Thursday, March 21, 2019

Fall of the Republican Reich

The crusaders who defined the Republican reich had visions of permanent, absolute victory. Their opponents would be vanquished, humiliated and destroyed. All it took was treason. Their opponents were their fellow citizens.

They achieved complete domination and it wasn't that hard. In the market for souls there is always a known buyer. Now what? They never intended to rule, only to win, a slight oversight. Oh, well. We see their assumptions in Trump.

Someone else will always clean up the mess. Daddy will bail them out. There will never be accountability or consequences. A wise person wrote about the banality of evil. It looks like Newt Gingrich. It looks like Mitch McConnell.

It looks like Jeff Sessions. Let's not be sexist. It looks like Sarah Sanders. Evil is banal. Evil is born in mediocrity. Mediocre people have to cheat. They struggle to demonstrate their worth. There are never gracious or grateful. 

And they will never give up or grow up. Then they would have to face themselves. Can you blame them?

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