Friday, August 5, 2016

Bad Breakup

The thing that's bad about a breakup is when it happens in such a way that it discredits the entire relationship. I hate that. You can lose stuff that was in the bank, so to speak: all the good memories.

I feel that way about the USA. I have to go back beyond my birth to feel unambiguously good about things so it isn't exactly a memory. Now I see the seeds of our idiocy in everything after that.

If you find yourself thinking often enough "it's not that bad" then it is that bad and you wakeup to Trump. Previously I had made excuses and argued that it was minority rule and not representative.

Who cares anymore. It's bad enough to declare us clinically dead in relation to our ideals. I hereby secede. I realize now I've been heading that way, trying to create a little zone of beauty and sanity.

What else can we do?

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