Monday, March 20, 2023

The Death of Decency

Decency didn't go down in a plane crash. We can't date it that way. Still, we watched it happen. Newt Gingrich and others emerged from the rubble of destruction with smiles on their faces and matches in their hands, proud of what they had done. Not so proud they would admit its true nature, that it amounted to a coup if they even understood that, but they were working on instinct. Some deeper, surreptitious drive. 

Maybe conservatives see Newt like Chuck Yeager walking away from the wreckage of his crashed plane, a noble failure in governance. But Newt flew it into the gound deliberately. Honest dealers don't engage in vandalism and sabotage. And Newt is no Chuck Yeager. Not in any respect. Or a Sam Shepard, even, able to act the part. He's a piece of shit, romanticizing himself as something he isn't. A decent human being. 

Newt lives in a fantasy world in which he's a hero. He's only a destroyer. And tearing stuff down is the easiest thing to do. Furthermore, his ways were contagious. Low character individuals were drawn to the movement. Drawn to the destruction, which feels like power to them. They like the feeling. They like it, as weak people are wont to. It goes on now, many years later. And decency is dead. RIP, decency. 

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