Friday, May 3, 2019

Goon II

George Bush stole an election. He declared glorious victory and then reduced the nation to rubble. He also nearly destroyed the world through a financial crash he, head goon, and his cohort of lesser goons engineered and executed with success. He didn’t, initially, even win the popular vote. The world will never recover from the wars he started.

This is the revered “way” or tao of Republicanism, destruction.

In Goon II: Apocalypse Engendered, there are eerie similarities. The popular vote was lost. Glorious victory was declared. Hoards of lesser goons descended on Washington, initiating self-destruct protocols and sabotaging everything. Immiseration was immediate in some circles. Other effects cannot be rushed. Wrecking a world economy takes time. 

With determination, however, it can be accomplished. Republicans have determination in abundance and reserve. Decency? No. Respect? No. Anything good? No, not really. As with Bush, they are also using real-time rehabilitation to rewrite history as it happens—an important room in their mansion of lies. You have heard of a memory palace.

Republicans have a palace of lies, with memory attributes. “Memories” are manufactured, branded, refurbished and repackaged there, then placed in the field or redeployed. This is the key and fulcrum to everything they do—utter falsity. The head goon in Goon II, Donald Trump, was unable to be disguised--he looks and acts too hopelessly moronic.

George Bush appeared to be an average imbecile. Trump looks like the raging, out-of-control lunatic he is--a slobbering, sputtering, incoherent, bloated buffoon. The masking contagion of lies is therefore now epic and unstoppable. It is a storm and catastrophe. Once it passes we can assess the damage, plan and make repairs or abandon the planet.

Goon II is the final installment. The apocalypse is here. The palace of lies is virtual but its nearest physical approximation is open for visits. It is known inwardly among Republicans, cynically but appropriately, as Dissimulation Hall. Be warned, it is a place of mirrors, distortion and confusion. “White House” is the official designation.

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