Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Peter Pan Principle with Generational Implications

I want to recall for a younger generation a phenomenon they might have missed, the Peter Pan Principle, which combines the Peter Principle and the Peter Pan Syndrome or Puer Aeternus, that of a boy who never grows up. The Peter Principle posited that people get promoted until they arrive at something they suck at. Combining these you get people promoted for their incompetence -- because they're incompetent. So, there's an element of the Theory of the Leisure Class thrown in, where there's value in exhibiting how much damage you can incur -- usually in money wasted -- and carry on. 

Conspicuous consumption taken to the level of conspicuous waste. This can happen in succeeding generations in wealthy societies where certain children are incomprehensibly spoiled and the society can afford to support extraordinary levels of delusion and sustain major damage and get away with it, at least for a while. Trump and Bush come to mind, especially with the spectacle of Trump's arrestedness beginning to take on new meaning and revisiting Bush's play date with destiny, the Iraq War. They were bought a country to play with and they trashed it. Now, where do we go from here?

Bush was the eternal frat boy, Trump a perpetual infant and bawling brat at that. We're in uncharted waters since further regression would imply a return to the womb, but I bring this up so you can keep an eye out, since none of us really knows what that perspective might entail beyond a loss of consciousness in the usual sense. Moreover, evangelicals appear to want not the gestational state but pre-gestational since they desire to be only a soul again, which they suppose preexisted with God in perfection in an incorporeal state so it kind of boggles the mind but warrants watching. And good luck to us all. 

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