Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Everything’s Coming Up Roses

In my state we put our government up for sale. How entrepreneurial. We have pioneered other worthy causes, like bathroom purity, and sent Jesse Helms to Washington to show up the smarties, and to hike up his skirt and take it up the ass from corporations. Mitch McConnell carries on in this—skirt up, ass in the air, corporate lackeys waiting in line.

Art Pope, North Carolina’s most prominent conservative, inherited a business from his daddy (a familiar story), hawking cheap shit. He hawks another kind of shit now, bullshit, and persists in the traditions of his white brethren, obsessed with dominance and submission — who is taking it up the ass. This relates to racism.

The white boys felt outgunned on the mojo front by the black guys. That’s why they LOVE their munitions. They buy their mojo at gun shows.

Characteristically, denial produces a worse reckoning. Southern white men decamped to the Republican Party, which already had its own insurmountable Oedipal problems because of inherited wealth. Now those problems converge, the insecurity of inherited money and the impossibility of proving oneself thereby, and racial dominance or submission.

In the South cooperation and fair play weren't options. Violence and exploitation were endemic. The mojo issue would have been transient if the white boys had let up on the persecution. Being downtrodden breeds resiliency. Every American immigrant ethnic group went through this, to an extent—an earlier period of struggle and resulting toughening.

The white boys of the South locked this in forever by continuing to oppress the black guys. I mean, just look at the pasty "supremacist" types they send to Washington—Mitch, Lindsey “Cracker” Graham, Trey Gowdy, Jeff Sessions, Tom Cotton. Do these guys seem superior to you? No. That’s why they have to resort to privilege, getting shit for free.

Pope inherited a whole business. He owned the Roses discount stores, in my area. Now he devotes himself to taking it up the ass for Trump. You see, this is the problem. Once you live in that primal arena you are already screwed. Even the guy at the top lives in fear, feeling the need to dominate everyone and strive forever for more power.

Exploitation and victimization are both the cause and the result. It feeds on itself. No cooperation and no enfranchisement means no security, only fear. We all live in the South now. They have funny ways about them.

In the end, everybody loses. This is their plan for America.

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