other people as prey. They have no rights or value to him apart from his own interests. Donald 'kills' for no reason and at times against his interests out of a compulsion to disempower other people. 

Perhaps even that is wrong. Disempowering people makes sense in a sick, paranoid way. Donald simply enjoys putting other people down and hurting them. You see the problem here. 'Enjoy' begs a question, referencing a kind of 'normal' humanity that doesn't apply. 

Here we've discovered something, why it's so hard to combat people like Trump. Relatability. For 'normal' people there's nothing there, so we get to the legitimate and fair accusations of the MSM, for example, normalizing Trump and his followers. It's exactly what they do.

Anyway, so Trump is not really subhuman since he is a person whose animal nature overrules everything human in him putting him in a separate category of being lower than a beast. He enables us to see the human dilemma, that we must be 'lower' or 'higher' than animals.

We can't avoid the responsibilities of our humanity. So anyone who 'goes there' should be treated appropriately as a criminal. But understood as a monster. A pariah, since the frame of understanding that resists normalization is mythological. Regular reportorial sources can't do this, really. 

So they fail and are worse than worthless. Now, is rehabilitation possible? Can such people be fixed? In Trump's case I think not but we have an antisocial epidemic of these losers and we have to hope that some of them can be saved and the contagion contained.

Or even reversed. Because they are passing as normal and they aren't normal at all. They are monsters.

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