Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Road to Smurfdom

Competition and privilege--more of one means less of the other. But Republicans seem to support both. How is this? Because the great sucking noise—the land of takers—is all coming from their side. The rest is a ruse. They hate competition.

Takers just want to take more. I begin with a premise. Takers must HAVE something.

Calling people with nothing "takers" doesn't work. They might ASPIRE to taking. Watch Republicans, the great takers, and learn. Therefore, we see that the entire Republican line is just a self-serving, made-up lot of bullshit, to such an extent they have questionable claims on existence and are themselves probably fabricated.

What evidence do we have that Steve Mnuchin, Trump, or any of these other wealthy children have ever done a day's work? To the contrary, Trump obviously doesn’t know what work is. He mistakes getting out of bed and watching TV for work. He thinks showing up is work and doesn’t even do that most of the time. 

Find me someone who can verify that Mnuchin or any of these clowns have ever had a productive day in their lives. They are role-playing, stuck in adolescence and expecting to be paid for the equivalent of messing around. They must stay on the offensive to mask the scam and avoid exposure. Add to that natural resources.

So much of America’s wealth is based on the (irresponsible) exploitation of natural resources. Every American has a claim on that but the Mnuchins of the world simply say it’s all theirs. They MUST protect Trump because if people realize what a hopeless, heedless, incompetent piece of shit he is it might begin to go further.

People might see into their protected playground of privilege, that lotus land of monetary surplus, and wonder why they’re paying the bills for this nonsense.

I wonder.

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