Saturday, March 23, 2019

Living a Limiting Case

Perspective is a bitch. It's why people so often see their own problems in others. Or, their own anything in others. I find it helpful to examine limiting cases. 

Snake handlers, for example. They are hardcore fatalists. I'm sure they vote for Mitch McConnell, if they vote, who then turns around and screws them.

I think they are sick fucks but it still helps us to see the lesser forms of fatalism around us, everywhere, by looking at the crazies. Point is, you don't want to live there.

But we are increasingly living limiting cases, in the age of Trump. Americans are accepting the inevitability of insanity. Some take way too much for granted.

They think there will never be a reckoning. Others don't care. Fuck it. Bring it on. They deliberately tempt fate. Pardon me, but jump off your own cliff.

Don't try to impose your fatalism on me. I believe in freedom. I believe we choose. We are closer to the brink than we think. The end is near. Don't handle snakes. 

Don't vote for Trump. Don't tempt fate. It might bite you in the ass. 

1 comment:

  1. Right wing death wish:

    Forced birthers
    Industrial polluters
    Gun fetishists
    Climate skeptics
    Never-ending warmongers

    They're all lined up, in their own way, to hasten the end. We're just collateral damage.
