Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Maestro Donald Conducts Overthrow Orchestra

Stewart Rhodes is going to jail. All this does is illustrate for me how it's a crime in America to be black or poor. Equal justice is a joke. Rhodes was Tex Watson to Trump's Manson. And that's before we note that trying to overthrow the government is now a franchise or sport. Maybe a sports franchise. A board or video game with real people and deaths.

They will get less time than a lot of low-level drug dealers, be called heroes and compared to Jesus and the Apostles and have admirers and groupies and cadres and cliques. From jail. We know those women who have a thing for inmates. There are women who have a thing for priests. A sexual fetish. 'Priest-fuckers' a Jesuit I once knew called them. 

I allow for fucked-up people. I know there will be crazies, sociopaths, and a percentage of every kind of mental abnormality. 'Abnormality,' I say, wondering what normal is anymore, when nutcases are running everything. Speaking of Jesuits, I recall a book by one that said there are higher and lower things in people. The higher must rule the lower.

Similarly for a society. Higher and lower elements. Where would you say we are with that? With a Republican Party that seems to function to find the biggest piece of shit they can and then slam him into office? Which they can do because they've gamed the system. Up to the Supreme Court which they own. They bought it. Like everything else. 

Justice is a joke in America. The Republican model for America is a family. A crime family. Dad is a drunken, cruel, authoritarian monster who can't be stopped. Country needs to head to the crisis center. We're being ravaged. Our political system is flexible for a reason, to allow us to do what we must to stop this kind of shit. We lack the determination. 

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