Saturday, March 16, 2024

More Koch Less Woke

Poor Andrew Sullivan has his panties all in a twist over 'woke' which doesn't exist or exists mostly in the famous fever swamps of the conservative collective imagination. Bugger that. Shades of rich white boys trembling at the sight of hippies protesting Vietnam or, my God, Black Panthers strutting the streets. 

Calm yourself, Andrew. Woke isn't going anywhere. It's a reactive, powerless puritanical movement protesting the real disenfranchisement they've been handed by your side's inconceivably rich elite and their goons. Are you a goon? A writer goon? A hit man and enforcer with keyboard and Wildean wit? 

Andrew is an elitist. A supremacist. Andrew thinks some people are better than others, extrapolating from his own obviously higher state and Oxford and all that shit. As a conservative, though, he's been plenty enfranchised. Super enfranchised, I would say. By assorted manipulations, stolen elections, etc. 

He hasn't watched his rights go out the window, like the 'woke' crowd, owing to a Gingrich or other principled crusader coming after them. Gingrich, another man convinced of his superiority. Possible inerrancy, as the movement confers it. They know they're right. Why not worry about a Koch, Andrew? 

Instead of 'woke'?

Never mind Reagan and Bushes and Trump stealing elections and bankrupting the country and annihilating the middle class and starting wars and exploiting tragedies for personal or party benefit. All that is fair game for conservatives, because they deserve to rule. They were chosen. By being rich.

Or anointed by God, maybe, being fundamentalist evangelicals or authoritarian Catholics just following orders. Like Andrew they don't understand that dominance and submission don't have to be issues. Nobody has to be on top. We can all be together. Alive together, on an even existential footing. 

What a thought. 

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