Monday, November 28, 2022

DeSantisland: A Hate Alternative to Disney

Just wondering if Ron DeSantis would put forth another message of hate and exclusion in celebration of Thanksgiving. He laid it on after the election, in particular attacking the 'woke mob' which doesn't exist. But since when did non-existence bother Republicans? They've been making shit up forever. It's what the party is for. And they want all their opposition to non-exist. To get out of the way.

Let their rights be fucked forever. 

DeSantis won by a lot. Makes you wonder what the fuck is going on in Florida. They've always had their share of rednecks. Rednecks are losers who resent everybody and own a lot of guns. Apart from that, I don't know. I suppose Florida has a lot of old people who don't give a fuck about the future. Maybe we should have voting restrictions on old people because they aren't invested in the future.

And they might have dementia so they vote for lunatics like DeSantis and Trump. Trump supporters should be excluded from voting since they support sedition and that's illegal. There must be a glitch in the system or they would all be in jail. A big glitch, because a constitutional framework can't include the means of its own destruction. Or maybe it can and all the rational people should spin off. 

Republicans want the government to be a corporation and corporations do this shit all the time. They morph all over the place. Opportunistically. Improvisationally. Floridians and Texans make out that yankees want to move there because they've trashed their cities with liberal values. But it's the weather. And the end of the relevance of the resources and know-how that built those cities up. 

And, that enabled them to support corrupt, spoiled states like Florida and Texas that never treated workers like anything but serfs. And black people and minorities like anything but slaves, inputs, raw materials and expendable stuff. They were expendable. Oh, for the days with darkies singing in the fields and giving up their women for massa's satisfaction. DeSantis wants to take us back to that.

As artificial as Disneyland but with a lot of bite. A theme park of hate.

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