Sunday, June 26, 2022

Custer's Latest Stand

Ask the Indians. It probably won't get taught in the schools anymore once DeSantis is done but when the white men want something they take it. No law or standard of decency will deter them. Don't get the fuck in their way.  

They've run out of easy pickings to plunder so they are turning on their own. The more rapacious element is winning. They are willing to go lower and do anything to win. At least they'll be killing other rapacious white people. 

I guess that's an improvement.

But, typically, they go after the weakest and most innocent elements. Older people and children. They say it's justified and they were attacked. It's a lie, like with the Indians. They, Republicans, are the attackers. There's an inevitability about it. 

The beast of fear, hatred and blind animal violence is still there. It never went away. Biden won an election fairly and it doesn't matter. He beat a violent lawless asshole who had a painting of Andrew Jackson in the office.

Another rapacious, violent, murdering white asshole who displaced Indian tribes after they played the game and won in the courts. In the Supreme Court. Jackson, being an asshole, refused to enforce the law. He did what he wanted. 

They will always do what they want. They might lose a battle, like with Biden, but it means nothing. In the end they will get their way. By lawlessness and brute force. It's always been that way but maybe it's more open now. 

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