Sunday, February 26, 2017

Let's Play "Pretend"

For all the bluster and "outsider" nonsense the Trump administration is tracking right back to core, conservative (pretense) doctrine, all observably false, such as small government (pretense) blather and promises of the impossible, that you can cut taxes and raise defense spending and (pretend) it will magically not produce deficits. It produces deficits and always has but it gives them an excuse (pretense) to try to screw voters out of everything, health care and Social Security and even civil rights. 

Government includes the military, someone should inform them, without pretense, but they like burning through our money on anything but us. Trump and his crew want a cataclysm of any kind (to act as a pretense). They already invent things. Let's pretend: "I inherited a mess." Right, Donald. Obama inherited two wars botched by Republicans and an economy destroyed by them through deregulation and a middle class on the ropes because conservative, corporate shills sent their jobs to China. 

Or, "Islam is after us." The Trumpists want a holy war more than anything, for varying scary reasons, all pretentious. They want free reign and they can't repeal the entire Constitution so they try to work within its constraints to produce a slow coup, revolution and devolution from democracy to something else--an inhuman, corporatized state with inconceivable disparities and injustice and no equal protection for anyone. Much of this is accomplished already. It is, all pretense aside, exactly what they want.

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