Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Stare Decisis No Carpe Diem Yo

The Supreme Court deemed voting rights protections no longer necessary. This unleashed a flood of activity proving otherwise. Oops! No matter. Among ideologues the ideas in your head are everything and all that matter, especially when the ideas are shared by people some of whom are enforcers. There was talk of impeaching John Roberts among Republicans when he failed to overturn Obamacare.

Like, the next day. They don't tolerate dissent well. All must be on their terms, democracy being a lot of sentimental and impractical woke nonsense. In that spirit the Court is about to rule against affirmative action, based on the same fantasy. Again, never mind that the whole recent history of the country has been of a struggle to undo civil rights and equal protection. They have access to higher reasoning.

From Catholic schools and traditions. Surely some of them had some Latin. All those mottos and stuff, et tu and all that, to say nothing of the Latin shorthand used among lawyers. Stare Decisis, for example. They've confused that one, though it came up in some or all of their confirmation hearings when they weren't being accused of sexual assault and such, with another that's not a legal term, I don't think.

Carpe Diem. They carpe all over, not wanting to waste time in case a couple of them suddenly croak. Croak away, I say. Alito and Thomas, especially. No redeeming qualities. Speaking of redemption, don't these authoritarian brutes believe in that? Some higher accountability? I don't think so. It's another lie and scam, their supposed piety, up there with rising tide. I hope there's a judgment day.

Are they in for a surprise. Sua culpa, boys. They have a lot to answer for.

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