Friday, August 12, 2022


Think of how many high schools there are in America. What if each had an award for the student who most embodied a mix of degeneracy and drive. 

Two things impress me. These would be seriously fucked-up people and there would be a lot of them. Here we have the Republican Party, their repository. 

Bigness causes trouble. Things that are out of scale. A billion of what? Incomprehensible. I point this out because I can't believe how many assholes there are. 

But it's entirely natural. Assholes will always be with us. Why the fuck, however, would you put them in charge of everything? That's not natural. 

Ask your Republican friends. I mean, if you have any that aren't assholes. The assholes will be defensive. They might try to hit you. They are that reactive. 

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