Monday, March 27, 2023

The Amazing, Ass-Kissing Scots-Irish

Someday the story will be written. Of the fall of America. The Scots-Irish must get their due, with their incredible perfection of servility and belligerence -- the highest order of ass-kissing and instinctive, reflexive combativeness. Which override any claim to intelligence. They are against it.

As men of action. Trump toadies and henchmen. Brownshirts, traitors and thugs. War criminals and cowards. How can they be cowards, when they're in the front of every fight? Because they can't face life. They have to override their fears with ignorance, and have a master to reassure them. 

Some posh, rich scum they can bow down to like Trump or the English lords who planted them in Ireland to nail down another bit of turf for the crown. There they became hardened and practiced bigots. The nasty guard dogs of empire. Human, but not. Unimaginably degraded. MAGA men.

In America they became the cannon fodder of the culture wars. The bigots who would never give up. They took it up the ass from the Yankees and never stopped fighting, and cheating, since they couldn't win fairly. Notice none are on the Supreme Court. Too stupid. They farm it out to Catholics. 

Who have their own story of degradation and shame to tell. But that's another chapter.

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