Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Bolton Bends Reality

John Bolton's views are consistent since his political awakening, according to him. He supported Goldwater as a pre-mustachioed adolescent. Bolton cites that as evidence. He never bought the liberal lies and libels of the 60s. America was only wrong when it failed in its destiny to dominate the world and impose its will since America stood for freedom. Period.

Forget about slavery and racial oppression. Forget monopolies and robber barons building empires not only on the backs of labor but also by declaring America's bounty of natural resources theirs alone to use and enjoy. Fixed ideas are hard to uproot. Bolton was born an authoritarian. Years ago my own respect for intellectual acuity was shaken. I saw how it could be the result of fear.

Nobody disputes that Bolton's brain works. But an active mind can result from fear because fear can drive a person. Bolton is driven to domination and control. Reality shapes itself to his biases and preconceptions. His "smarts" come from fear. But he is not in control of himself. He is a fear-puppet. The fears have a life of their own. And he's arrogant because he's weak.

Everything must be nailed to the ground, disarmed and dominated, a dilemma because then Bolton becomes a bigger target. We become a bigger target. Bolton becomes the only target but to him cooperation never produces good results. Bolton's decisions are all made for him by his fears. His boss, Trump, is an impulsive, incompetent, nasty and vicious child, needing regulation. 

On foreign affairs that hand is now Bolton's. He's the worst possible person-- a boom-and-bust, crash-and-burn authoritarian, the foreign policy version of the financial wise men who created the Great Recession with THEIR fixed ideas about tax reductions and deregulation. Sit back and watch the show. Republicans are about to explode everything. And, just say no--to nuance.

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