Friday, February 24, 2017

Feckless Endangerment

The interplay of ritualized malice and incompetence that characterizes Republicanism is hard to tease out because screwing things up deliberately looks a lot like incompetence. In reality, it's not, but only sabotage. It's a skill but a dubious one. Demolition is easy. 

They win no matter what. Did they mean to waste billions in Iraq getting innocent people killed and destabilizing the place, while the fat cats made money? Bush was reelected and there was no reckoning. "See, gov'ment sucks," they say. So they were rewarded.

If they accidentally or inadvertently hadn't messed it up they would have made hay anyway. This is cunning but not smart. All it requires is that you don't give a shit about outcomes. Maybe Steve Bannon could kill hundreds of thousands of people and not care. 

Probably, but Bush did that and not only didn't he care but we didn't care either. They mostly killed heathen and brown people, as it happened, and some dutiful Americans. Dead and injured Americans? What's the fuss? Their outlook is too vast for such stuff.

An otherworldly vision is theirs and in it creation is crud. They despise us, and probably themselves, and we vote for them. Whatever, but they should go. They are evil people, wanting to remake society according to their sick ideas, pessimism and hate.

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