Monday, March 25, 2019

Treasonous Trump Whore

I find myself wondering what the treasonous Trump whore, Kellyanne Conway, was doing during the Bush years. I will go look. 

I'm back. Conway's pedigree as a conservative nutball is pure. Her hand has been in many conservative pies, through the years. I wondered because she has been calling for the resignation of Adam Schiff for some innocent comment.

He accused their führer of malfeasance--by my standards, a simple observation.

This is to say, Kellyanne exhibits the notable conservative trait, a selectively weak stomach. And, to an extreme degree. Trump, the highest law enforcement officer in the land, can fire off threatening tweets at will. Not a problem.

Threats and bullying are their prerogative, thank you. Never mind that Republicans got over a million people killed through an illegal war. Never mind that tens of thousands of Americans were killed or maimed as well. 

Hillary's emails are more important. I guess it's reassuring, for the sake of the kids, that Kellyanne's husband seems to have vestiges of a conscience. Republicans only care about winning. Democrats are the new enemies of the state.

None of it has to make sense. Winning is everything. It's easy to win when you don't care how many people get killed. Witness the World Trade Center attack. Idiot Republicans took the bait, engaging a tribal war, the EXACT thing the country was intended to avoid. 

Republicans don't care how many lives are shattered or destroyed by them, and they get rich through it all. I think they call this treason, but, what do I know.

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