Saturday, November 12, 2022

All Worn Out

One would think--I would think--that being an asshole takes lots of energy. Lots of drive. Lots of time and resources. Hate is not normal to be in all the time. That's not a natural state. It's exhausting. Exhibit A is 'conservative' media, a disinformation metaverse, and all the money and effort and ornery it takes to maintain the hate. All the stoking and stroking. These are business people. 

They want bang. Returns. So they fooled us into funding our own demise. 

When you get down to it they've found ways to make it pay, even. Kochists not only aren't regulated they cut their own taxes which they richly deserve to pay. The point is, the further you get from reality the more resources it takes. It's a rule in ecology. A monoculture, like a weed-free lawn, is the most unnatural thing imaginable. So it takes massive energy subsidies to make and maintain. 

And there's stability in diversity. Anything else is unstable as hell.

Same with the white hegemony. The white boy hegemony. Every blade of grass a white man. Women haven't been empowered the way we like to think. Mostly bought off, which I suppose is more benign than force though the religious wing sold their souls for certainty. We are the weeds. Democrats and minorities. 'They must be eliminated.' Very Vader-esque. But he's Luke's father. 

We too are in a genealogy of waste and destruction. Of harming nature which is suicidal and self-hating. We're implicated. Not as bad by a long shot as the Kochists but that's how they get away with it. They throw us bones. And we're so rich the bones are nice and meaty and fatty and great. We need a break. I don't mean a rest I mean we need to step back. The way we're living is crazy. 

Responsible people are creating a surplus that's stolen and used against them. Nuts.

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