Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Retention Deficit

Rules and standards exist for a reason. I sincerely believe that Republicans once thought that they knew what was best for the country. They thought that it would be a disaster if they didn't have their way and, so, screw everything. The ends justify the means.

But we're way beyond that now. Republicans are running from the realization of their failure on every front. Deregulation has resulted in economic instability and the Great Recession and destroyed domestic production. Tax cuts have bankrupted the government.

Republicans talk all the time about principles and high ideals but our foreign and domestic policies are unconnected to any moral framework and because of that they are incoherent and have failed. And Republicans have put themselves before their country. 

If this isn't treason what is? None of this has been forgotten or is misunderstood or uncertain. It is cynicism and denial: the refusal, out of pride and greed and desperation, to face the reality of what they have achieved, the ongoing dismantling of a once great nation. 

Their unjustified Iraq War is instructive. They now blame the current president. They can't possibly have forgotten that their guy started it and then characteristically installed hacks in important positions resulting in death and disaster and inconceivable waste.

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