Monday, November 7, 2022

Pure Evil

Democrats don't want to say it but Republicans are evil. Republicans are saying it about Democrats but that's what evil does. It doesn't care. Their indecency is on display. We thought we'd escaped from the old stories. We could study them, cross-culturally and such, and see them recreated in modern versions. Like Star Wars. But they didn't pertain anymore. In escaping from want, to the extent we had, we thought we'd escaped from the demons within us. At least some of them. Were we ever wrong. 

It wasn't about want. Cruelty isn't about deprivation it's about fear. Maybe love deprivation, but, that's another matter. Technical sophistication has nothing to do with ignorance. Or real intelligence. They're on different tracks. A geeky 'genius' can be evil as hell. Maybe more likely because of his detachment and insecurity. You know the type. Tell me you don't have someone in mind. Anyway, as is often the case it happened slowly then in a rush. A tipping point or critical mass was reached. 

And it was a simple story. An old story. Selling one's soul. Republicans sold their souls for power. It's been written about. We watched it happen. Through the Southern Strategy. Play on race and get votes. Reagan did it and then treated Falwell like the useless, sick yokel he was. Bush was a turning point. A hopeless degenerate and congenital fuckup. Now he paints and collects his federal retirement check. Remember, he was an employee. It was hard to see through all the bullets, oil and arrogance.

They all played the race game. The racism game. 

And they won. So the devil is here to collect on that debt. As always the innocent and powerless will suffer. Are suffering. Have suffered. Republicans have the power but their souls are gone. It leaves a big hole. The souls are destroyed. Fragmented and obscured. Don't bother looking. But look at them. Just at them. The winners, still struggling for more because nothing is enough. Not when your soul is gone. How are they different from Darth Vader?  Where are our Luke, Leia, Han and Chewbacca?

I want to be Chewbacca. I kinda look the part. But that's another story. 

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